
ɡōnɡ àn xiǎo shuō
  • short story involving a case of judicial detection
  1. 第三部分论及公案小说的创作。

    The third section comments on the creation of Court-Case Novels .

  2. 明代白话公案小说研究

    A Study on Fictions about Legal Cases in Ming Dynasty

  3. 从明清公案小说看小说模式的发展演变

    The Model Development from the Legal-case Stories of the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  4. 清代侠义公案小说的划分有宽、窄两个不同的标准。

    Detective novels of the Qing Dynasty chivalrous of a wide , narrow two different standards .

  5. 代表侠义公案小说最高成就的就是《三侠五义》。

    The representation of their highest achievement was the novel " San Xia Wu Yi " .

  6. 古代公案小说辨异

    Discrimination of Chinese Ancient Detective Stories

  7. 中国公案小说与西方侦探小说之比较

    A Comparison of " Case Story " in China and " Detective Story " in West

  8. 公案小说来源于法家类“珥笔书”,是晚明文化普及浪潮的产物。

    They came from the " legalist notes ", being a product of the popular meta-culture .

  9. 试论《水浒传》对公案小说的传承与发展

    On " The Water Margin " on the Legal Case of the Inheritance and Development of Novel

  10. 同样,清代侠义公案小说亦深受道家思想和佛家思想的影响。

    Similarly , the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective novels are deeply Taoism and Buddhism thinking of the impact .

  11. 清代白话公案小说大量表现鬼神因素目的初探

    Seek after the Purposes of the Elements of Gods and Ghosts in the Vernacular Detective Novels of Qing Dynasty

  12. 论清代白话公案小说中超人力因素的写实意义

    On the Realistic Significance of the Elements of Supernatural Beings in the Vernacular Detective Novels of the Qing Dynasty

  13. 第二章明代白话公案小说的断案模式大体可分为两大类:神断和人断。神断大致表现为鬼魂报冤、神启、报应等几种模式。

    The second chapter focuses on the two patterns of adjudicating a case & namely Heaven adjudication and Human adjudication .

  14. 在中国古代历史上,只有公案小说而无现代意义上的侦探小说。

    Traditional China knew only stories based on court cases , and had no detective fiction in the modern sense .

  15. 第八章论述儒、释、道等传统思想对清代侠义公案小说的影响。

    Chapter VIII on Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism and other traditional thinking of the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective Fiction impact .

  16. 小说本体的不明确使得晚明公案小说几乎异化为案例汇编,编撰者的法律本位意识极为浓厚。

    The uncertainty about novels ' ontology made Court-Case Novels decaying into compilation of law cases . The authors ' legal consciousness was very dense .

  17. 本文以侠义公案小说为依托,从研究悬念与偶然巧合写作技法的角度出发,对其在描写情节、刻画人物、突出主题等方面的艺术功能进行了深入的探讨和阐述。

    This thesis discusses in detail the art function of the chivalrous case novels in Ming-Qing literature works , which describes scene , characters and subject ;

  18. “三言”中的公案小说可以分为形成于宋元之际的作品和明代新创作的作品两大类。

    The ticklish cases of " Three Precepts " can be classified as the works formed in Song and Yuan Dynasties and the innovative works in Ming Dynasty .

  19. 我国的侦探小说在其发展的历程中经历了四个阶段:古典公案小说阶段、现代侦探小说阶段、反特小说阶段和新时期侦探小说阶段。

    Chinese detective novels have experienced four periods : classic public-case novel period , modern detective novel period , spy-against novel period and the new times detective novel period .

  20. 本文将就《水浒传》在公案小说发展中承上启下的作用做一番尝试性探讨。

    This article the function which will link the preceding with the following in the involved legal matter literature development makes an experimental discussion on " Shui Hu Zhuan " .

  21. 作者(说书人)以鬼神世界来拟写人世,从而突出清代白话公案小说这一题材的独特的社会写实意义。

    The authors describe the reality by using the world of ghosts and gods , which strengthened the significance of social reality in the vernacular detective novels of the Qing dynasty .

  22. 狭邪小说作为近代小说史上与侠义公案小说、谴责小说鼎足而三的一个小说类型,其研究仍然处于相对薄弱状态;

    Together with chivalrous novel and denouncement novel , as one of the main three categories of novel in modern history , the courtesan novel has not received serious and detailed studies .

  23. 笔者从公案小说断案模式的视角出发认为:公案小说是指那些以描写官吏断案为主要内容的小说,破案、判案是其关键环节。

    The author believes that from the perspective of the patterns of the adjudication , the fictions about legal cases refer to the fictions centering on the process of the adjudicating of the cases by the officials .

  24. 同时指出,侠义小说和公案小说的合流,最初是在民间通过口头流传自发进行的,这种尝试至迟从清初就开始了。

    At the same time that the chivalrous novels and the confluence of Detective Fiction , was first adopted in the civil circulation and spontaneous verbal conduct , such an attempt at the latest from the early Qing Dynasty started .

  25. 在中国古代小说研究中,一些专业的辞书、论著,一致认定公案小说是在宋人的勾栏瓦舍中说出来的。

    In the study of Chinese ancient novels , it is unanimously held by some specialized dictionaries and treatises that the detective stories were " worked out " in a storytelling way in the pavilions by the people of Song Dynasty .

  26. 中国古代的侠义公案小说在清末随着西方小说的译入而渐趋式微,随后双水分流,一部分摒弃侠义成为侦探,一部分摒弃公案成为武侠。

    With the introduction of West novels through translation , the case-solving novels with a chivalrous spirit of ancient China gradually lost their influence and then fell into two different groups , one being the detective stories and the other the knight-errant novels .

  27. 涉及到侦探小说与公案小说的内容、形式上的对比,展现其中的异同,既找到了传承关系,又总结了时代特色。

    Detective stories related to the content of the novel and the legal case , the contrast in form , to show the similarities and differences between them , both to find the relationship between the transmission and summed up the characteristics of the times .

  28. 本文所选的侠义公案小说语言非常接近当时的口语,且对生活的涵盖面较广阔,涉及三教九流、各行各业,故其词汇不会局限于某个领域,不会有很强的社会方言性。

    This paper selected chivalrous detective fiction language is very close to the oral , and the lives of the broader coverage , Catch involving business , it will not be confined to its vocabulary in a particular area , there will not be a strong social dialects sex .

  29. 《水浒传》对后代公案侠义小说创作的影响。

    Third , " Shui Hu Zhuan " to descendant involved legal matter chivalry novel creation influence .

  30. 又因《施公案》小说在成书之前,先以民间说唱的方式流传,小说中也就保留了大量的说唱文学的痕迹。

    Besides , because the novel was spreaded by the folk traditional entertainment involving the way of talking and singing before it became the books form , it also retained massive trace of literature of mixed prose and verse .