
  • 网络Qing Dynasty Novels;novels in qing dynasty
  1. 20世纪前半叶的清代小说史料学建构

    Study of the Novels in Qing Dynasty in the First Half of 20th Century

  2. 清代小说中的女性意识

    Consciousness-raising of Feminism in the Fictional Literature of the Qing Dynasty

  3. 《红楼梦》的清代小说创作时尚特征

    The Fashionable Style in the Qing Dynasty Fictions Shown in A Dream of Red Mansion

  4. 清代小说中女性意识初露端倪。

    The Qing Dynasty witnessed the emergence of the consciousness-raising of feminism in the fictional literature .

  5. 亦真亦幻的说部大山水&清代小说《绿野仙踪》评析

    Also really also Imaginary Said a Big Scenery & The Qing Dynasty Novel Green Wild Immortal Trace Evaluates

  6. 讴歌女性才能,主张男女平等,探讨女性问题,是清代小说的基本主题。

    The theme focuses upon the issue of the equality of men and women , and other feminist issues .

  7. 关注和研究清代小说中的广东商人形象,对广东商业研究具有积极意义。

    It has a positive meaning to Cantonese business study by analyzing the Cantonese Merchants ' images appeared in Qing Dynasty Novels .

  8. 本文拟以社会性别理论来分析清代小说中的女扮男装现象,以作家的性别身份和性别意识作为切入点。

    This article would analysis this phenomenon through Gender Perspective theory , the point of penetration is the sexual identity and gender awareness of the author .

  9. 清代小说中易装现象尤其是女扮男装现象层出不穷,成为小说家所津津乐道的题材。

    Disguising , especially the appearance that a woman disguised as a man was endless and to be a popular theme in the classical novels in the Qing dynasty .

  10. 本文的最后总结了清代小说中广东商人形象出现的历史意义、文学史意义及其研究价值。

    Finally , it made a summary on the historical and literary historical significance of the Cantonese Merchants ' images appeared in novels , as well as their research value .

  11. 中国古代文学作品中的商人形象由来已久,从先秦史料到清代小说,在历经时代的流转中得到不断丰富和完善。

    Businessman image of the Chinese ancient literature for a long time , from Pre historical data to the Qing Dynasty novel , after the circulation of the times , constantly enrich and improve .

  12. 本文以清代小说中的广东商人形象为研究对象,采用文史互证的方法,对其作详细深入的形象分析,以期给他们一个合理的文学定位。

    This article takes the Cantonese Merchants recorded by in Qing Novels as the research subject , and then has a profound analysis on their images in order to get a reasonably position for them by using literature and history methods .

  13. 作者文人化及其对清代白话小说创作的影响

    Scholars as novelists and its influence on the Qing Dynasty novels

  14. 论清代前期小说中的幻灭感及其意义

    Disillusionment and Significance of the Novels at Early Days of Qing Dynasty

  15. 游侠与中国古代文学有着非常特殊的关系。从先秦散文到清代游侠小说,游侠一直在文人笔下走动,并不时扮演着不同角色。

    There is a very special relationship between knight-errant and Chinese antiquity literature .

  16. 清代教育小说鸟瞰

    An Overview of Educational Novels in the Qing Dynasty

  17. 清代禁毁小说中的女性形象初探

    The Feminine - figure of Qing Dynasty Forbidden-novel

  18. 稀见清代白话小说集残卷五种述略

    An Introduction to A Collection of Five Rare Uncompleted Vernacular Stories in Late Qing Dynasty

  19. 从清代通俗小说看清时期女子服饰颜色的搭配

    On Color Arrangement of Folk Women 's Clothing through the Popular Fiction in Qing Dynasty

  20. 清代三小说礼貌用语及其与现代的比较

    Polite Language of the Three Novels in the Qing Dynasty and Modern Language and Its Comparison

  21. 在清代通俗小说创作中,更出现不少此类母题互相抄袭的小说史现象。

    In the earthliness novel produce of Ming Qing , there are many motifs copying phenomena .

  22. 在中西比较中考察清代女性小说写作的社会意蕴

    Probing the Social Implications of the Women Writers Novel Writing in Qing Dynasty : A Comparative Study

  23. 清代通俗小说中的服饰描写&兼论其对服饰史研究的价值和意义

    Clothing Description in the Popular Novels and Its Value and Meaning to the Research on Clothing History

  24. 这一变化,强化了通俗小说创作中的现实感和个性色彩,并对清代文人小说的发展产生了较大的影响。

    These changes intensified the master status for those popular writer and affected the novels in Qing Dynasty greatly .

  25. 清代文言小说中的狐女在总体上可称为寄托意愿、补偿现实的一种象征性的文学意象。

    They can be described as a symbolic literary image which will be placed and treated as the compensation for reality .

  26. 第四节,论述了清代汉文小说蒙译活动的意义及影响。

    The fourth section , elaborated the Qing Dynasty Chinese written language novel Mongolia to translate active the significance and the influence .

  27. 清代笔记小说记录并解释了大量的俗语词,为汉语词汇研究提供了十分珍贵的语言材料。

    Literary sketches of the Qing Dynasty record and explain lots of colloquialism and provide quite precious materials for the study of Chinese vocabulary .

  28. 清代通俗小说塑造了一批数量可观的女将形象,这是一个颇具光彩的古代妇女人物类型群。

    Qing dynasty 's popular novels created a lot of female generals image , which is a quite glorious ancient women figures type group .

  29. 这种变化体现了清代笔记小说更为保守和符合正统观念的一种发展和变革。

    That was JI Yun 's narrate strategy , which embodies a more conservative and lineal concept development in the note stories of Qing dynasty .

  30. 清代后期小说的这种地域文化特征在中国古典小说的演进历程中是独特的,从清代后期青楼小说叙事风格的地域化与传播走向、接受群体审美心理结构的地域化;

    Such kind of regional cultural characteristic of the novels in the late Qing Dynasty is unique in the developing course of Chinese classical novels .