
  • 网络Public health institutions;public health agency;public health service
  1. 美国官方公共卫生机构疾病控制中心(CentersforDiseaseControl)正敦促人们少喝甜饮料,以减轻肥胖程度。肥胖可能导致心脏病、中风、癌症和糖尿病。

    The Centers for Disease Control , the official public health agency , is urging a reduction in sweetened drinks to reduce obesity , which has been linked to heart disease , stroke , cancer and diabetes .

  2. 首席执行官不是最大获益人的任何非营利公共卫生机构。

    Any public health agency who is nonprofit , whose C.E.O.s don 't get the most benefit .

  3. 一些全球公认的公共卫生机构,比如食品和农业组织(FAO),世界卫生组织(WHO)和国民科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO)都认为抗性淀粉是有益的碳水化合物。

    Globally recognized public health authorities , such as the Food and Agricultural Organization ( FAO ), the World Health Organization ( WHO ), and the Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation ( CSIRO ) endorse resistant starch as a beneficial carbohydrate .

  4. 但该市最大的优势之源是愿意先行一步,在C.D.C.和W.H.O.这样的公共卫生机构认可之前,就迅速应用那些在试点项目或临床试验中有效的策略。

    But the city 's chief strength has been a willingness to go first , to rapidly adopt tactics that work in pilot projects or clinical trials , before they are endorsed by public health organizations like the C.D.C. and the W.H.O.

  5. 公共卫生机构成本核算的思路、模型和应用

    Methodologies , models and application of cost accounting in public health institutions

  6. 三是加强专业公共卫生机构能力建设。

    Third , public health agencies to strengthen the professional capacity building .

  7. 其他国家的公共卫生机构吗?

    The public health agencies of other countries ?

  8. 江苏省公共卫生机构人员劳务报酬现况与影响因素分析

    Public Relations Research on the current salary level of public healthy staff in Jiangsu province

  9. 公共卫生机构绩效考核研究现状与问题思考

    The Current Research on Performance Appraisal of Public Health Agencies and the Consideration on Existed Problems

  10. 公共卫生机构的绩效预算管理&以县疾病预防控制中心为例

    Public Health Institution Performance Budgeting Management

  11. 紧急招聘计划招聘的护士使发挥作用的公共卫生机构的数量增加了9%。

    Emergency Hiring Plan nurses enabled the number of functioning public health facilities to increase by29 % .

  12. 省、市级公共卫生机构出现了普遍亏损。

    The phenomenon of running under deficit exists widely among public health institutions at province and city level .

  13. 虽然几乎所有国家都会公布基本药物清单,但公共卫生机构的药物供应时常匮乏。

    Although nearly all countries publish an essential medicines list , the availability of medicines at public-health facilities is often poor .

  14. 然而,与这类生芽苗菜有关的食源性疾病暴发的报告增加了公共卫生机构和消费者对这一问题的关注。

    However , reports of foodborne outbreaks associated with such raw vegetable sprouts have raised concerns among public health agencies and consumers .

  15. 加强专业公共卫生机构能力建设,使公共卫生机构能够更好地为群众提供公共卫生服务。

    Professional public health agencies to strengthen capacity-building to enable public health agencies to better provide public health services for the masses .

  16. 目的:探讨造成公共卫生机构人员收入差异的影响因素、存在问题及对策。

    Objective : To explore influencing factors , existing problems and countermeasure on the basis of many differences of public healthy staff income .

  17. 随地吐痰的习惯成为公共卫生机构的根除目标,是在1882年德国生物学家科赫发现了肺结核杆菌之后。

    The spitting habit became the target of public health authorities after the discovery of the tuberculosis bacillus in1882 by the German biologist Robert Koch .

  18. 世卫组织作为全球公共卫生机构正在倡导将卫生纳入国际和国家能源政策和规划。

    WHO , as the global public health agency , is advocating for the integration of health in international and national energy policies and programmes .

  19. 介绍公共卫生机构成本核算的现况及背景,并对成本核算的层次、内容和目的进行了探讨。

    This paper introduced some general information and background for cost accounting in public health institutions as well as the contents and purposes of cost accounting .

  20. 在星期五,总统奥巴马说公共卫生机构必须到达国家的各个角落并且提供有关猪流感的资料事项。

    President Barack Obama said Friday that public health agencies must reach all corners of the nation when providing information on matters such as swine flu .

  21. 鉴于该门户由公共卫生机构创建并运行,因此不会接受任何广告与赞助。

    No advertising or sponsorship credits will appear on the Portal , as it is the public health authorities that are responsible for its creation and running .

  22. 结论:公共卫生机构人员的经济收入相对较低,影响了从业积极性;

    Conclusion : The fact that salary level of public healthy staff was comparatively low in the society , which played a negative role for devoting health career .

  23. 提出了成本核算的思路和理论模型,探讨了成本核算在微观和宏观两个层面的应用以及如何在公共卫生机构内组织和实施成本核算工作。

    Methodologies , models and applications for cost accounting were discussed . How to organize and implement cost accounting is suggested in the final part of the paper .

  24. 研究者们也开展了大量的调查研究,尤其是对公共卫生机构、农村和基层卫生机构的补偿作了大量的研究工作。

    The researchers also did a great deal of investigation and research , especially on the financial compensation of public health institutions , rural health and primary health institutions .

  25. 英国苏格兰敦提市目前在该市贫民区推广了一项新的戒烟计划,戒烟者将获得现金奖励。这项计划由英国公共卫生机构和苏格兰敦提市政府共同推出。

    Smokers in deprived parts of the city of Dundee are to be paid to kick the habit in an initiative between public health organizations , municipal authorities and the Scottish government .

  26. “信息起源何处来源于某人的朋友,试图销售某种产品的公司或公共卫生机构正变得越来越关键”,他说。

    " Where the information is originating from – whether it comes from one 's friends , companies trying to sell a product or public health agencies – becomes that much more critical ", he says .

  27. 在利比里亚、塞拉利昂和几内亚肆虐的埃博拉疫情已经造成至少1万人死亡。公共卫生机构的惯常思维是,埃博拉病毒的流行是一种新现象,在2013年前没有在非洲西部出现过。

    The conventional wisdom among public health authorities is that the Ebola virus , which killed at least 10000 people in Liberia , Sierra Leone and Guinea , was a new phenomenon , not seen in West Africa before 2013 .

  28. 10月24日,世卫组织及其他公共卫生机构的官员报告称,他们希望最早在12月开始疫苗试验,明年4月就应该会知道疫苗是否有效。

    Officials at the W.H.O. and at other public health authorities reported on Oct. 24 that they hoped to begin trials of vaccines as early as December , and that it should be known by April whether they are effective .

  29. 这需要公共卫生机构和教育机构合作,把现代卫生知识融入已有的地方知识,开展健康促进活动。

    Therefore , it is necessary to improve the quality of health promotion activities by integrating the information deriving from the preventive medical sciences with the existing local knowledge through a close collaboration between the public health service providers and educational institutions .

  30. 在我国各级公共卫生机构硬件建设得到明显改善情况下,作为软件之一的公共卫生人才队伍素质已经成为制约公共卫生事业发展的关键因素。

    Under the significant improvement of hardware circumstance in varied level of Chinese public health institutions by governmental investment , as one of the most important parts of software , quality of public health professionals is becoming bottleneck for public health development .