
  • 网络Morning meeting;morning conference
  1. 举例来说,我最近同意了去参加一项原本并不太感兴趣的早会,为此我得起个大早。

    For example , I recently agreed to participate in an early morning meeting I didn 't have much interest in it .

  2. 上午8点45分的铃声一响,从幼儿园到八年级的大部分学生就会冲进色彩鲜艳的教室,迫不及待地参加早会&用汉语普通话自由交谈。

    Most pupils , from kindergarten to eighth grade , dash to bright-colored classrooms for the 8:45 a.m. bell , eager to begin morning meeting , a freewheeling conversation in colloquial Mandarin .

  3. 巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)总统昨日严厉警告朝鲜不要执行最早会在今天进行的“挑衅性”火箭发射。

    President Barack Obama yesterday gave a stern warning to North Korea , telling it not to carry out a " provocative " rocket launch due for as early as today .

  4. 安卓5.0最早会在今秋发布吗?

    Could Android 5.0 come this as early as this fall ?

  5. 这种想法肯定或迟或早会被社会所接受的。

    The idea must be accepted by the society sooner or later .

  6. 奖项将在酒店管理层早会上颁发。

    All awards should be given in the hotel management morning briefing .

  7. 你在想什么呢,维伦,我早会了。

    What you 're looking for , waylon , I already found .

  8. 谁说你可以不参加早会的?

    Who says you can miss the school meeting ?

  9. 在每日部门早会上要把当日贵宾名单传达给所有员工。

    Daily VIP list to be communicated to staff in the department morning briefing .

  10. 人们本来预计他非常早会在本月初要求举行选举。

    He had previously been expected to call a vote as early as this month .

  11. 在男性中,最早会在40岁时可发生血液中的睾酮水平降低。

    Declining blood levels of testosterone can occur in men beginning as early as age40 .

  12. 据预测,有着与人类智力水平相当的机器人最早会在2029年面世。

    It 's predicted that robots with human-level intelligence could arrive as early as the year 2029 .

  13. 你要是真能直面人生,你便早会被告知何去何从。

    Had this been a real life you would have been instructed where to go and what to do .

  14. 反应的众数是43.1%,显示学生同意早会秩序良好。

    Since the mode is 43.1 % , the students agreed that there was orderliness in the morning assembly .

  15. 周六晚上一人简要介绍调查说宣布此消息最早会在星期二。

    A person briefed on the investigation said Saturday night that an announcement could come as early as Tuesday .

  16. 几天后,在奇迹般地恢复供电后,我在办公室安排了一次早会。

    A few days later , and with electricity miraculously restored , I had an early meeting arranged at the office .

  17. 它最早会在下周晚些时候恢复全部功能,哈勃管理人员阿特维普称。

    The soonest it could be operating fully again is late next week , said Art Whipple , a Hubble manager .

  18. 这意味着美国股市的总体市盈率已经不低,否则巴菲特早会将这笔收购资金用在其他地方了。

    That implies that the market as a whole isn 't a steal , or he would have put the money elsewhere .

  19. 血管病最早会通过离心脏最远、最细的血管显示出来。

    The first place that vascular disease can show up is where the blood vessels are the smallest and the farthest away from the heart .

  20. 报告指出,专家认为新的劳动力数量无法达到市场需求的转折点最早会在三年内出现。

    Experts believe the turning point , when the new labor force will fail to meet demand , could be as close as three years .

  21. 或许,在溪水干涸以前,我们早会想出些方法来求神祝福,然后出发往他处去了。

    And probably , long ere the brook was dry , we should have devised some plan , and asking God 's blessing on it , would have started off elsewhere .

  22. 爱玛会和西尔莎,会和佛罗伦斯·珀,甜茶,梅姨一起出演。该定影最早会在2019年圣诞节的时候面世。

    Saoirse and Emma will star alongside Florence Pugh , Timoth é e Chalamet , and Meryl Streep in the latest box office offering which is slated for release on Christmas Day 2019 .

  23. 自助早餐挺贵的(差不多10英镑),但是很可口。不过我一般不用早餐,因为我觉得在懒散的早上,早会之前兴冲冲的冲进去挺不好意思的。

    The buffet breakfast is pricey ( close to10 Sterling ) but superb . I usually save it for lazy mornings as it would be a shame to rush it before a morning meeting .

  24. 上午8点45分的铃声一响,从幼儿园到八年级的大部分学生就会冲进色彩鲜艳的教室,迫不及待地参加“早会”——用汉语普通话自由交谈。

    Most pupils , from kindergarten to eighth grade , dash to bright-colored classrooms for the 8:45 a.m. bell , eager to begin " morning meeting , " a freewheeling conversation in colloquial Mandarin .

  25. 上述会议纪要还显示,官员们认为,如果经济状况没有好转,他们可能不得不很快采取行动。这意味着,他们可能最早会在FOMC11月3日召开的下次会议上做出决定。

    The notes also revealed that officials thought they may have to act before long if economic conditions did not improve – meaning a decision could come as early as the next meeting of the FOMC on November 3 .

  26. “我早知道会出这样的事。”她轻声说给所有人听。

    ' I knew this would happen , ' she said in a stage whisper .

  27. 这位知情人士说,人保集团最早可能会于9月IPO。

    The Chinese insurer instead could launch its IPO as soon as September , the people said .

  28. 知情人士表示,科威特投资局(kuwaitinvestmentauthority)预计将成为美林再融资交易中的主要投资者,该交易最早可能会在本周宣布。

    The Kuwait Investment Authority is expected to be a major investor in the new deal , which could be announced as soon as midweek , according to people familiar with the matter .

  29. 上周,联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)12月份会议的会议记录显示,美联储(Fed)最早可能会在今年4月把利率从0%到0.25%的水平提升上来。

    Last week , minutes from the December meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee showed the US Federal Reserve could raise interest rates from 0-0.25 per cent as soon as April .

  30. 结论:①早产儿PV-IVH发生率高,发生时间早,会进一步发展,常无典型症状及体征,应早期、续贯监测。

    Conclusion : ① The morbidity of PV-IVH is quite high in preterm infants . It happens very early and could develop after birth without obvious clinical appearance .