
  • 网络Waseda University
  1. 早稻田大学和出席的公司都是Resona的客户。

    Both Waseda University and the companies represented are clients of Resona .

  2. 早稻田大学的财经教授YukioNoguchi表示丰田的问题是其取得了多年的国际成就之后骄傲自大的恶果。

    Waseda University Finance Professor Yukio Noguchi says Toyota 's problems are a sign of arrogance , after years of global success .

  3. 本文采用标准任务图集STG作为任务优化模型,STG图是早稻田大学实验室针对基于多处理器和众核系统的任务分配与任务调度的研究,提供的一组基准程序测试用例。

    The graphs are set of benchmarks provided by Waseda University research laboratory for multiple processors and many-core systems task allocation and scheduling .

  4. 野田佳彦毕业于久负盛名的早稻田大学政治经济学院。

    Noda is a graduate of the prestigious Waseda University 's School of Political Science and Economics .

  5. 北大校长许智宏和早稻田大学白井克彦总长出席启动仪式。

    President of Peking University Xu Zhihong and President of Waseda University were presented at the ceremony .

  6. 早稻田大学是中国人民熟悉的学府,与中国有着很深的渊源。

    Waseda University , which is familiar to the Chinese people , has a long relationship with China .

  7. 日本早稻田大学的研究人员日前研制出一款“人性”机器人,可以表达七种人类情感。

    Robot , which can express seven human emotions , has been unveiled by researchers at Waseda University in Japan .

  8. 正在早稻田大学读研究生的袁综补充说,近期日本与中国政治关系紧张没有改变她的志向。

    Yuan , a graduate student , adding the recent political tension between Japan and China doesn 't change her ambitions .

  9. 北京大学和早稻田大学于今年首次实行跨校的本科双学位培养制度。

    PKU and Waseda University will establish the cross-school double major project for undergraduate students for the first time this year .

  10. 我是06级毕业生宋正王,目前在日本早稻田大学攻读硕士学位。

    I am Song Zheng Wang , graduating from Benedictine College ( Shanghai campus ) in2006.Now I am pursuing my Master 's Degree in Waseda University , Japan .

  11. 尽管东大的海外教学机构多于上智大学和早稻田大学(这两所高校分别为9所和8所),但著名的京都大学的海外教学机构却比东大多出12所。

    While it has more overseas facilities than Waseda or Tokyo 's Keio University which have nine and eight , respectively Kyoto University has12 more than the University of Tokyo .

  12. 日本早稻田大学西泽修教授曾经说过,物流已成为企业降低制造成本、提高劳动生产率之外的第三利润源。

    The famous Professor Caesar hsiu of Waseda University once said : besides to reduce cost and improve labor productivity , modern physical distribution has been the third source of profit for corporations .

  13. “世界的道路通向早稻田”,这是早稻田大学的一句名言。

    " All roads in the world lead to Waseda . " This is a well-known saying in Waseda University .

  14. 早稻田实业小学的孩子们不用担心初中和大学的入学考试就能够进入早稻田大学。

    Waseda Jitsugyo Elementary children have access to Waseda University without having to worry about junior high school and university entrance exams , 'notes another juku official .