
  • 网络Early Iron Age
  1. 内蒙古中南部地区青铜&早期铁器时代居民的龋病研究

    Research on Dental Caries of Ancient Populations during Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in Southern Central Inner Mongolia

  2. 在这一时期,欧亚大陆大部分区域进入了青铜时代晚期和早期铁器时代,古代东西方农耕文明中心的文化和社会都已发展到了一定的高度,并开始了相互之间的早期交流与沟通。

    In this period , most regions in Eurasia entered the later Bronze Age and the early Iron Age . The cultures and societies had developed into a certain level in ancient eastern and western farming civilization centers and early communications had begun .

  3. 新疆哈密地区青铜&早期铁器时代居民人种学研究

    Human Biological Variation and Population Affinity during Bronze-Iron Age in Xinjiang Hami Region

  4. 黑龙江省的早期铁器时代可分为两个阶段,相当于中原地区的战国时代和汉魏南北朝时代。

    Early Iron Period in Heilongjiang Province is divided into two phases , corresponding to Warring States Period , Han Dynasty and the Northern and Southern Dynasties in Central Plains .