
zǎo chūn
  • early spring;prevernae
早春 [zǎo chūn]
  • [(early)spring] 初春

  • 早春天气,乍暖还寒

早春[zǎo chūn]
  1. 早春的时候我给我所有的鸟打虫。

    I worm all my birds in early spring

  2. 一定在早春时分看到过这样的场景:路边的池塘中经常会漂浮着一小块一小块的胶状物体。

    will be sure to notice in early spring little lumps of jelly floating on some pond by the roadside .

  3. 家畜吃早春的苜蓿而上膘。

    Herds are fattening on the early clover .

  4. 写于早春-威廉·华兹华斯作/王佐良译

    Lines Written in Early Spring by William Wordsworth

  5. 一个败家子因为挥霍无度白白耗费了所有的财产。在一个早春的日子里,除了身上的衣服之外,已经别无所有的他,看到一只燕子。

    A spendthrift , who had wasted his fortune , and had nothing left but the clothes in which he stood , saw a swallow one fine day in early spring .

  6. 米歇尔专为这个早春系列(cruisecollection)设计了一款印有品牌标识的银灰色T恤衫(soft-washedT-shirt)。

    For his cruise collection , Michele designed a soft-washed T-shirt with printed logo detail .

  7. 但是,早春的寒冷并不能阻止托马斯B以轻快的步伐沿着罗德阿的丘陵小道行走,去享受瑞士东北部这个县的绿色景观。

    But the early-spring chill doesn 't deter Thomas B.from taking a brisk walk along Appenzell 's hilly trails to enjoy the green landscape of this rural canton in northeast Switzerland .

  8. 保护地早春栽培番茄2,4-D蘸花研究

    Study on dipping flower of tomato with 2,4-D in early spring in Protected Cultivation

  9. 研究结果表明,天然草场牧草中13种矿物元素含量呈明显的季节性变化,牧草含P量从夏草场的0.12μg/g降至早春草场的0.04μg/g;

    Results showed that content of 13 mineral elements in herbage grown in natural Pasture changed apparently seasonally . P content reduced from 0.12 μ g / g in summer pasture grasses to 0.04 μ g / g in early spring pasture grasses ;

  10. 对苯与甲苯特征比值(B/T)的分析表明交通尾气排放以及冬季和早春采暖期化石燃料燃烧是北京市大气中BTEX的主要来源。

    Vehicle exhaust emission and fossil fuel combustion during heating period were recognized as the major sources for atmospheric BTEX based on analyzing the characteristic ratio of benzene to toluene ( B / T ) .

  11. 按Raunkiaer生活型分类标准统计,早春植物都属于地下芽植物。

    According to Raunkiaer life type classification standard , early-spring herbs all belong to geophytes .

  12. 莫里女士建议搭乘人力车在附近游玩,穿过隅田公园(SumidaPark),它是早春时节在东京看樱花的去处之一。

    Ms. Mori recommended a rickshaw tour of the neighborhood , passing along Sumida Park , one of the many places in Tokyo to see sakura , or cherry blossoms , in the early spring .

  13. 经4a的大苗木樟树移植试验表明:早春移植,采用“浅植高培”移植法移植,简便、易行、成活率高;

    The 4-year experiment on transplanting big trees has indicated that there are advantages such as simple operation and high survival rate if the transplanting technique for " shallow planting and high hilling " is adopted in early spring .

  14. 血清花粉IgG抗体阳性的34例荨麻疹患者中,早春花粉抗体阳性高达91.2%,晚春花粉52.9%,夏秋花粉29.4%(P<0.005)。

    In 34 cases of urticaria associated with pollen , the positive ratio of serum IgG against early spring pollen was as high as 91.2 % , that against late spring pollen was 52.8 % and that against autum-summer pollen was 29.4 % ( P < 0.005 ) .

  15. 经营管理上要适时早播,其标准是早春扣膜后,当土壤5cm深处地温稳定在10℃时播种;

    Following measures were applied in the management : Beginning sowing at an opportune time early , which should be after film cover in early spring and while ground temperature achieve 10 ℃ in 5 cm ;

  16. 通过研究提出天山北坡中段草地畜牧业生产经营系统的优化模式,确立其生产方式为旺季(夏、秋)放牧185d,冷季舍饲120d,初冬和早春放牧60d。

    Through the research , we put forward the optimized model of the rangeland - husbandry system and verify the productive means of grazing for 185d in the summer and autumn , feeding for 120d in the winter and grazing for 60d in the early spring and the early winter .

  17. 早春施肥对东非狼尾草生长的影响

    Effects of early spring fertilizing on the growth of Kikuyu grass

  18. 韭菜早春保护地适宜品种的研究

    Study on Preferential Chinese Chive Varieties in Early Spring Protect Cultivation

  19. 早春野生花卉组织培养研究初报

    Preliminary study on the tissue culture of early spring wild flowers

  20. 腐烂的气味驱散了早春的芳香。

    An odor of decay killed the fragrance of early spring .

  21. 早春和晚秋差异大,晚春和早秋差异小。

    The difference is clear in early spring and late autumn .

  22. 早春不同覆盖材料对酿酒葡萄根系温度的影响

    Different Covering Materials on The Early Spring Wine Grape Root Temperature

  23. 春天来了,在早春还比较冷。

    Spring has come . It , s cold in early spring .

  24. 重返早春文坛(1976-1981)

    Return to the Early Spring Literary World ( 1976-1981 );

  25. 强风摧残了一些早春的花。

    The strong wind nipped some of the flowers in early spring .

  26. 黑龙江省早春野生花卉种质资源引种观察

    Germplasm Resources of Early Spring Wild Flowers and Plants in Heilongjiang Province

  27. 早春植物层片的物种组成及多样性分析研究

    Studies on Specific Composition and Diversity of Early-spring Plant Synusias

  28. 积雪在早春时融化。

    That 's thaw he snow thawed in early spring .

  29. 新年通常在早春二月初到来。

    New year 's day typically occurs sometime in early spring february .

  30. 河南野生早春开花木本植物资源调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Wild Early Spring Flowering Woody Plants in Henan