
  • 网络University of Tsukuba;tsukuba university
  1. 日本筑波大学的三个学生发明了一种名为满足外套(Riajyuucoat)的装置,让孤独的同伴们能体验到被咯咯笑的呼吸急促的女孩从后面抱住的感觉。

    Three students from the University of Tsukuba in Japan have created a device called the " Riajyuu Coat ," or fulfillment coat , to let their lonelier peers experience the sensation of being hugged from behind by a giggling , breathless female .

  2. 筑波大学体育专业教育的改革

    Reforms of Specialized Physical Education in the University of TSUKUBA

  3. 然而,东京筑波大学(UniversityofTsukuba)国际政治经济学教授塔R•塔格特•墨菲(RTaggartMurphy)认为,鸠山想要的比这多得多:他想收回日本1945年后成为美国事实上的“保护国”时所丧失的主权。

    However , according to R Taggart Murphy , professor of international political economy at Tokyo 's Tsukuba university , Hatoyama was attempting much more than that : he wanted to regain the sovereignty that Japan had lost when it became a virtual " protectorate " of the US after 1945 .

  4. 日本筑波大学人事制度改革的现状与问题

    Reform and Problems in Personnel System of University of Tsukuba in Japan

  5. 艺术体操专项素质练习研究筑波大学体育专业教育的改革

    Specialized Physical Quality Training in Eurythmics Reforms of Specialized Physical Education in the University of TSUKUBA

  6. 发明者都是日本筑波大学的学生,这件外套目前市面上还暂时买不到。

    The girlfriend coat was invented by students at the University of Tsukuba , and it is not commercially available to buy .

  7. 日本筑波大学的研究发现,被医生诊断还能活两到八周的病人,如果在家休养可以活36天,但在医院治疗只能活29天。

    The University of Tsukuba study found people given between two and eight weeks to live survived 36 days at home , but only 29 in hospital .

  8. 历史悠长、理念常新的筑波大学力图以先进的改革理念和果断的举措成为国立大学改革之先锋。

    With long history and innovative ideas , University of Tsukuba attempts to become the pioneer of reform for public universities by adopting advanced reform thinking and decisive measures .

  9. 26岁的刘建全就读于筑波大学(距东京一小时的路程),他说有时候他不得不向警察求助,这样才能让他的那些日本室友安静下来。

    Liu Jianquan , a26-year-old student at the University of Tsukuba ( an hour 's drive from Tokyo ), said he sometimes has to call the police to get his Japanese dorm mates to quiet down .

  10. 26岁的刘建全就读于筑波大学(距东京一小时的路程),他说有时候他不得不向警察求助,才能让他的那些日本室友安静下来。

    Liu Jianquan , a 26-year-old student at the University of Tsukuba ( an hour 's drive from Tokyo ) , said he sometimes has to call the police to get his Japanese dorm mates to quiet down .