
  • 网络road construction machinery
  1. 筑路机械机群基于时间序列的信息融合研究

    Study on information mergence of road construction machinery group based on time sequence

  2. 在这个上升阶段里,西安筑路机械有限公司也获得了又一个快速发展的良好机会。

    During this period , Xi ' an Road Construction Machinery Ltd. obtains good environment for rapid development .

  3. 筑路机械行业创新项目评价模型研究

    An Appraisement Model of Innovation Project for Road Construction Machinery Industry

  4. 筑路机械事故隐患分析与预防

    Analysis of Accident Hidden Trouble of Roadway Machinery and its Prevention

  5. 筑路机械经济寿命和维修周期的决策方法

    Policy Decision Method of Road Machinery Economic Life and Maintenance Cycle

  6. 发展筑路机械租赁改革公路施工企业筑路机械管理机制的设想

    Tentative Ideas of Reforming Road Machine Management System in Road Construction Enterprises

  7. 筑路机械在低温条件下的使用与保养

    Usage and service for the road-machinery under low temperature condition

  8. 制定筑路机械油耗定额之我见

    Opinion of Enacting Fuel Consumption Quota of Road Making Machinery

  9. 《筑路机械与施工机械化》2005年第22卷总目次

    Total contents of vol.22 of Road Machinery & Construction Mechanization in 2005

  10. 我国筑路机械行业迎接入关浅议

    Simple Argument on Joining GATT of Road Construction Machine Industry of China

  11. 筑路机械活塞杆表面电刷镀强化的试验研究

    Experimental research on piston rod surface intensification using electric brush coating method

  12. 筑路机械电液混合智能冷却系统的研制

    The Investigation of Electro-hydraulic Intelligent Cooling System on Construction Engineering

  13. 电液控制技术在筑路机械中的应用及发展

    The Use and Development of Electric and Hydraulic Control System in Road Machinery

  14. 也谈筑路机械油耗定额的制定

    Also Discussing Formulation of Construction Machinery Oil Consumption Quota

  15. 筑路机械管理系统中统计管理功能的实现

    Realization of Statistic Management Function in Road-machine Management System

  16. 大型机械化施工机械成本管理探讨加强筑路机械成本核算提高市政道路施工效益

    Increasing Municipal Road Construction Benefit through Strengthening Cost Calculation of Road Building Machine

  17. 筑路机械传动设计新技术

    The new Technic of Road Machinery 's Transmission Design

  18. 筑路机械路面铣刨机械的结构与维护保养

    The structure and maintenance of milling machine for pavement

  19. 对筑路机械液压系统故障的分析与对策

    Analysis and Countermeasure of Road Machine Hydraulic System Trouble

  20. 浅谈我省筑路机械的养护与管理

    Maintenance and Management of Our Provincial Road Machinery

  21. 筑路机械智能冷却系统研究

    Research on Intelligence Cooling System of Road Machine

  22. 筑路机械租赁合同签订应注意的问题

    Caution for Contract Signing of Construction Machinery Lease

  23. 重型筑路机械虚拟设计可调节平台运动与机构分析

    Motion and Mechanism Analysis of Reconfigurable Virtual Driving Platform for Ground Vehicle in CAVE

  24. 谈筑路机械液压系统故障诊断

    Faults diagnosis of hydraulic system in road machines

  25. 公路工程施工中筑路机械租用

    Lease of road machine in highway engineering

  26. 在筑路机械方面,这种尝试也相当普遍。

    In the road construction machinery , this kind of attempt is also very common .

  27. 筑路机械电器系统瞬间过电压保护

    Instantaneous Overvoltage Protection of Electrical Appliance System

  28. 筑路机械液压系统漏油故障的分析及排除措施

    Analysis and Fixing Measurements of Leaking Oil of Hydraulic Pressure System of Road Making Machinery

  29. 本文对大型筑路机械液压系统经常出现的故障进行分析,并提出解决的相应对策。

    The paper analyses trouble of large road machine hydraulic system and proposes relative countermeasure .

  30. 蓝牙技术在筑路机械在线监测上的应用

    Application of Bluetooth Technology in Real-time Moniter