
jūn xuè zhèng
  • bacteremia;bacterimia;bacteriaemia
菌血症[jūn xuè zhèng]
  1. 90例中51例(56.7%)诊断为CNS菌血症。

    Fifty-one of 90 ( 56.7 % ) patients were diagnosed CNS bacteremia .

  2. 结论:PCR方法检测全血细菌DNA具有简便、快速、灵敏和经济的优点,可用于实验研究及临床菌血症的诊断。

    Conclusion : PCR is a simple , rapid , sensitive and inexpensive method to detect bacteria DNA in blood , and it might be used in experimental studies and clinical diagnosis of bacteremia .

  3. 用PCR法从33例病人的血标本中检出12例白色念珠菌菌血症。

    Twelve of 33 patients were with diagnosis of candidemia .

  4. 结论在细菌性腹膜炎时,CO2气腹较开腹手术时菌血症的发生率差异无显著性意义。气腹组较开腹手术组炎症反应轻,免疫功能恢复快。

    Conclusions The less inflammatory reaction and quicker recovery of immunological functions can be achieved in pneumoperitoneum group than those in laparotomy group .

  5. 目的分析凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌(CNS)所致血行感染的相关因素,为临床诊治CNS菌血症提供参考依据。

    OBJECTIVE To analyze the related factors of blood stream infection caused by coagulase-negative staphylococci ( CNS ) .

  6. ICU菌血症流行病学及抗菌药物敏感性分析ICU病区医院感染病原菌流行菌株及耐药性分析

    Epidemiology and Analysis of Sensitivity for Antibiotics of Bacteremia in Intensive Care Unit Prevailing bacteria strains of hospital acquired infections in intensive care unit and their drug-resistances

  7. 抗甲型H1N1流感病毒前沿新药&磷酸奥司他韦ICU菌血症流行病学及抗菌药物敏感性分析

    Oseltamivir Phosphate : A Front New Drug of Anti-A / H1N1 Flu Virus Epidemiology and Analysis of Sensitivity for Antibiotics of Bacteremia in Intensive Care Unit

  8. 方法:对本院1995~1999年血中分离到CNS的70例住院患者进行回顾性分析,判定是菌血症还是血样本污染。

    Methods : A retrospective analysis of coagulase negative staphylococci in blood culture from 70 hospitalized patients in Peking Union Medical College Hospital from 1995 to 1999 was done .

  9. 结果IHS合并症多种多样,感染性疾病中以呼吸道感染多见,其次是肠道感染和皮肤黏膜感染。菌血症及肠道感染常见病原菌高通量基因诊断研究

    Result The most common complications were respiratory infection and intestinal infection . Study on the Genic Identification of Pathogenic Bacteria Responsible for Bacteremia and Enteric Infection

  10. 目的:探讨中心静脉留置导管患者导管相关性感染(CRI)菌血症病原菌的细菌学情况。

    Objective : To study on pathogenic bacterium 's bacteriological status of catheter relative infection ( CRI ) bacteremia in patients indwelled centric venous catheter .

  11. 提示:肠道菌群紊乱能促进肠源性菌血症及内毒素血症的发生与发展,在导致MSOF病理过程中具有一定的意义。

    The results of our work suggest that ecological imbalance in the intestinal flora may promote-the gut-derived septic process and the development of MSOF .

  12. 医院耐甲氧西林葡萄球菌感染的生态学特征方法回顾分析2004-2006年从本院住院患者血中分离到CNS的病例共97例,判定是菌血症还是血样本污染。

    Methods Retrospectively analyze coagulase-negative staphylococci in blood culture from 97 hospitalized patients at our Hospital from 2004 to 2006 . We differentiated true bacteremia from contamination by using a criterion reviewed from published papers .

  13. 结论术前为清洁尿的患者,预防性应用抗生素能减少TURP术后菌尿、发热、菌血症的发生率和术后需继续抗生素治疗的比率;

    Conclusions Prophylactic antibiotics can significantly decrease the incidence of post-TURP bacteriuria , fever , bacteremia and continuous antibiotic treatment , but cannot significantly shorten the duration of hospitalization .

  14. 因为EUS-FNA所经过的胃肠道并非无菌环境,所以EUS-FNA引发的菌血症也备受人们关注。

    Because the gastrointestinal tract is not a sterile environment , so bacteremia caused by EUS-FNA is also concerned .

  15. Cox比例风险模型分析提示中枢神经系统功能衰竭、感染性休克、血液系统功能衰竭、肝功能衰竭和呼吸道操作均显著影响菌血症患者的生存时间。

    Cox proportional hazard model analysis suggested central nervous system failure , septic shock , hemopoietic failure , hepatic failure and respiratory manipulation significantly affected the survival time of patients with bacteremia ( P < 0.05 ) .

  16. 目的研究新生儿重症监护病房(NICU)败血症和菌血症的病原菌分布及其耐药情况,为合理使用抗生素提供依据。

    Objective To study the distribution of pathogens causing neonatal septicemia / bacteriemia and their drug-resistance in neonatal intensive care unit ( NICU ) and to provide evidence for reasonable use of antibiotics .

  17. 2003年FDA批准其用于革兰氏阳性致病菌引起的并发性皮肤及皮肤结构感染,随后于2006年批准治疗由金黄色酿脓葡萄球菌和耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌引起的菌血症和右侧心内膜炎。

    FDA approved daptomycin for the treatment of complicated skin and skin structure infections caused by Gram-positive pathogens in 2003 and for the treatment of bacteremia and right-sided endocarditis caused by Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant S. aureus ( MRSA ) in 2006 .

  18. 方法用SF3000全自动血液分析仪测定50例新生儿菌血症患者的PLT、MPV、PDW三项参数,同等条件下作正常新生儿对照,并进行χ2检验。

    Methods Measuring PLT , MPV , PDW of 50 cases with neonatal bacterial sepsis by automatic hematology analyzer ( SF-3000 ), and contrasting with healthy newborns in same condition , and performing χ 2 examination .

  19. 目的:分析菌血症、败血症的菌种分布,为菌血症、败血症的临床抗感染治疗经验用药提供帮助。

    Objective : To provide basis for anti-infection therapy of Septicemia .

  20. 麻风菌血症的阳性率和几种查菌方法的比较

    Incidence of Bacteremia in Leprosy and Comparison of Various Detecting Methods

  21. 肝功能指标对菌血症早期诊断的意义

    Early Diagnostic Significance of Liver Function Indices in Patients with Bacteremia

  22. 血小板相关参数在新生儿菌血症中的临床价值

    Clinical evaluation of related parameters of platelet on neonatal bacterial sepsis

  23. 变形杆菌引起实验小鼠菌血症成批死亡报告

    Report of Mass Dead Mice Resulted from Bacterimia with Bacillus Proteus

  24. 结果菌血症患者的病死率43%。

    Results The mortality rate of the patients was 43 % .

  25. 动脉导管相关性感染,包括导管相关局部感染及导管相关性菌血症。

    Arterial catheter-related infection included catheter related local infection and catheter-related bacteremia .

  26. 持续性的菌血症经常导致严重的败血症,甚至恶化为败血性休克。

    Persistent bacteremia often leads to severe sepsis or overwhelming septic shock .

  27. 一起中心静脉置管后菌血症暴发的调查

    Fulminant bacteremia after central venous catheterization : an epidemiological study

  28. 7例中心静脉营养管污染致菌血症的报道

    Bacteremia Caused by Central Vein Catheter Contamination : A 7 Case Report

  29. 方法:对91例医院内菌血症患者资料进行统计和分析。

    Methods : 91 cases of nosocomial bacteriemia were analyzed .

  30. 肝硬化患者产超广谱β-内酰胺酶大肠埃希菌菌血症的危险因素及预后相关分析

    Risk factors and prognosis in cirrhotic patients with ESBLs-producing Escherichia coli bacteremia