
jìn shū
  • banned book;officially banned book
禁书 [jìn shū]
  • [banned book] 为官方禁止出版或发行或阅读的书籍,多为内容不健康或有不良政治影响的书籍

禁书[jìn shū]
  1. 金圣叹认为雪夜闭户读禁书,是人生最大的乐趣。

    Jin Shengtan regards reading a banned book behind closed doors on a snowy night as one of the greatest pleasures of life .

  2. 禁书是人类进入阶级社会以后,在图书相对增加的情况下出现的一种社会现象。

    The banned book appears as a social phenomenon when the history of human beings developed into class society accompanied by a comparative increase in the number of books .

  3. 禁书区在图书馆的后部。

    The Restricted Section was right at the back of the library .

  4. 教授们,我在禁书区发现了这个。

    Professors . I found this in the restricted section .

  5. 他们一眼就看出这本书为什么属于禁书区了。

    It was clear from a glance why it belonged in the Restricted Section .

  6. 哈利不知不觉来到禁书区。

    Harry wandered over to the Restricted Section .

  7. 图书馆的禁书区。

    The Restricted Section in the library .

  8. 在地下城深处有一个隐藏的密室中,存放着魔法师书写的魔法禁书。

    Deep in the dungeons is a hidden chamber where mages write their forbidden books .

  9. 当然在此过程中,乾隆皇帝也领导了禁书活动,给中国传统文化带来了一场浩劫。

    Of course , Emperor Qianlong also leaded the movement of forbidden books in the process .

  10. 《我知道笼中鸟为何歌唱》经常被列为禁书。

    I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings makes the list each time frequently banned books are accounted .

  11. 另一位家长站起来咆哮道:“禁书的人是在制造恐慌。”

    Another parent stood up and yelled : " People who want to ban books are fear mongering . "

  12. 围绕明代丽情传奇小说多为禁书的特点,论述其鲜明的思想特征;

    And encircling the characteristic that most of the love legendry are banned books , discuss the love legendary 's bright characteristic ;

  13. 其中很多作品在法国被列为禁书,而且他本人还因有损社会风化受到过审查。

    Several of the poems were banned for a century in France , and Baudelaire was tried for offenses against public decency .

  14. 在一间没有电幕的屋子里一个人关起门来读禁书的世外桃源之感还没有消失。

    The blissful feeling of being alone with the forbidden book , in a room with no telescreen , had not worn off .

  15. 要从禁书区内借书,只有一个办法:弄到一位老师亲笔签名的批条。

    There was only one way to get out a book from the Restricted Section : You needed a signed note of permission from a teacher .

  16. 斯内普说是在一本名叫《强力药剂》的书里,它肯定在图书馆的禁书区内。”

    Snape said it was in a book called Moste Potente Potions and it 's bound to be in the Restricted Section of the library . "

  17. 关于德川幕府的禁书政策是锁国体制下全面抵制西洋文化的重要一环的说法也是一种误解。

    To think the policy of banning western books by Tokugawa shogunate a key link in sakoku system for resisting the western culture is getting it wrong .

  18. 该作品由最初美国境内的禁书成为传遍世界的佳作,德莱塞由此在美国文坛声名鹊起。

    This novel was at first a banned book in America , and later it became an excellent work around the world and Dreiser rose to fame consequently .

  19. 所以禁书既是一种文化现象,又是一种政治现象、经济现象,可称为社会综合现象。

    So the banned book is a cultural phenomenon and a kind of political or economic one as well , which can be addressed as a comprehensive phenomenon .

  20. “教授,你说过的,如果有人夜里到处乱逛,就立刻来向你汇报,刚才有人在图书馆,在禁书区。”

    You asked me to come directly to you , Professor , if anyone was wandering around at night , and somebody 's been in the library Restricted Section .

  21. 而且令他大为惊恐的是,他听见了斯内普的声音在回答。“禁书区?那么他们不可能走远,我们一定能抓住他们。”

    and to his horror , it was Snape who replied , " The Restricted Section ? Well , they can 't be far , we 'll catch them . "

  22. 不幸的是,要查找任何一本禁书都必须有某位老师亲笔签名的纸条,哈利知道他是不可能弄到这种纸条的。

    Unfortunately , you needed a specially signed note from one of the teachers to look in any of the restricted books , and he knew he 'd never get one .

  23. 不过我还没法去读它们,不是因为它们是禁书,而是因为它们是用文言文写的,我还看不懂。

    I couldn 't read them , though - not because they were forbidden , but because the form of Chinese in which they were written was too antiquated for me to understand .

  24. 男孩们在读《青春织机》时(他们一定会读,因为这是禁书),他们对书里展示,至少是暗示的性关系感到相当惊奇。

    When the boys read The Loom of Youth ( as of course they did , because it was forbidden ) they were rather surprised at the tolerance shown , or at least suggested , of sexual friendships .

  25. 这段话在1917年是很犯忌的,《青春织机》在舍尔伯尼也是禁书,如果有人被发现私藏此书,常常会立刻遭到暴打。舍尔伯尼的学生们,基本上每周都会有一个人因此挨打。

    These were strong words for a book which had appeared in 1917 when Shirburnians were being sacrificed at the rate of one a week . It was because of such remarks that The Loom of Youth was forbidden at Sherborne , and any boy found with it was subject to an immediate beating .