
jìn yù
  • abstinence;celibacy;ascetic;austerity;renunciation;mortified;suppress sensual passion
禁欲 [jìn yù]
  • [mortified; ascetic] 抑制欲望,多指因信仰某种教义之所为

禁欲[jìn yù]
  1. 我已禁欲六个月。

    I 've been celibate for the past six months .

  2. 甘地体现了克己、禁欲和自我约束的美德。

    Gandhi exemplified the virtues of renunciation , asceticism and restraint .

  3. 教皇昨天直言全世界的神父都应该禁欲。

    The Pope bluntly told the world 's priests yesterday to stay celibate .

  4. 他发下守贞禁欲的誓言。

    He took a vow of chastity and celibacy .

  5. 如果禁欲不会有感染HIV的风险。

    You can avoid any risk of HIV if you practice abstinence ( not having sex ) .

  6. 禁欲是预防HPV感染的最有效策略。

    Abstinence is the most effective strategy to prevent HPV infection .

  7. 为降低HIV性传播或性传播疾病采取了很多预防措施,包括禁欲、一夫一妻制、常规使用安全套以及男性包皮环切术。

    Many HIV prevention approaches are used to decrease the risk of HIV transmission and infection , including abstinence , monogamy and regular use of condoms .

  8. 乌干达常常被赞为ABC的成功典范,而且被禁欲的倡导者视为他们的方法可行的证据。

    Uganda is often heralded as a success story for ABC , and is cited by abstinence advocates as proof that their approach works .

  9. 例如,在ABC的禁欲版本中,它意味着尽管在结婚前许多人进行了性行为且并不总是使用安全套,却没有给青少年提供安全套。

    In the abstinence version of ABC , for example , it meant that condoms were not given to teenagers despite many having sex before marriage , not always with a condom .

  10. 发言人南希。布勒斯反对由政府推行的、无效的惟禁欲教育。

    Speaker Nancy Pelosi opposes the administration 's ineffective abstinence-only approach .

  11. 人是能够禁欲的。这没有什么可奇怪的。

    People can be abstinent , and it 's not weird .

  12. 拟行宫内人工受精的夫妇禁欲时间对妊娠率的影响

    Effect of ejaculatory abstinence period on the pregnancy rate after intrauterine insemination

  13. 但这不代表我们都应该禁欲。

    But that doesn 't mean we should avoid sex .

  14. 年轻的和尚们宣誓禁欲,并遵守戒律。

    The young monks took vows of chastity and obedience .

  15. 你们知道禁欲的最好方法是什么吗?

    Do you know what the best form of sexual abstinence is ?

  16. 盐酸利多卡因体外对长时间禁欲的精子运动参数的影响

    Influence of lidocaine hydrochloride on long time abstinence sperm motility in vitro

  17. 我还正在不自觉的禁欲呢。

    I have my own involuntary abstinence program in place .

  18. 禁欲乃是为了尊重欲望之庄严。

    Fasting is an act of homage to the majesty of appetite .

  19. 修道者的独身观念含有禁欲兴宗教热情之意。

    The concept of celibacy carries connotations of asceticism and religious fervor .

  20. 并不存在可以表明不唯禁欲计划指导保护了参加试验者免受疾病侵扰的证据。

    There was no firm evidence that abstinence-plus instruction protects against disease .

  21. 禁欲2天对于精子质量的影响

    The Influence of 2 days abstinence on sperm quality

  22. 禁欲文学的变声&论闻捷爱情诗歌的美学高度

    Modified Tone of the Mortification Literature & Discuss the love poem of Wenjie

  23. 保罗和所有好人都是禁欲的。

    Paul and the good guys are all ascetic .

  24. 让75岁的伊丽莎白女王去做禁欲者吧;

    Let Queen Elizabeth , 75 , be stoic ;

  25. 儒家思想作为社会伦理的指导法则,带有宗教性的禁欲等思想。

    Confucianism as the guidance law , social ethical ideas with religious abstinence .

  26. 独处时,保持禁欲,控制情欲,婚后应忠诚。

    Controlling lust by remaining celibate when single , leading to faithfulness in marriage .

  27. 程朱理学禁欲观念对晚明戏曲的影响

    Influences of Asceticism of Zhu and Cheng on the Plays of Late Ming Dynasty

  28. 纵欲还是禁欲?&消费时代语境下的波普文化与建筑使疲惫使疲惫不堪,如因工作过度或放纵欲望

    Indulgence or Abstinence ? & Pop Art and Pop Architecture in the Consumption Age

  29. 季节和禁欲时间对精液常规指标有显著影响,而年龄、吸烟、饮酒和体重指数与精液质量未显示出相关性。

    Season and abstinence duration were found to be significantly associated with semen quality .

  30. 在魔鬼信仰中,体现了早期资本主义的两极:禁欲和放纵。

    The belief expresses two polarized aspects of early capitalism : abstinency and indulgence .