
jìn yù zhǔ yì
  • asceticism
禁欲主义[jìn yù zhǔ yì]
  1. 乔叟强调人权,尤其是追求今生今世幸福快乐的权力,反对神权与禁欲主义。

    Chaucer affirmed man 's rights to pursue earthly happiness and epposed asceticism .

  2. 因此他没有对激情采取宗教禁欲主义的态度。

    So the attitude of religious asceticism is exclusive in the passions .

  3. 我说的并不是苦行主义或禁欲主义。

    I am not speaking here about asceticism or abstinence .

  4. 如果下了车还是这副表情,那么这个人大概就会被视为禁欲主义者了。我上车后向另一头望去,看到的都是些摆出“公车表情”、忙着各自事情的人。

    I stepped on the bus and looked down the aisle , all I saw were a bunch of people with bus looks minding their own business .

  5. 谁见过手持投资简介、会玩iPad、抛弃禁欲主义的僧侣?

    Monks wielding investment prospectuses and iPads and swearing off abstinence ?

  6. 宿命论的在牛津辞典中的解释是,表示一种宿命论认识:就是以后会发生什么不是人能控制的。千禧年的n.禁欲主义者,恬淡寡欲的人adj.坚忍的,苦修的心理;

    fatalistic In Oxford living dictionary , this word used to convey a fatalistic recognition that future events are out of the speaker 's control .

  7. 罗马人自由地借鉴希腊文明,但却更擅长于一些的领域——工程学、建筑学、讽刺文学和伦理学(稍后的时期里,禁欲主义通过埃皮克提图(Epictetus)和马克奥里利乌斯(MarcusAurelius)的著作在罗马达到顶峰)。

    The Romans borrowed freely from the Greeks but excelled in different fields - engineering , architecture , satire , and ethics ( the Stoic tradition peaked in Rome , a little later , with the writings of Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius ) .

  8. 禁欲主义者喜欢以独处和简单的生活方式亲近神;

    Ascetics prefer to love God in solitude and simplicity .

  9. 他们不是禁欲主义者,把斋戒看成是傻事。

    They are not ascetic , and consider fasting silly .

  10. 短缺经济的现实和清教禁欲主义伦理为这一观念提供了基础。

    Economic shortage and Puritan asceticism provided the basis for this idea .

  11. 这是通过严格的独身和禁欲主义的做法。

    This is achieved by strict celibacy and ascetic practices .

  12. 早期基督教禁欲主义的兴起及对女性的影响

    Early Christian Asceticism : Rising and Impact on Women

  13. 禁欲主义对中国近、现代性观念影响极为深广。

    Asceticism affected the sexual idea deeply and extensively in modern times in China .

  14. 可以说是某种禁欲主义,克制肉体。

    This is basically some form of asceticism , the control of the body .

  15. 在第三世纪,这种禁欲主义变成,一种非常成熟的思想和神学。

    This all becomes a highly elaborated ideology and theology starting in the third century .

  16. 基督教的禁欲主义不再令我们不安。

    Christian-ascetic ideas no longer trouble us .

  17. 印度哲学家流派的学说他们实行裸体和禁欲主义和冥思。

    The doctrine of a sect of Hindu philosophers who practiced nudity and asceticism and meditation .

  18. 试论基督教禁欲主义及其对欧洲中世纪体育发展的影响

    The Christian asceticism and its influence on the development of sport in Europe in Middle Ages

  19. 在修道院中实施的禁欲主义。

    Asceticism practiced in a monastery .

  20. 不像温斯顿,她把握了党在性行为方面禁欲主义的内在意义。

    Unlike Winston , she had grasped the inner meaning of the Party 's sexual puritanism .

  21. 他是一位16世纪的人道主义者,致力于协调基督教教义和禁欲主义,堪称博学多才与诚实正直的化身。

    A16th-century humanist who sought to reconcile Christianity and Stoicism , Lipsius betokens learning and integrity .

  22. 禁欲主义的圣徒和超然独处的贤哲在这方面算不上完整的人。

    The ascetic saint and the detached sage fail in this respect to be complete human beings .

  23. 道德禁欲主义影响下的中西传统审美形态之比较

    A Macro-comparison of the Chinese Traditional and the Western Traditional Aesthetic Patterns under the Influence of Asceticism

  24. 同时,西方基督教中的禁欲主义也对他产生了重要的影响。

    At the same time , the asceticism in western Christianity had also produced important influence on him .

  25. 在整个基督教开端,已经有些基督徒开始遵行禁欲主义了。

    Now all the way through the beginning of Christianity we 've seen that some Christians practiced asceticism .

  26. 实践这一理念的人将精力集中于个人所做出的牺牲,希望自己的理想和禁欲主义能够像宗教一样四处传播。

    Its practitioners focus on personal sacrifice , hoping that their ideals and asceticism will spread like a religion .

  27. 这是至今所采用的最严厉的禁烟立法了。有时那嘴抿得很紧,便显得严厉、凶狠!甚至带禁欲主义的苛刻。

    At times , so tightly did they draw , the mouth became stern and harsh , even ascetic .

  28. 秩序中包括坚定,单身主义,保持沉默以及其他禁欲主义的教条。

    The tenants of the Order include fasting , celibacy , vows of silence and other forms of asceticism .

  29. 他们知道保罗宣扬的是激进的禁欲主义,而且保罗把禁欲与复活想联系。

    They know what Paul 's teaching , this radical asceticism , and Paul links this to the resurrection .

  30. 纪德叙事作品中的精神困境集中体现在禁欲主义的宗教思想与个人内在本能欲望的对立交锋。

    The spiritual predicament in his narrative works focused on the contradiction between the religious asceticism and individual instinct desire .