
xīn wén huà yùn dòng
  • the New Culture Movement;the New Culture Movement (around the time of the May 4th Movement in 1919)
新文化运动 [xīn wén huà yùn dòng]
  • [the New Culture Movement (around the time of the May 4th Movement in 1919)] 指我国1919年五四运动前后的文化革命运动

新文化运动[xīn wén huà yùn dòng]
  1. 新文化运动时期胡适女性主义思想研究综述

    On HU Shi 's Feminist Thought during the New Culture Movement

  2. 高一涵与五四新文化运动的国家理念

    Gao Yihan with the New Culture Movement and the National Idea

  3. 这部著作不愧为中国新文化运动的丰碑。

    This book is a monumental work worthy of China 's new cultural movement .

  4. 五四新文化运动在湖南的传播

    The Spread of the New Culture Movement of 1919 in Hunan

  5. 华兹华斯对中国新文化运动的影响

    The Influence of William Wordsworth During the Chinese New Literal Movement

  6. 科学话语共同体和新文化运动的形成

    Common Body of Scientific Discourse and Formation of New Cultural Movement

  7. 略论新文化运动时期的男女社交

    The Sociality Between Men and Women at New Cultural Movement Period

  8. 新文化运动代表人物的阶级属性

    On the Class Attributes of Representatives in the New Culture Movement

  9. 试论孙中山与新文化运动的关系

    On the Relationship Between Sun Yat-sen and the New Culture Movement

  10. 论新文化运动间平民文学的源流

    Origin of the Populace Literature during the New Culture Movement

  11. 新文化运动中的实证主义与科学主义

    Positivism and Philosophy of Science in the May 4th Movement

  12. 论新文化运动前期女性的发现

    On the Discovery of Woman in Early New Cultural Movement

  13. 五四新文化运动中的个人主义话语

    " May 4th " New Culture Movement in the Discourse of Individualism

  14. 五四新文化运动与儒学现代转型

    The May Fourth New Culture Movement and the Modern Transformation of Confucianism

  15. 五·四新文化运动正是在这样一个社会历史条件下所产生。

    In this social historical condition gendered May 4 New Culture Movement .

  16. 胡适是新文化运动的领军人物。

    Hu Shi was the leader of New Culture Movement .

  17. 五四新文化运动时期非儒反孔思潮研究回眸

    Review on the study of anti-Confucianism thoughts in the Movement of 1919

  18. 新文化运动与陈独秀的妇女观

    Chen Du Xiu 's Idea on Women-Liberating During the New Cultural Movement

  19. 新文化运动的原动力:个性解放

    The Motive Power of the New Cultural Movement : Emancipation of Personality

  20. 新文化运动中的救亡与启蒙之辨

    Discussion on Salvation and Enlightenment in the New Cultural Movement

  21. 新文化运动中陈独秀的文化创新观

    Chen Du-Su 's Culture-Inventive View in the New Cultural Movement

  22. 谈孙中山对新文化运动态度的变化

    Expounding the Change of Sun Yatsen 's Attitude to the New Cultural Movement

  23. 新文化运动与中国的性科学研究

    The New Cultural Movement and the Study of Sexology

  24. 林纾与新文化运动的关系等四个方面,探讨了林纾的翻译及创作实践中体现出来的中国文学传统与外国文学资源的关系问题。

    Chapter Four : The relationship between Lin Su and New Cultural Movement .

  25. 《晨报》附刊与五四新文化运动

    The Supplement of The Morning Post and the May 4th New Cultural Movement

  26. 五四新文化运动与中国文化的重塑

    The May 4 th New Culture Movement and the Remoulding of Chinese Culture

  27. 新文化运动时期陈独秀从思想启蒙向政治改造的转变

    CHEN Du-xiu 's Changes from Thought-enlightenment to Political Transformation During New Culture Movement

  28. 新文化运动时期艺术歌曲创作风格民族化研究

    The Research of Art Song Creation Style Nationalization in New Culture Movement Period

  29. 第二,新文化运动初期;

    The second is the beginning of this Movement ;

  30. 新文化运动中关于贞操问题的讨论

    The Discussion on Chastity in the New Cultural Movement