
  • 网络Emerging Technology;FET
  1. Systemi客户将会因为此新兴技术给商界带来了如此多的应用程序和功能而感到雀跃不已。

    System I customers can be excited about the number of applications and capabilities that this emerging technology brings to the business world .

  2. CAM是一门新兴技术。

    CAM is an emerging technology .

  3. 同时,无人机、3D打印机和智能家居设备这些新兴技术似乎有点过时了,称不上是“下一个大事件”了。

    Meanwhile , emerging technologies -- the drones , 3D printers and smart-home devices of the world -- now seem a bit too old to be called " the next big thing . "

  4. 新兴技术将会,也应该被发展。

    New technologies will , and should , be developed .

  5. Internet这一新兴技术给相对稳定的传统法律制度提出了极大的挑战。

    Internet , a new technology , challenges enormously traditional law system .

  6. 网格是在Internet的基础上发展起来的一组新兴技术,可看成一个集成的巨大的超级计算机。

    Grid , which is a new technology developed on the foundation of Internet , can be regard as an integrated and huge supercomputer .

  7. 新兴技术GIS的出现给城市规划领域带来许多新的变化,包括分析方法和作图方式。

    With the new technology of GIS appearance , many changes happen in urban planning , includings method of analysis and drawing .

  8. 在无线城市建设中,无线Mesh网络作为一种新兴技术而越来越受到广泛的关注。

    In the wireless city construction , the Wireless Mesh Networks is known as an emerging technology which has gained widespread attention .

  9. Web服务技术作为一种成长中的新兴技术,要被广大企业用户所接受,必须解决它所面临的安全问题。

    As a kind of newly arisen technique , the Web Services technique want to be accepted by the large number of enterprise customer , which must resolve the security problem .

  10. 物联网(TheInternetofthings)技术是一门集传感网、射频识别(RFID)、传统互联网于一身的新兴技术。

    The Internet of Things ( IOT ) is an emerging technology , which contains sensor network , radio frequency identification ( RFID ) and traditional Internet .

  11. Linux虚拟服务器是一种比较实用的群集系统技术,各大服务器都可采用这一新兴技术以解决服务器超载问题。

    Linux virtual server is the technology built on a cluster system which can be used to overcome the overloading problem of the servers .

  12. MikeEdwards是SOA领域的新兴技术(特别是服务组件体系结构)战略家。

    Mike Edwards is a strategist working on emerging technologies in the area of SOA , particularly Service Component Architecture .

  13. IP多点广播是一种新兴技术,它以传统的TCP/IP网络为载体,具有一对多和多对多的数据交付能力,为网络实时多媒体传输和批量数据传输提供了解决手段。

    IP multicast is a rising network technology . IP multicast applications run on the traditional TCP / IP network and can deliver data to multiple receivers simultaneously .

  14. 逆向工程是为适应先进制造技术的发展而产生的一门新兴技术,随着计算机辅助设计与图形学的发展,逆向工程已成为CAD/CAM中一个相对独立的学科。

    With the development of CAD and Computer Graphics , Reverse Engineering is becoming a relative independent subject in CAD / CAM , which is stemmed from advanced manufacturing technology .

  15. Internet信息翻译是当前一项综合利用机器翻译、计算机、网络与通讯技术.将因特网中的信息资源进行自动翻译的新兴技术。

    The technique of translating the Internet information is the integration of variety of techniques including machine translation , computer , network and communication and this is a new technique , which translates the internet sources automatically .

  16. PTN技术作为移动通信组网中的新兴技术,是在信息业务承载IP化的背景下孕育而生的。

    PTN technology as the mobile communication network in emerging technologies , is carrying IP-based information services in the context of breeding and health .

  17. BAMGadget是受到了新兴技术正在业务和临时用户中受到欢迎所启发。人们喜欢能够针对自己的用途而进行个性化设置的简单工具和实用程序。

    BAM gadgets is inspired by software gadgets that are gaining popularity among business and casual users alike .

  18. GIS是一项以计算机为基础的新兴技术,围绕着这项技术的研究、开发和应用,形成了一门交叉性、边缘性的学科,是管理和研究空间数据的技术系统。

    GIS is a computer-based emerging technology , around the research 、 development and application of the technical , forming a cross , marginal subject , that is the spatial data management and research technique system .

  19. alphaWorks新兴技术网站可为前卫开发人员提供体验来自IBM的最新创新技术的特有机会。

    The alphaWorks emerging technologies web site provides a unique opportunity for early adopter developers to experience the latest innovations from IBM .

  20. 由于TEMPEST技术是在电磁兼容的基础上发展起来的一门新兴技术,因此首先回顾了前人研究电磁兼容技术的基本理论和方法。

    Since the TEMPEST is a newly technique developed in the basis of Electro Magnetic Compatibility ( EMC ) .

  21. 计算机支持协同工作(computersupportedcooperativework&CSCW)是一种将人类合作行为模式与计算机支持技术融合为一体的新兴技术,即在计算机技术支持的环境下,一个群体协作完成一项共同的任务。

    Computer Supported Cooperative Work ( CSCW ) is a new technology , which syncretizes human 's cooperation behavior mode and computer technology . It makes all members of a team complete a common work based on computer technologies .

  22. 协同电子商务是在全球经济一体化的背景下,利用以Internet等为特征的新兴技术为实现手段,来改变企业业务活动模式,并在企业群的各业务单元间进行信息共享和知识创新。

    Under the environment of global economic integration , Collaborative E-commerce makes use of Internet-featured technology as the implement measure to change the operation mode of enterprise , and achieves in information sharing and knowledge innovation among each department of an enterprise .

  23. SALT(SpeechApplicationLanguageTags)技术是一项新兴技术,它是一种独立平台的标记语言,可以用于创建经由语音平台接入的应用系统。

    SALT ( Speech Application Language Tags ) is a markup language that take service in open , free patentable access , independent of platform , it is used for creating the newly application system that is cutover through speech platform .

  24. 基于Web的企业管理(WBEM)是随着Internet/Intranet技术的快速发展而涌现出来的新兴技术,它的目的是为了降低企业管理的成本和复杂性。

    Web Based Enterprise Management ( WBEM ), emerging with the rapid development of Internet / Intranet technology , is a new technology to reduce the cost and complexity of enterprise management .

  25. 利用CCD摄像机和图像处理技术对燃烧火焰进行参数测量和燃烧诊断,是一项随计算机技术、光学技术和数学方法的进展而发展起来的新兴技术。

    An optical method using CCD camera and image processing system for combustion diagnosis is the new technique that is being developed along with the advance of computer science , optics technology and mathematical techniques .

  26. 基于密码学知识的SSL协议成为了保证网络数据安全的有效手段,在许多的领域起着极为重要的作用。单向累计函数是与密码学密切相关的一门新兴技术。

    Using SSL protocol based on cryptograph is an effective method to assure the security of network . The one-way accumulator ( OWA ) technology is one of important cryptograph related technology .

  27. J2EE是构建分布式系统的新兴技术,采用J2EE技术,可以方便地将系统分离为四层或多层:表示层、Web层、业务逻辑层和企业信息层(数据库)。

    J2EE is a new technology to construct distributing system , management systems can be easily divided into four layers with J2EE technology : presentation layer , Web layer , operation logic layer and enterprise information layer ( database ) .

  28. 网格计算是构筑在Internet上的一组新兴技术,利用共享网络将分散在不同地理位置的计算资源、存储资源、网络资源组织成一台虚拟的超级计算机,提供强大的计算能力。

    Grid Computing , a newly arisen technique that builds on the Internet , makes use of the network to share geographically dispersed resources , such as computing resources , storage resources and network resources to form a virtual super computer to provide the powerful computing ability .

  29. SIP协议基于VoIP服务发展起来的一种新兴技术,是NGN(NextGenerationNetwork)中的重要协议之一,也被认为是下一代互联网和未来的网络会话协议。

    The SIP one kind of emerging technology which develops based on the VoIP service , is one of important protocols in NGN ( Next Generation Network ), also was considered will be the session protocol of NGN and the future network .

  30. FACTS作为电力系统中的一种新兴技术,由于具有快速灵活的控制能力,对电力系统的高效柔性运行以及防止电压崩溃有重要的作用,在电压稳定控制中越来越得到重视。

    As an advanced and modern technology , FACTS is able to control system parameters flexibly and quickly so that more and more attention have been pay to it as it is an important way to protect power system from voltage instability .