Robinson , the shape he is a representative of the emerging capitalist class , an idealized hero .
It reflect bourgeois requirement for developing science and technology , increasing productivity and breaking through the feudality .
French enlighten thoughts of human rights rooted in 18th century , derived from the claim of the early bourgeois in France .
The Renaissance is the open challenge of the European uprising bourgeois to the dark middle age in the ideological and intellectual field .
The Meiji Restoration was a kind of modernization drive undertaken by the emerging Japanese bourgeoisie . As proletarians , we should , and can , do better .
This new breed of bourgeois often develops an identity crisis thumbing their nose to Sanlitun and the " foreigners " who fill the bars , clubs and restaurants .
Scarlett was the image of the United States during the Civil War , the representatives of the emerging bourgeoisie , she is courage , self-confidence , independence and self-empowerment .
The essential cause of her tragedy is the intense conflict between the rising bourgeoisie , claiming for individuality , and the ideology of the Russian aristocratic-capitalism imbued with the vestiges of feudal serfdom .
Later because of the development of the commodity economy and the declination of the Aristocracy , the main power of Britain Parliament transferred from the Aristocracy to the Bourgeoisie as the main approach to protect their interests .
Taking two representative events & Modern Reform Movement of 1898 and 1911 Revolution as the examples , the paper expounds the limitations existing in the political radicalism of reforming clique and the westernized system of emerging bourgeoisie .
The seventeenth century British society was undergoing the replacement of old and new society . Under bourgeois the great background of revolution in the United Kingdom , representing the interests of the emerging bourgeois ideology , Puritanism raised and moved towards prosperity .
From the second half of the 17th century , emerging European bourgeois started to adore oriental art passionately . This new trend was intermittent until the end of 19th century , producing " Oriental hot " for a hundred years in Europe .
The rising middle class of19th-century Britain agitated peacefully for the vote ;
It gradually became a consciousness with the growth and development of the bourgeois .
The Wife of Bath is depicted as the new bourgeois wife asserting her independence .
The discovery of America , the rounding of the Cape , opened up fresh ground for the rising bourgeoisie .
With the change of the English social structure and economic basis in the early nineteenth century , the feudal landowners gradually lost their superiority , were replaced by the rise of the bourgeoisie .
Early reform thought which was formed before the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 and characterized with the reform thought of early Bourgeoisie , was the trend of the time and reflected different kinds of request of the rising national Bourgeoisie .
On the Rise of National Bourgeoisie and Reformation During the Hundred Days Reform ; In those countries which are but little developed , industrially and commercially , these two classes still vegetate side by side with the rising bourgeoisie .
The rising bourgeoisie and the townspeople turn out to be the fertile land for the growth of Chaucer 's humanistic thinking , and meanwhile Italian Humanism provides guidance for Chaucer and enables him to break through the medieval bondage and become the great forerunner of British Renaissance .