
  1. 他塑造的鲁滨逊是一个新兴资产阶级的代表人物,一个理想化的英雄。

    Robinson , the shape he is a representative of the emerging capitalist class , an idealized hero .

  2. 他揭示了人与自然和社会的密切联系,反映了新兴资产阶级要求发展科学技术、提高生产力、冲破封建枷锁的强烈愿望。

    It reflect bourgeois requirement for developing science and technology , increasing productivity and breaking through the feudality .

  3. 法国启蒙民权思想产生于18世纪中叶的法国,是当时法国新兴资产阶级要求在思想领域上的反映。

    French enlighten thoughts of human rights rooted in 18th century , derived from the claim of the early bourgeois in France .

  4. 文艺复兴是欧洲新兴资产阶级在思想文化领域里对黑暗的中世纪进行的公开宣战。

    The Renaissance is the open challenge of the European uprising bourgeois to the dark middle age in the ideological and intellectual field .

  5. 明治维新是新兴资产阶级干的现代化,我们是无产阶级,应该也可能干得比他们好。

    The Meiji Restoration was a kind of modernization drive undertaken by the emerging Japanese bourgeoisie . As proletarians , we should , and can , do better .

  6. 这帮新兴资产阶级们自命不凡,对三里屯的那些酒吧、夜店和餐厅嗤之以鼻,在他们眼里,去那些地方消费的‘‘同胞’’们俗不可耐。

    This new breed of bourgeois often develops an identity crisis thumbing their nose to Sanlitun and the " foreigners " who fill the bars , clubs and restaurants .

  7. 郝思嘉是南北战争时期美国新兴资产阶级的代表,她勇敢、自信、独立、自强。

    Scarlett was the image of the United States during the Civil War , the representatives of the emerging bourgeoisie , she is courage , self-confidence , independence and self-empowerment .

  8. 安娜悲剧的本质根源,是新兴资产阶级个性解放的要求,与充满着封建农奴制痕迹的俄国贵族资产阶级社会思想道德的尖锐冲突。

    The essential cause of her tragedy is the intense conflict between the rising bourgeoisie , claiming for individuality , and the ideology of the Russian aristocratic-capitalism imbued with the vestiges of feudal serfdom .

  9. 后来由于商品经济的发展和封建贵族的衰弱,议会权力的重心逐渐从封建贵族转移到了新兴资产阶级的手中,成为新兴资产阶级维护自身利益的主要手段。

    Later because of the development of the commodity economy and the declination of the Aristocracy , the main power of Britain Parliament transferred from the Aristocracy to the Bourgeoisie as the main approach to protect their interests .

  10. 以近代戊戌变法和辛亥革命这两次极具代表性的重大历史事件为例,揭示维新派的政治激进主义、新兴资产阶级制度西方化等政治变革所存在的局限。

    Taking two representative events & Modern Reform Movement of 1898 and 1911 Revolution as the examples , the paper expounds the limitations existing in the political radicalism of reforming clique and the westernized system of emerging bourgeoisie .

  11. 十七世纪的英国社会经历着新旧社会的更替,在英国资产阶级革命的大背景下,代表着新兴资产阶级利益的清教主义思想兴起并走向繁荣。

    The seventeenth century British society was undergoing the replacement of old and new society . Under bourgeois the great background of revolution in the United Kingdom , representing the interests of the emerging bourgeois ideology , Puritanism raised and moved towards prosperity .

  12. 17世纪后半叶,欧洲新兴资产阶级开始热情追捧东方艺术,这股热潮时断时续一直持续到19世纪末,产生了欧洲百年东方热。

    From the second half of the 17th century , emerging European bourgeois started to adore oriental art passionately . This new trend was intermittent until the end of 19th century , producing " Oriental hot " for a hundred years in Europe .

  13. 19世纪的英国,新兴的资产阶级以和平的方式要求投票权;

    The rising middle class of19th-century Britain agitated peacefully for the vote ;

  14. 随着新兴的资产阶级的成长和发展,这种理性精神也在逐渐地从自发走向自觉。

    It gradually became a consciousness with the growth and development of the bourgeois .

  15. “巴斯夫人”被描述成一位新兴大资产阶级的夫人,维护着自己的独立地位。

    The Wife of Bath is depicted as the new bourgeois wife asserting her independence .

  16. 美洲的发现、绕过非洲的航行,给新兴的资产阶级开辟了新天地。

    The discovery of America , the rounding of the Cape , opened up fresh ground for the rising bourgeoisie .

  17. 十九世纪初,英国的经济基础和社会结构发生了巨大变化,新兴的资产阶级逐渐取代了没落的封建地主阶级。

    With the change of the English social structure and economic basis in the early nineteenth century , the feudal landowners gradually lost their superiority , were replaced by the rise of the bourgeoisie .

  18. 早期维新思想主要是指形成于甲午战前的一股具有早期资产阶级改革意识的时代思潮,初步反映了新兴民族资产阶级的要求。

    Early reform thought which was formed before the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 and characterized with the reform thought of early Bourgeoisie , was the trend of the time and reflected different kinds of request of the rising national Bourgeoisie .

  19. 论戊戌维新时期民族资产阶级状况和维新运动的兴起在工商业不很发达的国家里,这个阶级还在新兴的资产阶级身旁勉强生存着。

    On the Rise of National Bourgeoisie and Reformation During the Hundred Days Reform ; In those countries which are but little developed , industrially and commercially , these two classes still vegetate side by side with the rising bourgeoisie .

  20. 英国新兴的资产阶级和市民阶级是孕育乔叟人文主义思想的沃土,而意大利人文主义思想则指引了乔叟,使他最终冲破了中世纪的束缚而步入近代,成为英国文艺复兴运动的伟大先驱。

    The rising bourgeoisie and the townspeople turn out to be the fertile land for the growth of Chaucer 's humanistic thinking , and meanwhile Italian Humanism provides guidance for Chaucer and enables him to break through the medieval bondage and become the great forerunner of British Renaissance .