
  • 网络Islam
  1. 那是个周四傍晚,宣礼员刚被命名,而且似乎“letoutamman”并没有为周五假日准备东西。

    It was a Thursday evening , the muezzin had just been called and it seemed that " Le tout Amman " was out stocking up for the Friday holiday .

  2. 为出发的朝觐者念宣礼词。

    Giving Adhan upon departure of the pilgrims .

  3. 塔高65米(213英尺),在世界宣礼尖塔中高度位居第二。

    The minaret is 65 meters ( 213 feet ) high , the second highest in the world .

  4. 接着他们用清真寺的大喇叭,一般用来宣礼的,把他们的呼唤响遍全城。

    They then used the mosque 's loud speaker system , normally used to call people to prayer , to broadcast their chants across the city .

  5. 他试图在下午穆斯林宣礼前结束讨论。他说,在美国以外,有很多人认为美国人就是自私和粗鲁的。

    Trying to end the session before the afternoon Muslim call to prayer , he said there are many people outside of the United States that think of Americans only as selfish and crass .

  6. 一个顾客说,“你的声音真美,好像清真寺塔上的宣礼人。”他答道,“卜茶就是靠着小贩声音里的情感才能卖出去的。”

    One customer says , " You have a lovely voice , like a muezzin . " He replies , " It 's the emotion in the seller 's voice that really sells the boza . "