
jiàn zhù yì shù
  • architectural art;art of architecture
  1. 观念创新包括信息化创新和建筑艺术的创新。

    Idea innovation includes innovation of communication and art of architecture .

  2. 儒家的美学思想对建筑艺术产生了深刻的影响。

    Confucianism 's aesthetic thought has a great influence on the art of architecture .

  3. 本文通过绘画艺术与建筑艺术之间的关系,阐述如何正确的使用LED等点、线光源。

    Through analysis the relation between painting and architecture art , this paper shows how to use correctly using points and lines sources of LED and so on .

  4. 不过,虽然这些地方也许没有奢华的弗雷特(frette)床上用品和随时待命的客房服务,但你却能身临其境的体验到建筑艺术带来的独特感受。

    But while such a place may mean living without frette bed linen and wall-to-wall service , they present a unique architectural experience that you can have entirely to yourself .

  5. 而伊斯兰建筑艺术在伊斯法罕和伊斯坦布尔到达了后期的顶峰。

    Islamic architecture reached a late peak in Isfahan and Istanbul .

  6. 新地方主义与桂林的坡屋顶建筑艺术

    New localism and the Art of housetop of Po in Guilin

  7. 民俗风俗与现代建筑艺术设计的结合

    The combine of the folk customs and the building arts design

  8. 中国将举办国际建筑艺术大展

    An International Exhibition of Architectural Art to be Held in China

  9. 基督教信仰是哥特式教堂建筑艺术风格的灵魂。

    Christian belief is the soul of the Gothic artistic style .

  10. 中国国际建筑艺术双年展究竟带来了什么?

    What does the I st Beijing Architecture Biennial bring about ?

  11. 中国近现代建筑艺术是中华民族的宝贵遗产。

    Chinese modern architecture is our nation 's valuable cultural heritage .

  12. 瞿昙寺历史及其建筑艺术

    The Qu Tan temple 's history and its architectural art

  13. 建筑艺术审美的伦理意义论美感与道德感

    Ethical meaning of architectural aesthetic On Aesthetic Feeling and Sense of Morality

  14. 从传统民居看文化思想对建筑艺术的影响

    The Impact of Cultural Ideas on Architecture in Terms of Traditional Dwellings

  15. 析解构主义建筑艺术

    Analyse and solve and construct building art of the doctrine

  16. 江淮明珠&合肥城市空间布局及建筑艺术特色

    Urban Space Layout and Features of Architectural Art in Hefei

  17. 对中国现代建筑艺术情结的质疑

    A Query of the Artistic Complex of Modern Chinese Architectural

  18. 广州陈家祠的岭南建筑艺术特色

    Art feature in Lingnan Architecture of Guangzhou Chen Ancestral Temple

  19. 论作为文化形态实证的建筑艺术

    The Compendium of Architecture as the Fact Proof in the Culture Morphology

  20. 对建筑艺术有执著的追求,思维敏锐、活跃;

    Having clinging pursuit to the architectural art , active and lively ;

  21. 徽州民居是我国传统民居建筑艺术的瑰宝。

    Huizhou residential buildings are the rarity of traditional Chinese construction art .

  22. 不知道你对建筑艺术是否感兴趣?

    I wonder if you have any interest in architecture .

  23. 实际上,我对建筑艺术不感兴趣。

    Actually , I 'm not very interested in architecture .

  24. 喀什民居是中国民居建筑艺术中的一朵奇葩。

    Kashi dwellings are a wonderful work of art of Chinese architecture .

  25. 哥特式建筑艺术实现了中世纪基督教哲学与艺术创作的完美结合。

    Gothic architecture achieves medieval Christian perfect combination of philosophy and art .

  26. 尼泊尔古建筑艺术初探

    Architectural Art in Ancient Nepal : A Preliminary Study

  27. 建筑艺术与技术的关联

    The Relationship Between The Architectural Art And The Technology

  28. 再者,后花园与阳台都是建筑艺术也是人类文明发展到一定程度的产物。

    Back garden and balcony are architectures which are the outcome of civilization .

  29. 中世纪建筑艺术与工艺美术运动的家具设计

    Architectural Art in Middle Ages and Furniture Design of Arts and Crafts Movement

  30. 城市雕塑与建筑艺术的互动与互补

    Interaction and Complementation between Urban sculpture and Architectural Art