
  • 网络building density;building coverage;site coverage
  1. 地表反照率、NDVI和建筑密度对规划地块地表温度的影响与容积率和平均高度两个因子相比更剧烈。

    Surface albedo , NDVI and the building density have more effects on land surface temperature than plot ratio and average height .

  2. 地表温度与NDVI和地表反照率的相关关系最为密切,相关系数分别为0.843和0.829,其次为建筑密度,相关系数分别为0.662,再次为容积率和平均高度,相关系数分别为0.429和0.416。

    Surface temperature is most closely related with NDVI and surface albedo . The correlation coefficients are 0.843 and 0.829 , followed by building density , whose correlation coefficient is 0.662 . The last are the plot ratio and average height , whose correlation coefficients are 0.429 and 0.416 respectively .

  3. 从上海城市建筑密度看城市用地效率与生态环境

    Construction density of shanghai in consideration of land utilization and environment

  4. 建筑密度越大,建筑容积率越高,地面沉降越显著。

    Bigger building density and bigger volumetric fraction caused bigger subsidence .

  5. 上海城区建筑密度与地面沉降关系分析

    Relationship between building density and land subsidence in Shanghai urban zone

  6. 面向基元的城市建筑密度遥感信息获取研究

    Basic Element-oriented Urban Building Density Remote Sensing Information Extraction Research

  7. 容积率与建筑密度对地价的综合影响研究&以株洲市商业用地为例

    The joint influence on land price produced by floor area ratio and construction density

  8. 汉城的人口和建筑密度几乎都处于饱和状态,面临着严重的交通拥堵与停车场地不足的问题。

    The population and construction densi - ties in Seoul are almost at the saturation state .

  9. 基坑工程一般集中在城市人口密集、建筑密度大的狭小场地。

    Foundation pits generally gather at the field with large population and construction density and small spatial scale .

  10. 提出了按照矢量地图颜色块来自动计算网格与网格之间的通路宽度以及网格内高大建筑密度,提高了积水深度计算的精确度;

    Put forward a method to calculate grid-channel 's width automatic make use of color-pieces of vector map .

  11. 其次,运用探索性空间数据分析方法对济南市地籍数据中的城市建筑密度进行分析。

    Second , we used exploratory spatial data analysis method to analysis the urban building density of Jinan .

  12. 城市建设用地的日益紧缺使得建筑密度越来越大,拟开挖基坑的周边环境条件更加复杂。

    The increasingly serious shortage of land makes buildings more and more crowded , and the surroundings around proposed foundation are more complex .

  13. 通过分析发现,容积率和建筑密度等指标将发挥重大的作用,需要结合多指标深入分析城市土地利用结构。

    By analyzing , we find some index such as floor area ratio and building density would contribute to the analysis in this field .

  14. 近十年来,随着市场建设规模、建筑密度不断加大,在各类市政建设项目中,顶管施工技术己被广泛应用。

    In recent ten years , with the expansion of market scale and building density , pipe pushing has been adapted broadly in different engineering .

  15. 从市中心到城市边缘,随着人口密度和建筑密度的下降,绿化的数量逐渐增加。

    From the downtown to the urban fringe , the greening coverage is increased along with the decrease of the population density and building density .

  16. 选用单位面积火灾损失、人口密度、建筑密度、路网密度和消防力量建立城市火灾危险预测与评估的统计模型。

    The statistic model of fire risk assessment is based on fire losses , population density , buildings density , road density and fire protection force .

  17. 首先通过提高综合容积率、建筑密度、工业用地综合容积率来提升土地承载强度。

    First , a comprehensive volume by increasing the rate , building density , industrial land , a comprehensive volume ratio to enhance the land bearing strength .

  18. 北京、上海、广州等巨型城市在交通、建筑密度、人口密度、治安等方面存在的问题,反映出了城市的不宜居。

    Problems such as transit , building density , population density , and security in Metropolises like Beijing , Shanghai , and Guangzhou have shown the inhospitality of mega-cities .

  19. 中国在快速的城市化进程中,由于城市土地紧缺,导致城市建筑密度加大,生态环境恶化等一系列问题。

    For the reason that urban land resource is extremely scarce , the building density is increased and the ecological environment is getting worse during the rapid development of urbanization .

  20. 居民在进行居住区位选择时,会在这两者之间进行权衡,从而形成住房价格、建筑密度和通勤行为在空间上的变化规律。

    Households make trade-off between these two costs when choosing their residential locations , which in turn generate the spatial structure of housing price , construction density and commuting patterns .

  21. 根据平衡计算,该城市绿化率极限最低为27%,理想值为40%,建筑密度应当控制在27%以下为宜。

    According to balancing calculation , it 's proper that the minimum and the ideal value of the city 's percentage of green coverage are 27 % and 40 % respectively .

  22. 城市化进程的不断加剧,在产生巨大经济效益的同时,也带来了城市人口膨胀、建筑密度过大、交通严重堵塞、环境持续恶化等一系列的问题。

    Since the intensification of urbanization , it not only brought great economic benefits , but also the population explosion , excessive building density , terrible traffic jam , and other problems .

  23. 这个规划将在对发展的居住,商业和办公建筑密度和能源形式运用的广泛估计的基础上建立。

    The plan will be based on broad estimates of the residential , commercial and office density for the development , and a view on the type of energy to be used .

  24. 由于城市土地长期粗放开发利用,旧城改造建设容积率过高,建筑密度过大,而人们的居住生活水平并未得到根本性的提高。

    Because of the extensive mode of land use in a long run , the density and capacity of reconstruction has become too high , while the residents ' living standard has not been essentially improved .

  25. 城市建筑密度大、人口集中、用地紧张的格局,以及城市空气质量下降、生态环境恶化等一系列问题成为城市园林建设关注的焦点。

    A series of urban problems have become the focal points of urban landscape construction , such as high building density , concentration of population , tight supply of land , air pollution and environment deterioration .

  26. 随着杭州市区建筑密度的不断增加,高层建筑的基础越做越深,基坑支护设计所面临的困难也越来越多。

    With the continuous increase of construction density and the increasing depth of high-rise construction foundation in Hang Zhou area , the hole excavated for building foundation supports and protects design are facing more and more difficulties .

  27. 过高的建筑密度和建筑高度对居住环境的采光、通风等产生不利的影响,同时,居住小区的绿地率也会减少。

    High building density and building height of the living environment of lighting , ventilation , and so have a negative impact , at the same time , the residential quarters of the green rate will be reduced .

  28. 随着社会的发展,建筑密度的加大,建筑内部空间与室外自然风景的联系同渐减少,忽视了人们对于自然与生俱来的亲近之情。

    With the development of society and the increase of building density , the links between the interior space of the building and outdoor natural landscape has lessened sharply , ignoring the feeling of closeness with natural which people born with .

  29. 然而由于中心区特殊的地理位置和经济地位,往往人口稠密,交通拥挤,建筑密度高,地价高昂,成为城市中各种矛盾最为集中的区域。

    But because of the special geographical position and economic status of centre district , populous , traffic jam , heavy density of building , high price of land , become the most centralized area of different contradictions in the city .

  30. 初步得出,武汉市人口、建筑密度、能耗的快速增长以及森林和水域的急剧减少是武汉市热岛效应加剧的主要原因。

    Primarily shows increasing the Heat Island Effect of Wuhan city the first reason why the rapid growth of population , the construction density , the request of energy and the sharp reducing of forest and water area in Wuhan city .