
  • 网络Jianou
  1. 建瓯市48a四季长短及极端气温变化特征

    Change Characteristics of Season Length and Extreme Temperature of Jian'ou City in Recent 48 Years

  2. 建瓯市丘陵山地草地生态系统营养元素循环研究

    Characteristics of Nutrient Cycling in Mountainous Grassland Ecosystem of Jian'ou City

  3. 建瓯市集体林经营体制改革初探

    On the Manage System Reform of Jian'ou 's Collective Forest

  4. 建瓯市竹产业发展的工作思路

    Work Thinking of the Bamboo Industry Development of Jian'ou City

  5. 村民自发占用集体林地的博弈思考&福建省建瓯市村级案例研究

    Reflection on Villagers ' Spontaneous Occupation of Collective Woodland from Game Perspective & A Case Study of Jian'ou , Fujian Province

  6. 柔性吊桥设计理论及其应用研究Ⅳ.简易柔性悬索桥总体设计方案研究&福建省建瓯市慈口悬索桥例析

    Design Theory and Applied Study on a Flexible Suspension Bridge ⅳ . The General Design Scheme on a Flexible Cable Suspension Bridge

  7. 影响闽北山区农业综合开发的制约因素&以建瓯市农业综合开发项目为例

    Restrictive factors affecting the comprehensive exploitation of agriculture in mountain area of Northern Fujian & A case study on the items of Jian-ou comprehensive exploitation of agriculture

  8. 钟楼、豪栋两村渔业协调会是建瓯市渔业合作经济组织,按照“自愿互利、联而不合、办而不包”原则,服务渔业生产,协调渔业产、供、销之间关系。

    Fishery coordinated meetings are fishery cooperative economic organizations in Jian'ou , in accordance with the principle " voluntary benefits , but not together do not offer " .

  9. 2005年6月17&23日福建省建瓯市发生特大暴雨,诱发大量中小型浅层滑坡灾害。

    During time from June 17-23 in 2005 , an extraordinary storm event happened in Jian'ou city , Fujian province ; it induced lots of small and medium scale shallow landslides .

  10. 通过对锥栗主产区福建省建瓯市以及福建农林大学南平校区锥栗试验林中35个品种的研究,并参考了板栗的评价系统,初步建立了适合中国南方特点的锥栗品种资源性状描述与评价系统。

    By studied 35 cultivars in Fujian province and consulted evaluation system of Castanea mollissima Bl. , the author established a preliminarily system of character description and evaluation of Castanea henryi Rehd & Wils .

  11. 调查了建瓯市10家年产值上千万元的笋竹加工企业的生产现状和存在问题,提出发展对策。

    This paper investigated the present productive situations and existing problems of 10 bamboo shoot and bamboo processing enterprises whose production values are over 10 millions in Jian'ou City , and raised the developmental countermeasures .

  12. 总结了建瓯市完善竹业政策、激活竹业产业的工作经验,并提出一些建设性的意见,供领导和有关部门参考。

    This paper summarized the work experience of perfecting the bamboo industry policy to activate bamboo industry of Jian ' ou City , and raised some positive ideas , which provided the references for leaders and relevant departments .