
  • 网络Ruijin City
  1. 瑞金市拥有悠久的旅游传统和丰富的旅游资源,近年来随着旅游业的发展特别是红色旅游的兴起,瑞金市的旅游饭店得到了长足的发展。

    Ruijin city boasts the traditional long history and abundant resources of tourism .

  2. GIS三维建模在城市规划中的应用&以江西瑞金市为例

    Application of 3-D Geographical Model in Urban Planning Base on GIS & A Case of Ruijin in Jiangxi Province

  3. 本文分绪论、城市公园概述、城市公园的体验式景观设计研究、江西瑞金市绵江公园的体验式景观设计实例研究、研究总结一共五章的内容。

    This article is divided the introduction , an overview of city parks , city parks landscape design of experiential , Jiangxi Ruijin Park Min Jiang experiential landscape design study to summarize the contents of a total of five chapters .