
  • 网络king of sweden;Carl XVI Gustaf
  1. 瑞典国王颁给每一位获奖者证书和奖章。

    The King of Sweden gives each winner a and a.

  2. 国王和一位重要的客人瑞典国王谈话。

    He was talking to an important guest , the king of Sweden .

  3. 瑞典国王卡尔十六世·古斯塔夫在颁奖仪式上讲话。

    Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf spoke at the ceremony .

  4. 他是瑞典国王奥斯卡一世和卢森堡约瑟芬的第三个儿子。

    He was the third son of King Oscar I of Sweden and Josephine of Leuchtenberg .

  5. 瑞典国王卡尔十六世·古斯塔夫向每位获奖者颁发诺贝尔奖证书和奖章。

    They received their Nobel medals and diplomas from the hands of Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf .

  6. 由瑞典国王古斯塔夫斯一世于550年创建,'40年迁到现在的地址。

    Founded in550 by Gustavus I of Sweden , it was moved to its present site in '40 .

  7. 国王没有注意到他的插话,继续和瑞典国王讲话。

    The king took no notice of this interruption , and went on talking to the king of Sweden .

  8. 他们将于12月10日从瑞典国王卡尔十六世·古斯塔夫手上接过诺贝尔奖。

    They will receive their prize from the hands of the Swedish King Karl XVI Gustaf on December 10 .

  9. 古斯塔夫斯五世:瑞典国王(1907-1950年),立宪君主,在两次大战期间使瑞典保持中立。

    King of Sweden ( 1907-1950 ) . A constitutional monarch , he kept Sweden neutral through both World Wars .

  10. 1980年,我从瑞典国王那里接受诺贝尔奖时曾说过:我是获得了双重幸福的人。

    In accepting the Nobel Prize from the Swedish2 King in 1980 , I said that I had been doubly blessed .

  11. 玛德琳公主是瑞典国王卡尔十六世和王后西尔维娅三个孩子中年纪最小的,拥有第四顺位王位继承权。

    Madeleine is the youngest of Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia 's three children and fourth in line to the throne .

  12. 除了桑托斯,其他诺贝尔奖获得者与瑞典国王和王后一起参加了在斯德哥尔摩市政厅举办的宴会。

    Except Santos , the Nobel Laureates all attended a grand banquet the Swedish King and Queen in the famous City Hall of Stockholm .

  13. 这位作家已经学会了跳华尔兹,因为瑞典国王和王后也将出席这个定于12月10日的仪式,《齐鲁晚报》报道。

    The writer has learned to waltz because Swedish king and queen will also attend the ceremony , set for December 10 , Qilu Evening News reported .

  14. 那年的诺贝尔奖颁奖典礼,瑞典国王给每一位获奖者颁发了获奖证书,奖牌,以及相关奖金文件。

    At the Nobel Prize Award ceremony , His Majesty the King of Sweden hands each Laureate a diploma , a medal , and a document confirming the Prize amount .

  15. 还有比这更荒谬的:他们还谈到了几位将军,其中就有黑森王子和瑞典国王,他们说这两个人现在正在逃亡中。

    especially when I heard them mention the names of several other great generals , as the Prince of Hess and the King of Sweden , who , they said , were both running away .

  16. 1900年的今天,瑞典的国王奥斯卡二世宣布将支持第二次波尔战争中的英国军队。

    1900-Oscar II , King of Sweden , declares support for Britain at the time of the Second Boer War .

  17. 在瑞典执政国王古斯塔夫十六世的陪伴下,诺贝尔奖获得者周一打着领带穿着燕尾服聚集在斯德哥尔摩2012年正式颁奖典礼上。

    Nobel prize winners gathered in Stockholm on Monday in white tie and tails for the official 2012 awards ceremony in the company of Carl XVI Gustaf , the reigning king of Sweden .

  18. 1873年的今天,奥斯卡二世在特隆赫姆加冕为瑞典-挪威的国王。

    Oscar II of Sweden-Norway is crowned king of Norway in Trondheim .

  19. 尼娜·斯泰默在斯德哥尔摩皇家瑞典剧院从瑞典国王卡尔十六世·古斯塔夫手中接过今年的尼尔森奖。

    Nina Stemme has received her prize from the hands of Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf in the Royal Swedish Opera House in Stockholm .

  20. 1844年的今天,瑞典-挪威联盟的奥斯卡一世加冕为瑞典国王。

    Oscar I of Sweden-Norway is crowned king of Sweden .

  21. 瑞典首相和妻子、新婚的维多利亚公主和未婚夫维斯特林、瑞典国王和王后出席欢迎庆典。

    Swedish Prime Ministar Fredrik Reinfeldt and his wife Flippa Reinfeldt with Crown Princess Victoria , Daniel Westling , HM King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia at the Government 's reception .

  22. 瑞典随后占领挪威,但是瑞典同意挪威保留自己宪法,前提是他们接受在瑞典国王领导下的联盟。

    Sweden then invaded Norway but agreed to let Norway keep its constitution in return for accepting the union under a Swedish king .

  23. 当然,在“鹿甚至比人多”的瑞典,鹿肉算不上野味,而且几乎每年都会有鹿肉出现在晚宴菜单中,并且据说还是瑞典国王亲自宰杀的。

    Of course ," more deer than people ," sweden , venison is not a game , and almost every year venison appeared in the dinner menu , or the king of Sweden and reportedly killed himself .