
  • 网络the anti-smoking campaign;campaign against smoking;Anti-smoking movement
  1. 我们认为青少年是禁烟运动的最佳对象。

    We think teenagers are a prime target for the anti-smoking campaign .

  2. 本文即研究了目前在渠道管理中需要改进的内容,也考虑了未来专卖体制取消后所面临的新渠道的影响,还涉及了禁烟运动对行业和企业带来的新变化。

    In this paper , not only how to improve the current problems is studied , but also the future of the monopoly system after the abolition of the new channel is considered besides the anti-smoking campaign on trade and business brought about by the new changes is coming .

  3. 市政府计划发起禁烟运动

    The city hall be plan to start a campaign against smoking

  4. 民国时期湖北省的禁烟运动

    The Opium - Banning Campaign of Hubei Province in China Republic Times

  5. 禁烟运动与国家财政收入之间矛盾重重。

    The opium abolition movement contradicts the revenue very much .

  6. 禁烟运动就是其中的重要内容之一。

    The opium abolition campaign was one of the most important measures .

  7. 中国近代三次禁烟运动之比较

    The Comparative Research on the Three Anti - opium Campaigns in Modern China

  8. 第三部分,对财政困境下的禁烟运动进行反思。

    The third part reconsiders the opium abolition movement of the financial dilemma .

  9. 问题25.在禁烟运动期间戒烟的人有何变化?

    Question 25 . What happened to those who quit during anti-smoking campaigns ?

  10. 政府将考虑允许议会推行街头禁烟运动。

    The Government is to consider allowing councils to ban smoking in the street .

  11. 辛亥革命与禁烟运动

    The 1911 Revolution and the Opium Abolition Campaign

  12. 清末禁烟运动与中国社会

    The Opium Prohibiting Campaign at the Last Years of Qing Dynasty and Chinese Society

  13. 1964年以来,美国政府及一些私人组织不断地开展禁烟运动。

    The U.S. government and private organizations have been running antismoking campaigns since 1964 .

  14. 中国近代的禁烟运动

    On the Opium-banning Campaigns in Modern China

  15. 清末民初贵州禁烟运动研究

    Prohibition of Opium in Guizhou

  16. 论清末新政时期的禁烟运动和财政

    The Study on the Opium Abolition Campaign and Finance in the New Policy of Late Qing Dynasty

  17. 清末驻英公使与英国禁烟运动

    Chinese ministers to Great Britain and the British movement of ban on opium trade in Late Qing Dynasty

  18. 浅析1927&1934年国民政府禁烟运动

    Simply analyse the national government banned on opium - smoking and the opium trade from 1927 to 1934

  19. 尽管校园禁酒运动的规模很小,胆气不足,但已经从禁烟运动中得到启示。

    Still small and somewhat timid , the campus temperance movement has taken its cue from anti-smoking campaigns .

  20. 基金会最近划拨的资金将用于“禁烟运动”的宣传广告。

    The funds from the foundation 's latest commitment are expected to go toward advertisements in an anti-smoking campaign .

  21. 经常乘坐出租车的上班族刘正认为禁烟运动是个积极的举措。

    Liu Zheng , an office worker who often takes cabs , said the campaign was a positive one .

  22. 最后,本周也出台了一项被禁烟运动支持者成为有历史性意义的规定。

    And finally , this week also brought a ruling that anti-tobacco activists in the United States called historic .

  23. 本文旨在研究禁烟运动及其与财政之间错综复杂的关系,理性审视了清政府在新政过程中禁烟与财政的两难困境,以期对晚清的新政研究有所推进。

    This paper studies the opium abolition movement and the complicated relation between it and finance , rationally research the .

  24. 近年来,欧洲的禁烟运动如火如荼,全球范围内,人们日益认识到禁烟的必要性。

    Recently , Smoking Ban Movement is popular in the Europe . Globally , people acknowledged the necessary of Smoking Ban .

  25. 禁烟运动收到了良好的效果;第二方面,是丁义华在民国时期的社会活动。

    Prohibition of opium received a good effect . The second aspect is social activities of Thwing in the republic of China .

  26. 吸烟会致人死亡&在美国从巴西的禁烟运动中抄袭的尸体照片旁边,配着这样一句话。

    Smoking can kill you , runs the caption next to the cadaver photo that the US copied from the Brazilian campaign .

  27. 近年来,禁烟运动一直是学术界研究的热点,但是对于禁烟运动中戒烟方面的研究却不多见。

    In recent years , the Anti-opium Movements has been a hot academic research , but for the Anti-opium Movement " quit " the study are rare .

  28. 虎门销烟,把禁烟运动推向了最高潮,它向全世界显示了中国人民抗击外来侵略的信心和决心。

    Destroying Opium at Humen , to a climax of the movement , showed the world the confidence and determination of the Chinese people against foreign aggression .

  29. 我们希望通过禁烟运动上海出租车内的环境能得到较大改善,这对司机和乘客都会受益。

    We hope the sanitation of cabs in the city will be improved through our no-smoking campaign , which is a mutual benefit for both drivers and passengers .

  30. 本文的结论部分从总体上对清末的禁烟运动及其和财政之间的关系作出总体评价。

    In the conclusion , the paper makes appraisal generally to the opium abolition movement and relation between the movements and finance at the end of Qing dynasty .