
jìn luán
  • a chunk of meat for one's exclusive consumption;one's exclusive domain;choice dish for one's carving
禁脔 [jìn jī]
  • [choice dish for one's carving;chunk of meat for one's exclusive consumption] 比喻独自占有,不容别人分享的东西

  • 王珣曰:卿莫近禁脔。--《晋书.谢混传》

禁脔[jìn luán]
  1. 近年来,外国投资者正稳步介入韩国商业领域,这曾经是当地家族财团及国有控股企业的禁脔。

    In recent years , South Korea has seen a steady flow of foreign investors into a business sector that was once the preserve of family-run chaebols and state-controlled companies .