
  • 网络state sovereign immunity;Sovereign or State Immunity
  1. 第一部分为国家主权豁免原则概说;

    Chapter one is an induction of the principle of state sovereign immunity .

  2. 共分为两节:第一节是关于国家主权豁免的含义、内容及其根据;

    The first section tells the definition , contents as well as the theoretical basis of the state sovereign immunity .

  3. 国家主权豁免主要有两大理论体系,即国家主权绝对豁免原则和国家主权限制豁免原则。

    The theory of state sovereign immunity mainly has two systems , they are named as national sovereignty absolute immunity principle and the principle of national sovereignty restrictive immunity respectively .

  4. 19世纪末叶,随着国家主权豁免理论的衰败与权利运动的兴起,司法赔偿责任得到许多国家的承认。

    With the waning of the sovereign immunity and the movement for civil rights , the liability for compensation for judicial torts was accepted by many countries in the last years of 19th century .

  5. 第二部分为国家主权有限豁免的理论依据;

    Chapter two is about the theoretical basis of the theory of restrictive state sovereign immunity .

  6. 笔者拟通过对国家主权有限豁免这一问题展开深入研究,提出自己的看法,以期对我国日后的立法和司法实践提供一些借鉴。

    So the author chose the theory of restrictive state sovereignty immunity as her topic , hoping to pose some useful suggestions to our legislative and judicial practices .

  7. 论国家主权的有限豁免

    The Theory of Restrictive State Sovereign Immunity

  8. 依照国际法规则,军舰和其他国家船舶享有主权豁免,只受船旗国管辖。

    Warships and other State vessels enjoy State immunity and are subject to flag State jurisdiction .

  9. 国家管辖豁免是国家主权豁免的一个方面,是指一个国家的行为及其财产免受外国法院的司法管辖。

    Jurisdictional immunity of states is a component of sovereign immunity and it means that the actions and properties of a state are immune from the jurisdiction of the courts of foreign states .