
  1. 在这些互联网前辈的早期岁月里,比如美国国防部的阿帕网(ARPANET),用户必须维护一些对其它机器的列表以登录正确的成员机器。

    In the early days of the internet 's predecessor , the American Defence Department 's ARPANET , users had to maintain lists of other machines to enter the correct machine numbers .

  2. 计算机对计算机的邮件最早出现在1968年,当时博尔特·贝拉尼克-纽曼公司受聘为美国国防部研究阿帕网,即因特网的前身。

    Computer-to-computer email got its start in 1968 , when Bolt Beranek and Newman ( BBN ) was hired by the United States Defense Department to work on ARPANET , the precursor to the Internet .

  3. 美国国防部建立了阿帕网,作研究用。

    ARPANET started by the US Dept. of Defense for research .