
qiāng liú dàn
  • grenade;rifle grenade
枪榴弹 [qiāng liú dàn]
  • [rifle grenade] 用装在步枪或者卡宾枪枪口上的发射装置射出的特种枪弹

枪榴弹[qiāng liú dàn]
  1. 侦察型枪榴弹是一种通过摄像机、传感器等电子设备,对目标进行侦察、探测的信息化炮弹。

    Reconnaissance-type rifle grenade is a type of Information shells of target reconnaissance and detection through cameras , sensors and other electronic equipment .

  2. 枪榴弹发射过程中引信爆炸元件常在隔爆位置提前发火爆炸。

    The explosive components in the fuze are often preignited in the interruption position during firing of rifle grenade .

  3. 现在R1和的R4步枪上我们进行了枪榴弹的开发工作。

    We now have working Rifle grenades in HE and FRAG for both the R1 and R4 Rifles .

  4. QLZ87式和美国MK19-3型40毫米自动枪榴弹发射器相比,QLZ87式在射程、初速和射速方面较差。

    Compared to the U.S.MK19-340mm automatic grenade launcher , the QLZ87 is inferior in range , muzzle velocity , and rate of fire .

  5. 在干枯的斜坡上还留有血迹,以及在枪战中发射的空弹箱和枪榴弹残块。

    Blood stains still remained on the dry slope as well as some empty cartridge clips and shell fragments .

  6. 在这座死亡峭壁攀到一半的时候,驻扎在邻近一座山上的敌军发现了他们的企图,于是,先是用枪榴弹轰炸,然后是冲锋枪布阵,火力遍布整片山崖。

    Half way up the icy cliff-o ' - doom , enemies stationed on an adjacent mountain opened fire , shooting them with an RPG , then spraying assault-rifle fire all over the cliff .