
  • 网络shanghai tourism festival
  1. 关于上海旅游节发展的若干思考

    Some Reflections on the Development of Shanghai Tourism Festival

  2. 作为上海旅游节唯一认可的官方啤酒节,它将带给我们最原汁原味的维森啤酒以及地道的德国乐队。

    As the only official beer festival of the Shanghai Tourism Festival , it will bring pure Weizen beer and German bands .

  3. 本文综合评述旅游节庆的地位与作用,对上海旅游节的发展进行了SWOT分析,并根据实际情况提出若干对策。

    This paper evaluates the status and effects of festival tourism in a comprehensive way , commits a SWOT analysis of Shanghai 's festival tourism development , and poses some countermeasures in the light of the factual situation .

  4. 昨天由于上海旅游节,当地许多观光景点也有50%的折扣。

    And 50 % - off discounts also happened to be offered at many local sightseeing spots for Shanghai Tourism Festival yesterday .

  5. 本文在参阅了国内外大量对节事旅游研究的文献基础之上,以上海旅游节为例,进一步探讨当前我国节事旅游市场化运作必要性和运作模式。

    Based on scores of previous researching achievements on such topic , this paper takes the Shanghai Tourism Festival as an example to discuss the necessity and mode of the market-oriented operation of the event & event tourism in domestic .

  6. 享誉上海的扬子江万丽大酒店啤酒节不但成为了上海旅游节的精彩活动之一,并连续十年在金秋时节将浓郁的巴伐利亚节氛围带到上海。

    The only official Oktoberfest endorsed by the Shanghai Tourism Festival will feature world-renowned Weihenstephan beer from the world 's oldest brewery in Bavaria .

  7. 其它大城市,像上海、广州和武汉,也面临着沉重的交通。周四闭幕的2011上海旅游节吸引了九百多万游客。

    Other big cities like Shanghai , Guangzhou and Wuhan are also facing heavy traffic pressure.The2011 Shanghai Tourism Festival , which closed on Thursday , attracted more than nine million visitors .