
shànɡ hǎi zhí wù yuán
  • Shanghai Botanical Garden
  1. 生物入侵与上海植物园引种的思考

    Biological Invasion and the Thought of Introduction in Shanghai Botanical Garden

  2. 上海植物园牡丹专类园规划与管理

    The Landscape Planning and Management of Specialist Peony Garden in Shanghai Botanical Garden

  3. 公园:上海植物园乔木类型(E),草地类型(F);

    Woods ( E ) and grassland ( F ) in the Shanghai Arboretum ;

  4. 本论文对近三年上海植物园所引304种宿根花卉的观赏特性首次运用层次分析法(AHP法)进行了评价并对六种观花、常绿宿根花卉进行了耐热、抗寒鉴定研究。

    The Ornamental value of 304 Perennial flowers introduced by Shai hai Botanical Garden are evaluated and heat and cold resistance of six species are studied in this paper .

  5. 上海植物园展览温室空调设计

    HVAC System Design of Exhibition Greenhouse in Shanghai Botanic Garden

  6. 上海植物园植物群落调查报告

    Investigation Report of Plant Communities in Shanghai Botanical Garden

  7. 上海植物园,奇花异草的天地。

    Shanghai Botanical Garden is a paradise full of exotic flowers and rare plants .

  8. 杜鹃园是上海植物园重要的专类园之一。

    The Rhododendron-Camellia Garden is one of the most important themed gardens in Shanghai Botanical Garden .

  9. 上海植物园新培植的玫瑰、牡丹、郁金香等世界名花,色彩夺目,迥然不俗。

    World-famous flowers such as roses , peonies and tulips have Been cultivated recently in the Shanghai Botanical Garden . Their colors are striking But not vulgar .

  10. 有报道说,此次海啸中海边大型游乐园的动物们都自行撤退到山坡上免遭海浪的侵袭。上海植物园,奇花异草的天地。

    There were reports of animals in large game parks that fronted the coast who retreated uphill and beyond the scope of the waves that hit shore drowning so many people . Shanghai Botanical Garden is a paradise full of exotic flowers and rare plants .

  11. 上海辰山植物园将特色作为建设和运营的重点之一。

    The construction and operation of Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden is full of characteristics .