
chéng huáng miào
  • City God Temple;Chenghuang Temple;town god's temple;Town God’s Temple
  1. 上海老城厢内的城隍庙和豫园,便是这样的一个地方。

    Railroad Town god 's temple in Shanghai and Yiyuan Shopping is such a place .

  2. 文章第三部分从不同层面对城隍庙所处的区位,经济、文化的影响进行了分析,以寻求适合该街区发展的功能性质与发展方向。

    In the third chapter , the influence of economy and culture of the Town God 's Temple has been analyzed from different aspects , seeking a proper function and development direction for this historic district .

  3. 但因历史原因城隍庙长期以来被百货商店占用。

    Because of historical reasons Temple has long been occupied by department stores .

  4. 无论在城市布局还是市民生活中,城隍庙都占据着重要的位置。

    The city god temples are important in both city layout and civil life .

  5. 上海豫园城隍庙商业区城市设计研究

    An Urban Design Study on Business District of Yuyuan Garden & City Temple in Shanghai

  6. 逛完城隍庙后,我们乘车去浦东参观东方明珠。

    After visiting Chenghuangmiao , we went to Pudong District to visit Dongfang Pearl Towel .

  7. 关于历史的主题公园都市历史空间的文脉窘境:以上海城隍庙、豫园地段为例

    Theme Park of History The Cultural Predicament of The City Temple and Yu Yuan Garden in Shanghai

  8. 豫园与城隍庙历史悠久、建筑精美,展示出老上海的迷人风情。

    The time-honored Yuyuan Garden and Chenghuang Temple display architectural beauty and the charm of old-day Shanghai .

  9. 初一物理老师:你们两个,简直是城隍庙的一对鼓锤。

    Beginning one physics teacher : You are2 , absolutely is a rightness of drum hammer of city god temple .

  10. 在人们心目中,当年的城隍庙不可等闲视之,以至连山名也因此庙而顺口叫做城隍山了。

    In that city , and lightly laid name is also therefore called Cheng Huang temple and hitting the mountains .

  11. 城隍庙是吴山上最大的神庙,仿宫殿式建筑,基址可寻。

    The City God Temple is Heavenly 's largest temple , Palace building , the base address is to be found .

  12. 在中国古代城市中,城隍庙一直是作为一种兼具祭祀性和世俗性的公共建筑几乎存在于各个城市中。

    There are city god temples in nearly every Chinese ancient city as public building with both sacred property and secular property .

  13. 认识此类城隍庙在空间上的分布状况及其形成原因,有助于深化城隍信仰研究。

    So researching such city god temple 's scatter in districts and it 's forming reason could deepen the study of city god behef .

  14. 紧接着,我们穿过城隍庙,来到荷花池,沿着九曲桥漫步,一路上有很多卖精美手绢的店铺。

    We wended through the City God Temple , with its many shops of marvelous handicrafts connected by a zigzag bridge around a lotus pond .

  15. 第二章,城隍庙与夫子庙游憩空间的形成与演变,从历史演变与影响因素两方面对目标实证游憩区进行了描述。

    The second chapter emphasised on the formation and evolution of recreation space . It briefly described the targeted districts from historical evolution and formation mechanism .

  16. 中国有两个股票市场,其中之一在上海。上海城隍庙供奉著财神。为消灭物质主义的势力祷告。

    Shanghai is home to one of Chinas two stock markets , and the Temple of the Town God features an idol of the God of Wealth .

  17. 随着西大街改造工程,对城隍庙进行了全面系统规划,恢复这座都城隍庙往日雄姿。

    With the West Street renovation project on the Temple conducted a comprehensive system planning , the restoration of the Temple of the past are majestic appearance .

  18. 西安城隍庙历史街区保护与更新研究城市历史街区保护与更新模式的初探

    Studies on Conservation and Redevelopment by the Historical District of Town God s Temple in Xi an ; A Simple Study on the Pattern of Protecting and Renewing the Historical Block

  19. 记者采访的主要对象和内容是实验小学和北濠桥社区国学班在城隍庙联合举办的端午祭活动,以及北濠桥社区成立的义工联合会。

    The interview was between the reporter and the person who organized the activity . Also , we have interviewed the Voluntary worker federation founded by the Residents'committee of Beihaoqiao Nanyuan .

  20. 然而,由于中国近代的战争以及新中国成立初时的破四旧运动,使得很多城隍庙建筑遭到了严重的破坏。

    But because of Chinese recent war and the movement of breaking away form The Four Old when Chinese New Republic City was found , many city god temples were badly destroyed .

  21. 从城隍庙的花店里买了一包过磷酸骨粉,搀和在每一盆泥里,这算代替了新泥。

    So I bought a bag of superphosphate bone meal from a flowerer shop in town at Town God 's Temple Street and mixed it into each pot as a substitute for new earth .

  22. 随着城市的发展和人们对历史文化的重视以及对丰富城市生活的追求,越来越多的城市开始关注起城隍庙及其周边的环境。

    With the development of cities , more attention is paid to the historical culture and many people are going after to the better life . At the same time , more and more cities begin to pay attention to the city god temples and their perimeter .

  23. 文章第二部分,分析了西安城市空间形态的发展与演变过程,总结了西安城市特色在不同层面的体现,明确了城隍庙历史街区的保护工作的现实背景。

    In the second chapter , the development and evolution process of the urban space form in Xi'an have been analyzed , the embodiments in different aspects of urban characteristics of Xi'an have been summarized , and the realistic background for protection of the historical block has been defined .