
  • 网络Urban areas;City Region;city-region;urban region
  1. 杭州城市区域中湿地景观的保护

    Protect the Landscape of Wetland in HangZhou City Region

  2. 城市区域整合发展研究

    Study on the Integration Development of City Region

  3. 城市区域交通协调控制中的多Agent博弈研究

    Research on Multi-Agent-Game in City Area Traffic Coordination Control

  4. GIS在城市区域环境噪声标准适用区划分中的应用县级城市(镇)环境噪声标准适用区域划分方法和程序探讨

    Method and procedure of district division for environmental noise standard being suitable to city at county level

  5. GM(1,1)模型预测城市区域环境噪声的应用

    Application of Grey System Theory GM ( 1,1 ) Model to Forecast Urban Noise

  6. 每个HIE通常为一个大城市区域或一个州的部分区域服务。

    Each HIE typically serves a metropolitan area or part of a state .

  7. 目前,Voronoi图理论己广泛应用于机械加工、地理信息系统、城市区域规划等众多领域。

    At present , Voronoi has been widely used in machinery processing , CIS and city planning .

  8. WRY模式提供了若干模拟城市区域的参数化方案,包括Slab模式和单层城市冠层模式(UCM)等。

    WRF Model provided several option in urban simulation , including slab model and a single layer urban canopy model ( UCM ) .

  9. 本文根据苏州城市区域空间构造特征,运用Hall城市人口变动模式对人口郊区化问题进行判断和特征分析,具体阐述人口动态、静态及郊区化趋势等特征。

    This paper examines the characteristics in population dynamics , statics , and the decentralization trend of Suzhou City , Jiangsu Province on the basis of the city 's urban spatial structure and the Hall Model of urban population change .

  10. 城市区域水土作用与土细观结构变异的试验研究

    Experiment study to City area water-soil interaction and soil structural change

  11. 城市区域用水网络的集成与优化

    Integration and Optimization of a Water-Using Network of Municipal Area

  12. 基于可拓学的城市区域火灾综合风险评价

    The Evaluation of City Regional Fire Risk Based on Extension

  13. 对这样重要的城市区域必须以城市经营的理念去开发建设。

    The concept of urban governance must be adopted to construct it .

  14. 城市区域内规划的前期策划,就显得尤为重要。

    The planning before regional design is very important .

  15. 一种适用于非城市区域的卫星移动信道统计模型

    A Statistical Mobile Satellite Channel Model for Non-urban Areas

  16. 楚雄城市区域环境规划划研究

    Study on the urban Environmental Planning of ChuXiong City

  17. 禄丰县城市区域大气污染气象特征研究

    Research on Atmospheric Features of Air Pollution in City Area of Lufeng County

  18. 兰州&西宁城市区域发展研究

    A Study on the Development of Lanzhou-Xining Urban Region

  19. 城市区域消防安全评估方法研究

    Researches for the method on city zone fire-safety evaluation

  20. 资源型城市区域竞争优势再造研究

    Reconstruction of Regional Competitive Advantage in Resource-based Cities

  21. 唐人街是指非华人社会中中国人所聚居的城市区域。

    Chinatown is an urban region inhabited by Chinese people in a non-Chinese society .

  22. 双心并举两翼齐飞&徐州城市区域空间布局的结构与形态研究

    The Structure and Morphology of Xuzhous Spatial Arrangements

  23. 城市区域臭氧浓度变化的研究

    Study on the Ozone Concentration in Urban Areas

  24. 经济转型城市区域分工的确定

    Regional division of labor in economic transformation cities

  25. 城市区域空间布局的一体化;

    The integration of Urban Regional spacing layout ;

  26. 城市区域光热资源特征

    Characteristics of Photo-radiation Resources in City Proper

  27. 城市区域步行系统建构

    Construction of Regional Pedestrian System in Cities

  28. 城市区域下垫面性质和位置差异对太阳辐射平衡的影响

    Influences of underlying surface 's characteristics and locations on solar radiation balance in urban area

  29. 城市区域环境噪声测量中的几个问题

    Problems in Measuring Noise in Urban Area

  30. 区域旅游合作战略&施秉与镇远旅游城市区域联动开发研究

    On Strategy of Regional Tourist cooperation