
  • 网络shanghai stadium
  1. 上海体育场主场地照明设计

    Lighting Design of Outdoor Sports and Area in Shanghai Stadium

  2. 气势恢宏风姿婉约&上海体育场室内设计

    Magnificent vigour and graceful bearing interior design of Shanghai Stadium

  3. 上海体育场站换乘段托换桩、梁设计新思路

    Design for Underpinned Pile and Beam of Interchange Section of Shanghai Stadium Station

  4. 上海体育场馆的经营与管理创新&借鉴上海大剧院经验

    Operation and Management Innovation of Shanghai Sports Facilities & On the Experience of Shanghai Grand Theatre

  5. 基于构建公共游憩空间的奥运场馆赛后利用研究&上海体育场实例分析及其借鉴

    Research on the Post-Games Utilization of Modern Olympic Venues Based on Constructing Public Recreation Spaces & Taking Shanghai Stadium as an Example

  6. 在因伤阔别赛场13个月之后,刘翔此次的回归可谓万众期待。上海体育场内,25000名激情澎湃的观众为他呐喊助威。

    Liu ` s much-anticipated return after 13 months out injured was cheered by a boisterous crowd of 25,000 at the Shanghai Stadium .

  7. 44岁的王旭和29岁的刘刚在上海体育场的舞台与歌曲原唱汪峰一起演绎了《春天里》,场内约有8万名观众见证了这一时刻。

    Wang Xu , 44 , and Liu Gang , 29 , sang " In the Spring " alongside the song ` s star composer Wang Feng , in front of about 80,000 people at the Shanghai Stadium .

  8. 上海江湾体育场看台防水修复工程的方案设计

    Waterproofing design for refurbishment of Jiangwan Stadium , Shanghai

  9. 上海八万人体育场大斜柱施工精密监测

    Construction Monitoring of Main Oblique Pillars for Shanghai Stadium

  10. 上海八万人体育场马鞍型大悬挑钢管空间屋盖结构设计简介

    Briefing on the design of largely suspended saddle roof spatial structure of a stadium with a capacity of 80000 people in Shanghai

  11. 当天晚上,台湾明华园将在上海虹口体育场上演《超炫白蛇传》。

    That night Ming Hwa Yuan troupe will present the spectacular Opera ," Legend of White Snake ," in Hongkou Football Stadium .

  12. 本文扼要介绍了上海八万人体育场马鞍型大悬机空间屋盖结构设计的概况。

    In the paper the largely suspended saddle roof structure design of a stadium with a capacity of 80000 people in Shanghai is briefly introduced .

  13. 本文介绍上海市八万人体育场建设过程中大科柱施工精密监测方法,探讨三角高程测量方法在工程测量中的应用。

    This paper discusses the application of trigonometric leveling in engineering surveying in view of the precision monitoring to the main oblique pillars of Shanghai stadium which can settle 80000 people .

  14. 采用问卷调查、访谈、文献资料、数理统计法等研究方法,对上海市部分高校体育场馆经营现状进行调查探讨。

    An investigation was made by the methods of questionnaire , documentation and statistics .

  15. 上海将在上海体育场举办2008奥运会足球预赛。

    Shanghai will hold the football matches for the Games of 2008 Olympiad at the Shanghai Stadium .

  16. 对上海市体委系统体育场馆工作绩效综合评价指标体系与评价方法的研究

    A Study on the Use of the Comprehensive Targets System for Assessing the Work of Stadiums and Gymnasiums in Shanghai