- 名manganite

The results showed that boron adsorption by Ca montmorillonite increased with increasing temperature , whereas boron adsorption by goethite and manganite decreased as temperature rose .
The manganese oxides and the manganese hydroxides were formed in the process of manganese calcite decomposition and the nsutite was probably crystallized in the hydrothermal system .
According to the X-ray diffraction analysis , more than 95 % of crystalline minerals in the crusts are vernadite , whereas the rare earth content of the phase is just about 16 % of the total rare earth content .
A study on preparation of manganese sulfate with low grade manganese ore ;
Study on Microcosmic Mechanism of Pb ~ ( 2 + ) Adsorption on Birnessite
Structural and Electrochemical Studies on Todorokite / Vernadite as Cathodes for Rechargeable Lithium Ion Batteries
The manganese phases mainly contained vernadite , and the origin of the nodules should be of hydrogenic .
Relation Between Average Oxidation State of Mn of Birnessite and the Amount of Pb ~ ( 2 + ) Adsorbed
Combining TG and component analysis , the birnessite with different layered water content could be prepared by changing the temperature of heat treatment .
Oxidation characteristics of As (ⅲ) by three types of manganese oxide minerals and effects of presence of goethite were investigated by equilibrium technique of redox reaction .
This paper , firstly , introduces the types of manganese in the nature and the characteristics of the structure and formation of vernadite and birnessite in the ferromanganese nodules and cobalt-rich crusts .
In the nodules , the ore minerals include vernadite and a small amount of todorokite , gangue minerals are apatite quartz and plagioclase and minor minerals are montmorillonite , kaolinite , natrolite , cristobalite , pyroxene , stibite and others .
Experiment on preparation of todorokite from nature manganese nodules by hydrothermal treatment