
fǎ lǜ xū wú zhǔ yì
  • legal nihilism
  1. 此后,阶级斗争大行其道,法律虚无主义盛行,社会主义法制被粗暴践踏,给国家和人民造成了巨大的损失。

    Then , class struggle and legal nihilism prevailed , socialist legal system were tramped rudely , which brought huge damage to our nation and people .

  2. 这种方法在短时期内有其快速高效的好处,但是从长远的角度来看,其弊端则是会导致法律虚无主义或者个人崇拜的产生。

    This approach has its fast and efficient in the short term benefits , but from a long-term point of view , its drawback is the result of legal nihilism or the production of the cult of personality .

  3. 阶级论导致社会利益分析的片面性和绝对化,导致法律虚无主义蔓延,否定了法的规律性和客观性。

    The class theory causes one-sided absolutism of social benefit analysis , and also causes the law to nihilism to spread . It negates the law 's regularity and objection .

  4. 第二,秦奉法家、二世暴亡是法律虚无主义生成之催化剂。

    Secondly , Qin emperor 's on the importance of legalist thoughts and the sudden collapse of Qin Empire during the Qin IPs reign become the catalysts to the formation of the Nihilism of law .

  5. 在司法实践中,既要反对法律虚无主义的观点,也要反对法律万能主义的观点,把依法办事与政策为指导有机的结合起来。

    In judicial practice , we should object to not only the nihilism of law but also the multiple-use of law , and should integrate the guide of the policy into the action according to the law .

  6. 布劳德始终否认针对自己的指控。他表示,检方起诉他已故同事的打算,已经使情况从法律虚无主义转变为法律野蛮主义,此举将使美国相关立法提案获得新的动力。

    Mr Browder , who has always denied the allegations levelled against him , said the potential prosecution of his dead colleague had driven the situation from legal nihilism to legal barbarism and would give the US legislative proposal fresh momentum .

  7. 历史的理性回应是,必须消除法律的虚无主义和封建专制主义的残余影响,牢固树立法治观念,构建全球化与本土化相结合的具有中国特色的社会主义法律体系。

    The historical rational response is to remove the remaining effect of nihilism of law and feudal despotism , to firmly establish the perception of legality , and to construct a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics , which is a combination of globalization and localization .

  8. 论法律万能主义与法律虚无主义

    The Idea of Omnipotent Law and Legal Nihilism

  9. 他表示:我们必须实现对法律的真正尊重,克服严重阻碍现代化建设的法律虚无主义。

    He said : We are obliged to achieve true respect for the law , to overcome the legal nihilism which seriously hinders our modern development .

  10. 本文主要立足于对中国法律传统,尤其是古代部分的分析,来说明中国古代法律虚无主义的形成。

    The article is based on the analysis of the tradition of China 's law , especially that of ancient China 's law , In order to explain the formation of Nihilism in ancient China'law .

  11. 本文在回顾了1949年新中国成立以来我国对法律作用的认识历程的基础上,指出当前我国的法制建设首先从破除法律虚无主义,树立法律至上权威入手。

    This article points out that nihilism of law must be got rid of and the authority of law must be established in the construction law system in present China , after reviewing people 's understanding of the functions of law since the founding of new China .