
  • 网络the correspondence theory of truth;Correspondance Theory of Truth
  1. 他的真理符合论有它的独特之处,同时也存在着局限性。

    His correspondence theory of truth has its characteristics and edify .

  2. 真理符合论的历史与理论

    A History Study of Correspondence Theory of Truth

  3. 在真理论意义上表现为从真理符合论发展为多元真理论;

    Regarding the truth , truth conformation theory evolved to multi truth theory ;

  4. 在罗素的真理符合论中,命题是表达事实的一种符号,一种方式。

    A proposition is a sign of fact .

  5. 罗素是近代真理符合论的代表人物。

    Russell is one of the main representatives of modern correspondence theory of truth .

  6. 他反对二元论哲学和真理符合论。

    He was opposed to the dualism of philosophy and truth equal to world theory .

  7. 真理符合论与真理的本质

    Correspondence Theory and Essence of Truth

  8. 从真理符合论的观点看,逻辑真理与一般的事实真理有本质的不同。

    From the view of correspondence theory of truth , we think that logical truth is absolutely different from realistic truth .

  9. 真理符合论与虚无的发现&兼论中西哲学走向诗学的原因

    Correspondence Theory of Truth and Emptiness ' Discovery & Also on the Reason Why both Chinese and Western Philosophies Turn to Poetics

  10. 现代语言哲学继承了经验论哲学重视主体经验的传统,通过把经验对象界定为事实,成功地发展出一种可以在纯逻辑的层面上表达的真理符合论。

    Restricting the object of study to fact , modern philosophy of language expresses the correspondence theory in a pure level of logical analysis .

  11. 本章从现代逻辑的四个方面来分析它的真理符合论:构建了语言的等级体系,逻辑演算思想,类理论,关系逻辑思想。

    This chapter discusses it from four aspects in modern logic : building language hierarchy , logical calculus , theory of class and theory of relational logic .

  12. 20世纪前半期既是真理符合论、真理实用论和真理融贯论三大真理观在当代哲学基底上重新铸造和蓬勃发展的辉煌时期,又是三大真理观鼎足而立、激烈论战的时期。

    In the first half of 20 th century , three theories of truth , namely , correspondence theory of truth , coherence theory of truth , and pragmatic theory of truth , were recast on contemporary philosophy basis .

  13. 传统的心理学历史编纂学接受真理的符合论,认为心理学的发展史是一维的和历时的。

    The traditional historiography of psychology ( THP ), in search of objective historical facts , adopts the correspondence theory of truth and considers the natural science model as its paradigm .

  14. 为了回答这两个问题,已出现了真理范畴的符合论、融贯论和实用论。

    In order to answer the two questions , now the theory of accord , togetherness and practicalism to truth concept have been put forward .