
  • 网络Mirror
  1. 《寻子遇仙记》是他在和母亲分离时恐惧和痛苦的真实写照。

    The Kids was a mirror of his own fears and sufferings when he was separated from his mother .

  2. 爱情是舞台上演出的华丽剧目,而婚姻是没有任何装饰的生活的真实写照。

    Love is a luxury play put on the stage , but marriage is a real mirror to the life without decorations .

  3. 中俄边境贸易60年历程是一个由小变大、由弱变强、不断拓展完善的发展史,是中俄60年经济转轨调整的真实写照。

    Sino-Russian border trade is a60-year journey from small to big and from weak to strong , and is a true portrayal of the economic transition adjustment .

  4. 这事件是Chadwick自己童年的真实写照,当她的母亲责骂她晚饭后又吃了一个甜饼。

    That incident echoed one from Chadwick 's own childhood , when her mother chided her for taking a cookie to eat after dinner .

  5. 回到现实,捕捉生活的真实写照。

    Come to the ground , and seize the real life .

  6. 今天,北达科他州就像美国经济的真实写照。

    North Dakota today is like a mirror image of the U.

  7. 这无不是我周二上学的真实写照。

    This is all me Tuesday go to school of true portrayal .

  8. 然而,不信任却往往成为我国工程实践中的真实写照。

    However , distrust often exists in engineering practice in our nation .

  9. 他的容颜是他内心的真实写照。

    His face was a true picture of his mind .

  10. 这一切,都是可怕的空炸中受难者的真实写照。

    All that were true portraitures of victims in horrible air burst .

  11. 中国股票市场的问题正是上述理论的真实写照。

    Existing problems now in Chinese Stock Market reflect perfectly the above theory .

  12. 这就是约翰。福特。肯尼迪的真实写照。

    This was never more true than for John F.

  13. 这是现代社会人际关系的真实写照。

    This is a real portraiture of interpersonal relationship in the modern society .

  14. 任何民族艺术都是该民族生活的真实写照。

    Art of any nation is a true portrayal of the national life .

  15. 服装在不同时期的发展和变化,是人类发展史的真实写照,它有如一面镜子映射着过去。

    The development and change of fashion mirrors the history of human development .

  16. 阅读生活的荒凉是这一时段文化生活的真实写照。

    The desolation of reading is the genuine reflection of the then cultural life .

  17. 但是,她的故事到底是不是职场生涯的真实写照呢?

    But does her story depict a real or distorted picture of work life ?

  18. 但这的确是我的真实写照。

    But it 's really true about me .

  19. 一个韦尔斯利学院毕业生的真实写照

    The perfect likeness of a Wellesley graduate .

  20. 这些文化含义正是当时人们生存处境的真实写照。

    These cultural meanings rightly are the true record of human beings ' living situations .

  21. 这些数字正是那他非一般的决心的真实写照—永不放弃。

    A statistic that 's a measure of his legendary determination to never give up .

  22. 这个过程只是伊朗权力分配的真实写照之一。

    That process is just one expression of the real distribution of power in Iran .

  23. 王旭和刘刚觉得这首歌就是像他们这样的弱势群体的真实写照。

    Wang and Liu consider the song a true portrait of vulnerable groups like themselves .

  24. 这就是世界杯在这个最热爱足球国家的真实写照。

    This is the World Cup in the country that is most passionate about soccer .

  25. 它反映了西方大学的办学宗旨,是西方大学本质的真实写照。

    Western ChongQing University From the University It represents the true nature of Western university .

  26. 国内潮词“裸婚”是当下房价飞涨,年轻一代的真实写照。

    Skyrocketing property prices , reflects the reality of many young people in China today .

  27. 威廉·巴特勒·叶芝的《丽达与天鹅》是诗人现实生活的真实写照。

    W.B.Yeats'poem Leda and the Swan is a true reflection of the poet 's life .

  28. 我的故事既简单又是这个时代的真实写照。

    My story is a simple one and true to the times of this era .

  29. 我也发现爷爷的花园是他一生的真实写照。

    I came to see , too , that Grandpa 's garden mirrored his life .

  30. 这么说或许有点伤感,但这却是意大利大学的真实写照。

    A tad depressing as sentiments go , perhaps , but it sums up Italian universities .