
  • 【辩证法】mature science
  1. 公司以成熟的科学管理手段,推行精益生产方式,现场推行5S管理。

    We uphold mature and scientific management , such as5S field management system .

  2. 卵子冷冻远算不上一门成熟的科学。

    Egg freezing is far from settled science .

  3. 这是两门古老、成熟的科学。

    These are both old , mature sciences .

  4. 项目管理作为一种成熟的科学管理模式在许多领域已得到广泛应用。

    Therefore , project management as a mature project of scientific management in many fields has been widely used .

  5. 一批批各式各样的人才在这里成熟,科学知识、人类文化在这里酝酿孵化、繁衍,啊!

    Groups of all kinds of talent here mature , scientific knowledge , human culture brewing here hatching , breeding , ah !

  6. 在过去的20多年里,电穿孔技术已成为一门成熟的科学学科,得到了世界的广泛认识。

    In the past 20 years , electroporation has become a mature science subjects and has been widely recognized in the world .

  7. 认为精益建设还不是一门成熟的科学理论,其理论基础仍需完善。

    Then the paper concludes that Lean Construction is not a mature scientific theory currently and its foundation still needs more reinforcement .

  8. 西方地震学研究者自己没有认为现代地震学是一门不能挑战的成熟的科学。

    The Western seismology researchers themselves do not consider that the prevailing modern seismology theory is a mature science which can not be challenged .

  9. 该文认为,数学方法在众多的经济学研究方法中占据主要地位,数学使经济学走向成熟和科学。

    This article insists that mathematical methods is in a principal position among all the economic research method and can make economics become mature and scientific .

  10. 这是成熟的科学研究。这些是进化而来的,是从我们接受母爱、父爱而得到的,但我们不能止步于此,

    Now , that 's all well done , so we got that from evolution , from maternal care , parental love , but we need to extend that .

  11. 热力学是一座,建立在这四条定律上的大厦,它是一门非常成熟的科学,也要求我们在定义东西时非常小心。

    So thermodynamics , based on these four laws now , requires an edifice , and it 's a very mature science , and it requires that we define things carefully .

  12. 为了培养学生的创新勇气,要正确理解科学的本质和掌握科学发现规律,敢于怀疑成熟的科学理论。

    Encouraging the students ' innovation spirit by having a correct understanding of the nature of science and the law of scientific discoveries and by daring to challenge the mature scientific theories ;

  13. 这里的“特有”,并不是说这只是在《资本论》中才独有的,而是说,这个或这些方法只是因为《资本论》的运用才成为一种成熟的科学方法。

    By saying " peculiar ", it does not mean unique ones that are applied only in Capital . Instead , it means this or these methods have become mature because of its or their application in Capital .

  14. 根据不同的学科内容,摸索出了一些比较成熟的科学探究教学模式,有些实验探究教学取得了一定的成效,学生的科学素养得到了一定程度的提高。

    According to the different content of disciplines , some more mature scientific inquiry teaching models have been constructed , and some results have been achieved . As a result students ' scientific literacy has been improved to certain extent .

  15. 近几年来,对共同犯罪的研究在大陆法系国家刑法中尤其受到关注,并形成了相对较为成熟、科学的共同犯罪理论和制度,这是值得称道和借鉴的。

    In recent years , research on joint crime is especially attracted by crime science in civil law countries , and comes into being comparative matured , scientific joint crime theory and system , which is worth while of commending and reference .

  16. 但这一理论潮流目前尚处于前科学时期,并未形成统一的成熟的科学范式,并且预见以创新为核心的研究具有长远的理论潜力。

    At the present time , however , this academic trend is on the age of pre-science , which has not shaped a uniform mature science paradigm . In addition , it forecasts the researches centered on innovation possessing long-term theoretic potential .

  17. 招标投标是国际通用的、比较成熟的而且科学合理的工程承发包方式。

    Tender and bidding is an universal , mature and scientific project contract mode .

  18. 至今仍没有比较成熟的、科学有效的青少年学生网络成瘾的矫治方案。

    There has not any riper rectifying project about internet addiction disorder of callan students up to now .

  19. 在中国,公共管理学要走向成熟,实现科学化,关键是要关注中国公共管理的实践,创造中国公共管理理论。

    In China , the public management must focus on the practice of public management and try to create the theory of China 's public management .

  20. 无标底招标投标制度是国际通用的、比较成熟的、科学合理的工程承包交易方式,是1项公认的国际惯例。

    The system of competitive - bidding without base number is international all - purpose , mature , scientific and proper bargaining mode , which is an acknowledged international institution .

  21. 目前,项目管理理论和其中的成本控制方法的发展日益成熟,很多科学的方法和理论逐渐应用于实践中。

    At present , the development of the theory of project management and cost control methods becomes more sophisticated , and a lot of scientific methods and theories are gradually applied in practice .

  22. 建设工程项目招标投标是国际上通用的、成熟的并且科学合理的工程承发包方式,是确保建设工程项目质量、降低工程造价、提高经济收益的有效方式。

    Bidding for construction projects is internationally accepted , mature and scientific way of construction contracts . It can ensure the quality of construction projects , reduce the cost of project and improve the economic benefits .

  23. 但总的来讲,风险导向型审计在我国还处于萌芽状态,理论和实务上都不够成熟,如何科学应用风险导向审计方法,目前还是一片空白,这正是本文研究的出发点。

    In China , risk-based audit is just in the primary stage , and the theory and practice is not mature , especially scientific application of this model , which are the starting points of this paper .

  24. 本文拟从社会环境、英国君主立宪制的确立、优越的自然条件、资本原始积累的完成、对外贸易、生产技术已经成熟、自然科学的进步等七个方面做综合探讨。

    This paper synthetically analyzes the reasons from the following seven aspects : social environment , the establishment of constitutional monarchy , superior natural condition , accomplishment of primitive accumulation , foreign trade , mature productive technology and progress of natural science .

  25. 对更深刻的了解水力压裂过程岩石的破裂机理提供了更为成熟可靠的科学依据,对进一步改善水力压裂设计提供了强有力的理论指导和技术支持,具有重要的学术价值和现实意义。

    The more mature and reliable scientific evidence is provided for more profoundly understanding the rock fracture mechanism in the hydraulic fracturing process , the vigorous theoretical guidance and technical support are provided for further improving hydraulic fracturing design , which has great academic value and practical significance .

  26. 但是,为教学理论寻求科学基础并不是要教学理论完全科学化,尤其是以成熟的自然科学的范式、方法等规约教学理论的发展,追求教学论的自然科学化。

    However , to seek the scientific basis for teaching theories , it is not necessary for the theories to be completely scientific , especially through sophisticated natural science paradigm and methods to confine the development of the teaching theories , thus pursuing the natural scientific dimension of teaching theory .

  27. 与此同时,国外知名DM杂志凭借多年的口碑、成熟的机制、科学的管理、丰富的资源进入中国媒体市场。

    Meanwhile , foreign magazine for a dm with warm , mechanisms and scientific management , rich resources into china media markets .

  28. 红参在方中用量比例小,故将丹参酮IIA作为含量测定指标,方法成熟、更具科学性和合理性。

    Red ginseng at least a small proportion of the amount , it will be determination of tanshinone IIA as a target , methods , sophisticated , more science and rationality .

  29. 成熟期是新科学范式日臻完善,更加新的科学范式逐渐萌发的交会期。

    By means of M . Perfect Perfect The maturity means the new theory becomes perfect .

  30. 管理成熟为一门科学的内在必然标尺之一,是要清晰地了解自身理论研究与社会实践的界线所在。

    To know one 's own limit is the standard to be mature as a science .