
  • 网络Gotha Program;Gothaer Programm
  1. 《哥达纲领批判》与社会主义初级阶段理论

    Critique of Gotha Program and theory of initial stage socialism

  2. 第二章开始具体考察马克思公正观在《哥达纲领批判》中的批判性呈现。

    In the second chapter , this article Begin to examine Marx fair view of the critical " Critique of the Gotha Program " presents .

  3. 看我们的主要文本《哥达纲领批判》。

    Take as our main text , the Critique of the Gotha Programme .

  4. 《哥达纲领批判》中的一处概念辨析但它所提出的纲领是胡说八道。

    Analysis of a conception in Critique On Guiding Principle of Gotha The programme it sets forth is nonsense .

  5. 论财富的源泉及按劳分配理论在我国的现实性&重读《哥达纲领批判》

    The Realization of the Source of Wealth and the Theory of Distribution According to Work in China & rereading Critique of the Gotha Programme ;

  6. 马克思把按劳分配规定为资产阶级权利,这是《哥达纲领批判》中的一个斯芬克斯之谜。

    Marx defined distribution according to work as " the right of capitalist class ", which is a Sphinx riddle in Critique On Guiding Principle of Gotha .

  7. 马克思晚年时候,仍然致力于对现代性的思考,《哥达纲领批判》可以看做反映其现代性批判思想的一个代表作。

    Marx in his later years , they still committed to the thinking of modernity ," Critique of the Gotha Program " can be seen as a masterpiece to reflect its modern critical thought .