
  • 网络Presidents of Colombia
  1. 哥伦比亚总统胡安.曼努埃尔.桑托斯(JuanManuelSantos)形容这一灾难为“一场令我们坠入哀悼之中的悲剧”。

    Juan Manuel Santos , Colombia 's president , described the disaster as " a tragedy that plunges us into mourning . "

  2. 三年后,哥伦比亚总统JuanManuelSantos将主持第六次峰会,会议日程将包括发展与经济,以及地区安全问题等。

    Three years later , Columbia President Juan Manuel Santos will host the sixth Summit . The agenda includes development and economic issues and regional security .

  3. 四年前,哥伦比亚总统胡安·曼努埃尔·桑托斯(JuanManuelSantos)称,哥伦比亚和中国制定了一个“相当成熟”的计划,打算修建一条连接太平洋和加勒比海的铁路。该项目意在找到一条替代巴拿马运河的通道。

    In another project aimed at finding an alternative to the Panama Canal , the Colombian president , Juan Manuel Santos , said four years ago that Colombia and China had a plan that was " quite advanced " to build a railway linking the Pacific to the Caribbean .

  4. 墨西哥和哥伦比亚总统都对其赞赏有加。

    He was eulogized by the presidents of both Mexico and Columbia .

  5. 哥伦比亚总统选举决定性的一轮投票结束。据报道。

    Polls have closed in the deciding round of Colombia 's presidential election .

  6. 哥伦比亚总统感染猪流感。

    The president of Colombia has swine flu .

  7. 5月8日,佐利克将会见哥伦比亚总统乌里韦。

    He meets with Colombian President Alvaro Uribe and members of his Cabinet on May8 .

  8. 在与哥伦比亚总统乌里韦频繁争执中,巴西似乎在暗地里支持着委内瑞拉总统查韦斯。

    Brazil seemed tacitly to side with Venezuela 's Hugo Ch á vez in his frequent clashes with Mr Uribe .

  9. 星期三晚间,哥伦比亚总统阿尔瓦罗.乌里韦说,哥伦比亚政府希望不久之后所有人质都可以从反政府武装手中获释。

    Late Wednesday , President Alvaro Uribe said the government hopes all hostages will be freed soon from rebel hands .

  10. 哥伦比亚总统乌里韦称,他不会接受任何企图干预哥伦比亚保护自己领土的行为。

    The Columbian president Alvaro Uribe said he would not accept any interference in columbia 's right to protect its own territory .

  11. 哥伦比亚总统帕斯特拉纳今年2月20号宣布与该游击队组织和谈破裂,内战由此全面爆发。

    Colombian President Pastrana announced the break-up of negotiations with the rebel group on this February 20 and civil war broke out .

  12. 美国反对古巴参加峰会关于政治和人权方面的讨论,哥伦比亚总统说,会议将讨论古巴问题。

    Washington opposes Cuba 's participation on political and human rights grounds . Columbia 's President says the issue will be discussed .

  13. 哥伦比亚总统胡安·曼努埃尔·桑托斯在视察机场时感谢援救人员,消防队员和帮助乘客脱险的警察。

    Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos thanked the rescue workers , firefighters and police who helped passengers to safety as he visited the airport .

  14. 布什说,哥伦比亚总统乌里韦已经在着手解决上述问题。他正在解散数千个准军事组织,并提名独立检察官处理有关工会领导人受到袭击的案子。

    Mr. Bush says Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has addressed those issues by demobilizing thousands of paramilitary units and naming an independent prosecutor to pursue cases involving attacks against labor leaders .

  15. 哥伦比亚总统阿尔瓦罗•乌里韦,坚持认为在所谓窥探政客法官和新闻记者的国内情报服务中,自己是受害者,而不是主谋。

    President Á lvaro Uribe of Colombia insisted he was a victim , not the orchestrator , of alleged snooping on politicians , judges and journalists by agents of the domestic intelligence service .

  16. 布什总统指出,哥伦比亚总统乌里韦已经着手解决美国国会议员们所关注的问题,他动员了数万名准军事部队,并且任命了一个独立的检查官来专门处理工会人士遭到攻击的案子。

    President Bush says Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has addressed the issues of U.S. lawmakers by demobilizing tens-of-thousands of paramilitary fighters and appointing an independent prosecutor to pursue cases involving attacks against trade unionists .

  17. 不论游击队是否在搞公共关系,都不能改变他们的宿敌阿尔维诺·乌里贝一周后出任哥伦比亚总统。

    Well , no amount of FARC public relations is going to change the face that their bitter enemy Alvaro Uribe , is due to take up the Colombian presidency in just over a week .

  18. 布什总统支持哥伦比亚乌里韦总统与厄瓜多尔和委内瑞拉进行对峙。这次对峙发生在哥伦比亚军队本月初袭击了厄瓜多尔境内的反叛武装之后。

    President Bush is backing President Uribe in his stand-off with Ecuador and Venezuela after Colombian troops attacked rebels based across the border in Ecuador earlier this month .