
  • 网络Analytical Marxism
  1. 分析的马克思主义研究者多数是来自英语国家的大学教授,他们不一定是马克思主义者,只是在马克思主义理论这个共同的研究场域下开展工作。

    The majority of Analytical Marxism researchers come from English-speaking countries as university professors , who are not necessarily Marxists , but in the Marxist theory of the common research field work .

  2. 分析的马克思主义与马库斯的质疑

    On The Basic Theoretical Characteristics of Analytical Marxism and Marcus ' Questioning

  3. 分析的马克思主义学派的阶级理论及其借鉴意义

    Theories of Class of Analytical Marxism and its Significance

  4. 埃里克·欧林·赖特,是美国著名的社会学家,当代分析的马克思主义代表人物之一。

    Eric Olin Wright is one of the representatives of contemporary Analytical Marxism .

  5. 近年国内分析的马克思主义学派研究综述

    Summary of Domestic Study on Analytical Marxism

  6. 埃尔斯特的《理解马克思》是当代西方马克思主义中的新流派&分析的马克思主义的代表作。

    Jon Elster 's Making Sense of Marx is a representative work of the new school in the Western Marxism , the analytical Marxism .

  7. 作为分析的马克思主义学派的代表之一,埃里克·欧林·赖特一直致力于马克思阶级理论的研究。

    As one of the representatives of the Analytical Marxism , Eric Olin Wright has been committed to the study of Marxist Class Theory .

  8. 罗默于1982年出版的《剥削和阶级的一般理论》是分析的马克思主义的经典之作。

    A General Theory of Exploitation , which was published in 1982 by John E. Roemer , is one of classical writings in the school of the Analytical Marxism .

  9. 20世纪末的挑战&爱尔斯特及其分析学派的马克思主义研究

    Challenges at the End of the 20 ~ ( th ) Century Elster His Analytical Study of Marxism

  10. 从教材方面入手,从学理上分析了现行的马克思主义哲学教材中存在的问题,并提出了改革现行马克思主义哲学教材的一些建设性意见。

    In the article , the author analyzes the problems existing in the Marxism Philosophy textbooks theoretically , and put forward several constructive suggestions for the reform of the textbooks .

  11. 并以此为根据创新性的提出了实践思维方式对马克思主义哲学教学的指导意义。第二部分:认真地分析了传统的马克思主义哲学教学中存在的主要问题及其原因。

    And build upon the innovative way of thinking put forward practical teaching of Marxist philosophy guiding significance . Part ⅱ: careful analysis of the traditional teaching of Marxist philosophy and the reasons the main problems .