
ɡuó jiā lǒnɡ duàn zī běn zhǔ yì
  • state monopoly capitalism
  1. 关于国家垄断资本主义的定义及其概念的解释

    On Explanation of the Definition and Concept of " state monopoly capitalism "

  2. 论当代美国经济与国家垄断资本主义的新发展&兼论市场经济下的宏观调控

    On Contemporary American economy and the new development of its state monopoly capitalism

  3. 垄断资本主义进入国家垄断资本主义阶段后,殖民体系彻底瓦解。

    At the stage of the general monopolistic capitalism , colonialism was the lifeline of capitalism .

  4. 有人开出了药方,呼吁复兴国家垄断资本主义有时也被称作“新资本主义”。

    By way of therapy , some have called for the Renaissance of state-monopoly capitalism , sometimes labelled " new capitalism " .

  5. 从发展趋势看,资本主义在经历了自由竞争资本主义阶段到私人垄断资本主义以及由其转化而来的国家垄断资本主义阶段以后,进而向金融垄断资本主义阶段演进。

    Contemporary capitalism is developing towards financial monopolistic capitalism after going through free competitive capitalism , private monopolistic capitalism and state monopoly one .

  6. 另一方面,布雷顿森林体系也是经济全球化趋势与国家垄断资本主义发展的产物,美国因此成为牵引全球化的火车头。

    On the other hand , the Braden Forest System is also a product of globalized economy and development of national monopoly capitalism .

  7. 这个国家垄断资本主义,不但压迫工人农民,而且压迫城市小资产阶级,损害中等资产阶级。

    This state-monopoly capitalism oppresses not only the workers and peasants but also the urban petty bourgeoisie , and it injures the middle bourgeoisie .

  8. 战争还大大强化了国家垄断资本主义,使战后美国的社会、政治和经济发生了深刻的剧变。

    War has also greatly strengthened the state monopoly capitalism , which led to profound social , political and economic changes in the United States .

  9. 当代资本主义是指第二次世界大战后,由一般垄断资本主义发展而成的国家垄断资本主义,它是以国家垄断为基本特征的新阶段。

    Modern capitalism means a new capitalistic stage from general monopoly capitalism to a state one after World War II . It has a basic feature of state monopolization .

  10. 垄断资本主义的百年发展经历了三个阶段:一般垄断资本主义阶段、国家垄断资本主义阶段和国际垄断资本主义阶段。

    Three stages are identified in the hundreds years of development of monopolistic capitalism . At the stage of the general monopolistic capitalism , colonialism was the lifeline of capitalism .

  11. 它的理论思潮、思想体系和政策主张实际上是为了适应国家垄断资本主义向国际垄断资本主义的转变。

    All of its theoretical thoughts , ideas and policies are actually made in order to adapt to the change from the national monopoly capitalism to the international monopoly capitalism .

  12. 新政中联邦政府角色得到转换,职能得到转变,确立了新政式的国家垄断资本主义,创造了社会发展的新模式,在美国现代化进程中意义深远。

    New Deal established the New Deal-style state monopoly capitalism , has created a new model of social development , and has established a new pattern of American modernization process .

  13. 在另一方面,国民政府战时统制经济也促进了国家垄断资本主义的发展,而战时国家垄断资本主义的发展也具有双重作用,不应全盘否定。

    At another aspect the wartime controlled economy of the national government promoted development of wartime state monopoly capitalism that had double effect , so it should not be negated totally .

  14. 有的认为现在资本主义依然处于国家垄断资本主义阶段,也有观点以经济全球化为依据认为现在资本主义处于国际垄断资本主义阶段。

    Some hold that the present capitalism is still " national monopolistic capitalism ", while others , based on economic globalization , believe that the present capitalism is " international monopolistic capitalism " .

  15. 在其自身基本矛盾的推动下,它经历了自由资本主义、私人垄断资本主义、国家垄断资本主义阶段,目前处于国际垄断资本主义阶段。

    Promoted by its inherent contradictions , it has experienced the stages of free capitalism , private monopoly capitalism , national monopoly capitalism , and has reached the stage of international monopoly capitalism .

  16. 印度社会的现代化进程相对缓慢,无疑是归之于资本主义私有制和国家垄断资本主义以及印度特有的社会文化制度(如宗教等)。

    The modern process of Indian society is slow relatively , undoubtedly being attributed to capitalist private ownership , state monopoly capitalism and Indian peculiar cultural system ( such as religious etc. ) .

  17. 随着美国国家垄断资本主义的发展,国家对社会发展的干预力度越来越强。从这一点来看,《国有土地灌溉开垦法》的制订仅意味着联邦政府对西部灌溉业发展实行国家干预的开始。

    Seen from the point of view of the development of whole American national inference policy , the National Land Reclamation Act only is the starting that Federal Government Control and management west irrigation .

  18. 教师讲受这一概念时,应作详细解释,并给出较为全面的定义,以利于学生认清国家垄断资本主义的本质。

    For the above reason , in explaining the phrase , teachers should make sure that detailed explanations and a comprehensive definition be provided to ensure a clear understanding on the students ' part .

  19. 美国政治体制发生这一变化的主要因素在于美国国家垄断资本主义的发展、美国国际地位的提高及科学技术的发展和宣传手段现代化的实现为变化提供了条件。

    The main cause of this change lies in the development of monopoly capitalism , the elevation of international status of the U.S. , the development of science and technology and modernization in the media of propaganda .

  20. 社会法起源于西方资本主义社会,以国家垄断资本主义时期出现的社会矛盾为时代背景,以实质正义理论、社会连带责任思想等学说为思想基础而产生。

    Social Law originated in Western capitalist society , which produced on the background of the period of state monopoly capitalism . The Ideological Basis of Social Law is Substantive Justice , Social Joint and so on .

  21. 本文认为,欧盟国家主权让渡是国家垄断资本主义发展的一种新形式,体现了现代国际关系的新特点。

    This paper points out that the transfer of sovereignty of the EU countries is a new type of development of national monopoly capitalism .

  22. 经济全球化使资本主义发展冲出民族国家的界限,由国家垄断资本主义向国际垄断资本主义过渡。

    Economic globalization helps capitalism develop beyond the nations and grow from national monopoly capitalism to international monopoly capitalism .

  23. 在工业发达国家,政府支持的出口信贷已成为国家垄断资本主义的重要内容和对外争夺销售市场、进行经济扩张的重要手段。

    In the industrialized countries , export credit is a part of national monopoly capitalism and a means of grasping sale market .

  24. 在经济全球化特别是资本全球化的过程中,国家垄断继续存在和发展,但不能简单地用国家垄断资本主义概括当代资本主义的特点和发展趋势。垄断与竞争并存;

    In the course of economic globalization , in particular capital globalization , the state monopoly will survive and develop , but it will be improper to summarize the characteristics and trend of contemporary capitalist by using the term of state monopoly capitalism .