
  • 网络privatization
  1. 德国国有企业私有化的原则、方法及对我国的启示

    Privatization of SOE in Germany : Principles and Approaches and Revelation to China

  2. 美国对国有企业私有化抵消补贴的认定及我国的策略

    Judgment on Privatization Offsetting Subsidies in the USA and Our State 's Tactics

  3. 美国国有企业私有化抵消补贴问题研究&兼论我国的对策

    Research On American Countervailing Subsidy of Privatization of State-owned Enterprise

  4. 英国国有企业私有化探讨

    Research on the Privatization of English State-owned Company

  5. 那家机构是为将前东德8000家国有企业私有化而建立的。

    The agency was set up to privatize the8000state-owned firms in the former East germany .

  6. 继煤炭公司之后,数十家其它国有企业私有化的时机已经成熟。

    Lined up behind the coal company , scores of other state companies are ripe to be privatised .

  7. 它们也需发展活跃的股市,为企业发展提供资金,并为国有企业私有化创造条件。

    They will also need dynamic equity markets , to finance the growth of their companies and make privatisation of government-owned companies feasible .

  8. 为了加入欧盟,马耳他把国有企业私有化并开放市场,2004年5月1日马耳他加入欧盟。

    Malta has privatised some state-controlled firms and liberalised markets in order to prepare for membership in the European Union , which it joined on1 May2004 .

  9. 《意见》没有提出推进国有企业私有化、分拆或让它们失去垄断保护与补贴的任何政策措施。

    It does not contain any measures that will lead to the privatization , break-up , or the loss of monopoly protection and subsidies of Chinese state-controlled businesses .

  10. 印度股市上周累计上涨14%,收于13887.15点。假如国大党领导的政府能够出台期待已久的保险与养老改革措施,重启国有企业私有化计划,预计印度股市后市还将进一步上涨。

    The market ended the week up 14 per cent at 13, 887.15 points with more gains expected if the Congress party-led government introduces long-awaited reforms in insurance and pensions and revives the privatisation programme for state-owned enterprises .

  11. 20世纪70年代末,西方国家掀起国有企业私有化浪潮,国有铁路公司作为国有企业的一个重要组成部分,西方各国也先后对其进行了改革。

    In the late 1970s , the western countries started the tidal wave of the state-owned enterprises privatization , as an important component of the state-owned enterprises , the state-owned railway companies were reformed by the western countries .

  12. 管理层收购在相关国家国有企业私有化,大型企业集团剥离重组,家族企业延续再生等领域所发挥的巨大作用,引起了国外实物界的普遍关注。

    The significant roles played by MBO in the relevant countries state-owned enterprises privatizing , and large enterprise groups stripping reorganization , renewable extension of the tremendous family businesses , has leaded the universal concern from both Chinese specialists and the foreign sector .

  13. 上个世纪,英国率先进行私有化改造,因此,主要介绍英国改造负责基础设施投资和经营的国有企业私有化改造情况,同时,也对其他国家的情况进行了简要介绍。

    The last century , the United Kingdom took the lead in privatization reform , hence , this paper is to focus on transforming the investment in infrastructure and the transformation of the privatization of state-owned enterprises in UK , while also carried out a brief introduction in other countries .

  14. 上个月,中国国资委(Sasac)曾披露一个试点计划,涉及六家大型国有企业的私有化步骤。

    Last month the State-owned Assets and Supervision and Administration Commission ( Sasac ) unveiled a pilot scheme involving steps towards privatisation at six large state-owned enterprises ( SOEs ) .

  15. 国有企业的私有化与反补贴税美国对欧共体钢铁产品征收反补贴税案评析

    Privatization and Countervailing Duties : The Examination of the European Steel Case ·

  16. 中国对许多领域多数小规模的国有企业进行私有化,并允许建立私营企业。

    China privatised most small-scale state companies in many sectors and allowed the creation of private enterprises .

  17. 并且大量城市房产和国有企业的私有化放活了大量的投资资金。

    And China 's privatization of urban housing and numerous state enterprises freed up large amounts of money for investment .

  18. 特别是在经济方面,在对国有企业快速私有化的基础上,全面向社会市场经济体制转轨。

    Especially , its economy mechanism changed to social market economy comprehensively on the basis of rapidly privatization of state-owned enterprises .

  19. 在英国率先对国有企业进行私有化的20年后,该国目前正允许企业落入政府手中。

    Two decades after the UK pioneered the privatisation of state-owned enterprises , it is allowing companies to fall into government hands .

  20. 其他一些交易涉及到国有企业的私有化,这需要一些特殊的安排,将一部分股票以较优惠的价格出售给广大的公众市民投资者。

    In other transactions involving privatization of government-owned companies , it may have a special arrangement where a certain portion was set-aside for citizen retail investors .

  21. 人们普遍怀有近乎偏执的疑虑,认为国有企业的私有化正被腐败官员利用,为他们创造了盗空国家资产的机会。

    There is widespread concern , verging on paranoia , that the privatisation of state-owned companies is being used by corrupt officials as an opportunity to drain the country 's coffers .

  22. 一家国有企业在私有化后,决定摆脱公共部门懒散的着装习惯,规定高层员工必须穿着合适的商务装。

    After privatisation , a former state-owned company decided it was time to shake off sloppy public sector dress habits . A directive went round telling senior employees to adopt suitable business dress .

  23. 撒切尔夫人全然不惧英国势力强大的工会,将国有企业进行私有化改制,其铁面无情的治理方式既为她赢得了钦佩,也令她遭到某些人的憎恶。

    In moves that were widely copied , Mrs. Thatcher took on Britain 's all-powerful trade unions and privatized state-run industries , governing with a take-no-prisoners style that earned her both admiration and dislike .

  24. 正确对待国有企业亏损反对私有化

    A Correct Understanding of Loss Incurred in State-owned Enterprises to Prevent Privatization

  25. 国有中小企业内部私有化改制的研究

    A Study on the Internal Privatization of the Small and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises

  26. 然而议会中的左翼议员阻止了有关这个提议的讨论,并且声称,这是企图让国有的能源企业私有化。

    But leftists in the Congress have blocked discussion of the proposal saying that it is an attempt to privatize the state-owned energy sector .

  27. 1992年初,俄罗斯开始以激进改革方式向市场经济过渡,其重要内容之一就是国有企业的强制性私有化改造。

    Russia started its drastic style of reform to transform to market economy at the beginning of 1992 , and the key aspect of the reform was to change the state-owned enterprises into private ones by compulsory means .

  28. 陆克文说,他预计在新一代领导人接班后,中国国有企业将进一步私有化,这在一定程度上是为了消除私营部门企业对其业务前景的担忧(这种担忧导致部分资本外流)。

    Mr. Rudd said he expects further privatization of Chinese state-owned firms after the new leadership takes over , in part to address private-sector companies ' concerns about their business prospects , which has led to some capital outflows .

  29. 上世纪九十年代末对亏损国有企业的重组和私有化、2001年加入世界贸易组织(WTO),以及似乎永无休止的建筑热潮,帮助中国实现了两位数的经济增长。

    Restructuring and privatisation of lossmaking state enterprises in the late 1990s , entry to the World Trade Organisation in 2001 and a seemingly endless surge in construction helped produce double-digit growth rates .

  30. 国有天燃气集团gdf在2007年与私有天燃气集团suez合并,当时这被盛赞是国有企业私有化。

    The merger in 2007 of GDF , a state-owned gas group , and Suez , a private one , was hailed as a privatisation .