
  • 网络fund
  1. 分级基金是一类在中国新兴崛起的结构化产品,通过对基金收益分配的安排,将基金份额分成预期收益与风险不同的两类份额。

    Structured mutual fund is a newly developed structured product in China , which divides the fund into two parts with different return and risk characteristics .

  2. 分级基金是一种划分为优先份额和普通份额的封闭式基金,其中优先份额针对风险偏好较低的投资者,普通份额针对风险偏好较高的投资者。

    A rating fund is a closed-end fund divided into preferential and ordinary units . Preferential units are targeted at investors who prefer lower risks while ordinary units are for those seeking risk exposure .

  3. 该公司1月6日推出了“信诚中证500指数分级证券投资基金”,这是中国首只追踪中证500指数的分级基金。

    The company launched the Citic-Prudential CSI 500 index rating fund on January 6 . This is the first rating fund in China that tracks the CSI 500 index .