
  • 网络stamp duty
  1. 汇丰(hsbc)表示,中国证交所目前的交投量非常巨大,以至于经纪费用和股票交易印花税收入实际上超过了上市公司的利润总和。

    The huge current trading volumes on the Chinese exchanges are so large that broking and stamp duty charges actually exceed the total profits of listed companies , according to HSBC .

  2. 许多人以英国的股票交易印花税为证,说明托宾税是可行的。

    Many point to the UK stamp duty on share transactions as proof that Tobin taxes are feasible .

  3. 本文运用ARCH族模型检验了2001年股票交易印花税税率降低对沪、深股市波动性的影响,为有关证券交易税对市场波动性影响的讨论增添了一个来自新兴市场的证据。

    In this paper , we make use of ARCH models to examine whether the decrease of stock transaction stamp duty influenced the volatility of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets in the year of 2001.We find that the volatility of Shanghai stock market was not significantly influenced statistically .

  4. 互联网聊天室里,全是对于上调股票交易印花税的愤慨。

    Internet chatrooms have been full of outrage at the tax rise .

  5. 股票交易印花税对股票价格影响研究&以上海股市为例

    Research on the Effects of Securities Stamp Taxes on Level of Chinese Stock Prices

  6. 提高股票交易印花税是为了防止泡沫扩大。

    The tax hike was part of an effort to prevent an even larger bubble .

  7. 这种业绩是在今年2月和6月(当时中国将股票交易印花税提高了2倍)出现短暂回调的情况下取得的。

    This comes despite two brief corrections in February and in June , when China tripled share-trading tax .

  8. 也有的学者认为提高股票交易印花税会降低股票市场大盘收益波动性和噪声交易波动性。

    Also some scholars believe that increasing the stamp duty will reduce the volatility of the stock market .

  9. 5月末,政府将股票交易印花税提高了两倍,达到每笔交易0.3%。

    In late May , the government tripled the tax on share trading to 0.3 per cent per trade .

  10. 上调印花税会增加反复交易的成本,但即使在上调后,中国的股票交易印花税仍低于伦敦。

    Higher stamp duty makes repeated trading more expensive , but the raised tax is still lower than in London .

  11. 当中国宣布将股票交易印花税上调至原来的三倍时,中国股市的回落就已不可避免。

    Once China announced it was trebling stamp duty on share trading , a pullback in Chinese stocks was inevitable .

  12. 去年5月,政府上调了股票交易印花税,以阻止股市的急速上涨。

    The government raised the stamp duty on all stock trading in May in an attempt to damp its meteoric rise .

  13. 最近数日,有关政府将下调股票交易印花税的猜测,导致股价时而反弹,时而回落。

    Share prices have rallied and then dropped in recent days over speculation about a cut in the stamp duty on share trading .

  14. 中国政府降低股票交易印花税并购买国有银行股票的消息出来之后,香港和上海的股指暴涨了9个百分点。

    The Hong Kong and Shanghai indices surged over nine per cent after the Chinese government cut taxes on share purchases and bought shares in state-owned banks .

  15. 随着股市下跌,去年市场飙升之际大幅调高股票交易印花税等各项制动措施被迅速拆除。

    Brakes put in place as the market roared ahead last year , including the introduction of a share trading tax , were swiftly dismantled on the way down .

  16. 中央电视台在周三收盘后报导,从4月24日起,政府将把股票交易印花税从0.3%降低至0.1%。

    State television said after the markets closed on Wednesday that the government would cut the stamp duty on each share trade from 0.3 to 0.1 per cent from yesterday morning .

  17. 中国昨晚下调股票交易印花税税率,以鼓励投资者重返股市。过去6个月内,中国股市的跌幅接近50%。

    China slashed the tax on share trading last night in an effort to encourage investors to return to a stock market that has fallen by nearly half over the past six months .

  18. 克劳博表示,如果像他怀疑的那样,多数交易来自企业,那么提高股票交易印花税等于是将资金从企业储蓄重新配置给公共财政。

    Mr Kroeber said that if the bulk of the trading volumes were coming from companies , which he suspected was the case , then the tax amounted to a reallocation of funds from corporate savings to public finances .

  19. 调高股票交易印花税带来的巨大潜在收入,约相当于中央政府年度预算总额的7%,可能有助于北京加快增加农村社会支出的计划。

    The huge potential bonanza of revenue from the tax increase is equivalent to about 7 per cent of the total central government annual budget and could help accelerate Beijing 's plans to expand social spending in rural areas .

  20. 如果中国内地股市的交易额仍保持在目前的惊人水平,中国每年将从上周宣布的调高股票交易印花税中获得多达400亿美元的意外之财,几乎相当于中国官方公布的国防预算。

    China will gain an annual windfall of as much as $ 40bn from the tax increase on share trading announced last week – almost equal to the official defence budget – if turnover on mainland markets stays at its current striking levels .

  21. 股票交易狂热导致政府最近出手干预,将股票交易印花税提高了2倍。

    The popular frenzy over share trading led the government to intervene last week , trebling the tax on share trading .