
  1. 首先,明确股利分配请求权的概念。

    Firstly , define the concept of shareholders ' rights to dividend .

  2. 最后,明确了保护股利分配请求权的意义。

    Lastly , it defines the significance of protecting shareholders ' rights to dividend .

  3. 再次,分析了对股利分配请求权进行保护的依据和必要性。

    Thirdly , it analyzes the basis and necessity of protecting shareholders ' rights to dividend .

  4. 其次,根掘股利分配请求权的层次性将其区分为抽象的股利分配请求权和具体的股利分配请求权。

    Secondly , shareholders ' rights to dividend can be distinguished into abstract one and concrete one .

  5. 因此,需要对中小股东的股利分配请求权进行保护。

    Therefore , the minor shareholders ' right of claim for dividend distribution shall be in particular protected .

  6. 其次,从具体和抽象两个层面剖析了股利分配请求权的性质。

    Secondly , it analyzed the nature of the right to dividends from the level of abstract and concrete .

  7. 股利分配请求权是股东一项重要的财产性权利,是股东权的核心内容。

    Shareholders ' right to dividends distribution , as an important property right , is a core element of powers of shareholders .

  8. 具体股利分配请求权具有债权性,其保护方式与普通债权类似。

    Concrete shareholders ' rights to dividend has the quality of credit , whose protecting method is similar with that of ordinary credit .

  9. 股利分配请求权作为股东权的一项权能,属于期待权,是具有可诉性的。

    The right of dividend distribution as the fundamental right of shareholders belongs to expectant right , which can be protected by law .

  10. 然而这些方法不仅不能直接保护股东的股利分配请求权,而且费时费力,不利于股东权利的维护。

    However , these methods can not protect shareholders ' dividend claims directly , and consume time , are not conducive to protect shareholders ' rights .

  11. 虽然我国《公司法》对股东股利分配请求权的保护也提供了一些途径,但这些间接性的方式都不足以保证股东此项权利的实现。

    The ways to protect shareholders ' right to dividends distribution provided in Corporate Law of China are too indirect to guarantee the implement of the right .

  12. 首先,介绍对股利分配请求权作出规定的法律规范,主要是《公司法》以及中国证券监督管理委员会发布的有关规定。

    Firstly , it introduces rules of law regulating shareholders ' rights to dividend , which are mainly Corporations Law and relevant rules issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission .

  13. 各个国家和地区对股利分配请求权的保护方式可以归结为两类,一类是事前保护方式,另一类是事后救济方式。

    The means of protecting shareholders ' rights to dividend in different countries and regions can be separated into two categories , one is beforehand protection and the other is post relief .

  14. 抽象的股利分配请求权是股东基于其公司股东的资格和地位而享有的一种股东权权能,是一种固有权和期待权。

    Abstract shareholders ' rights to dividend based on their qualification and status as shareholders is a type of power and functions of shareholder right , a type of intrinsic and expectant right .

  15. 有权利必然有救济,资本多数决异化引发的股东间实质不平等要求对股东股利分配请求权进行有效的保护。

    Where there is a right , there is a remedy . Essence inequality among shareholders caused by the dissimilation of capital majority rule requires effective protection of shareholders ' rights to dividend .

  16. 股东投资于公司的目的是获取投资收益,股利分配请求权作为股东从公司获取利润的权利,对股东而言具有重要意义。

    Shareholders are aimed at obtaining returns by investing money in a company . Shareholders ' rights to dividend , as their right of obtaining profits from the company , is significant for shareholders .

  17. 在公司有利润可供分配的情况之下,股东的股利分配请求权能否实现取决于公司的意志,而公司的意志被大股东利用资本多数原则合法地控制着。

    When there are profits to be distributed , whether shareholders ' rights to dividend can be fulfilled depends on the will of the company , which is legally controlled by majority shareholders under capital majority rule .

  18. 资本多数决滥用引发的股东压制行为,小股东股利分配请求权受到合法压制造成的股东间实质不平等,客观上要求对股东股利分配请求权予以保护。

    Abusing capital majority rule causes shareholders ' behavior of oppression . The essence inequality among shareholders resulted from " legal " oppression of the shareholders ' rights to dividend of minority shareholders , objectively requests protection of shareholders ' rights to dividend .

  19. 股利分配请求权是股东基于其身份而享有的财产性权利,分为具体的股利分配请求权和抽象的股利分配请求权。

    The right of claim for dividend distribution is a kind of property right enjoyed by shareholders on the basis of their personal status , which is divided into the specific right of claim for dividend distribution and the abstract right of claim for dividend distribution .

  20. 其次,分析了我国股利分配请求权保护中存在的问题,主要是公司不分配股利现象依然严重、股利分配方式中现金分配较少以及股利分配中小股东受压制现象明显。

    Secondly , it analyzes problems existing in protecting shareholders ' rights to dividend in our country . These phenomena of not distributing dividend are still serious and it is obvious that there are a few distributions in cash and minority shareholders are suppressed in dividend distribution .

  21. 第五章是从股东具体权利如表决权、股利分配请求权的行使基础进一步论证一般股东权利行使的基础在于股东资格的取得,而不是对公司的出资。

    Chapter Five discusses the basis for shareholders to exercise their specific rights such as voting right and right of dividends and concludes in the following that the foundation of shareholders ' rights is the acquisition of shareholders ' qualification but not the capital contribution to the company .

  22. 股利分配请求权是指股东基于其公司股东的资格和地位所享有的请求公司向自己分配股利的权利,它作为股东的一项重要财产性权利,集中体现了股东投资公司的目的。

    Shareholders ' rights to dividend is the right of shareholders based on their qualification and status as shareholders requesting the company distribute dividend to them . As one of the important property rights of shareholders , it is a concentrated expression of the aim of shareholders investing a company .

  23. 最后,阐述了股利分配决定权与股利分配请求权的关系。

    Finally , this paper expounds the relations of the decision and the claim right to dividends .

  24. 为避免事后救济的高额成本,在法律制度框架内,股东之间可以在公司章程或者股东协议中对股利分配的程序、方式以及股利分配请求权受侵害时的退出机制作出约定。

    To avoid the high cost of the relief afterwards , in the framework of the legal system , shareholders can contract the procedures and methods of dividend distribution , contract the exit mechanism when shareholders injured .

  25. 即股利分配决定权的正当行使是股东股利分配请求权得以实现的前提。其次,本文参考了国外的相关立法体例并进行了评析。

    The decision to dividends is the premise of the dividend claims . Secondly , the thesis consults relative lawmaking cases and analyzed them .

  26. 当公司没有宣告股利方案或回避分配股利时,股东基于股东身份和地位要求公司分配股利就构成了本文所讨论的股利分配请求权。

    When the company did not declare dividends or escape the distribution of dividends , shareholders have the right of dividend distribution , which is based on the identity and status of shareholders .

  27. 其中,股利强制分配之诉是核心,它与股东会决议无效或撤销之诉、股份回购之诉、解散公司之诉一起构成了股利分配请求权的保护体系。

    Among them , the action of compulsory distribution is the main core , together with which the action of share repurchase and the action of company disbandment constitute the protecting system of shareholders ' rights to dividend .