
  1. 结合EPC模式下分包商及劳务用工HSE管理方面存在的问题,对工程分包管理中的HSE控制进行了探讨。

    Combined with the problems existed in HSE management of subcontractor and contracted workforce under EPC modal , HSE control in the management of project subcontracting has been discussed .

  2. 规范劳务用工模式加强外部劳务管理

    Norm labor rent mode and strengthen the exterior labor service management

  3. 建筑劳务用工制度改革与构建和谐社会

    The Reformation of the Construction Employment System and Building a Harmonious Society

  4. 中国建筑劳务用工流动机制研究

    Research on Construction Labor Migration in China

  5. 目前建筑劳务用工制度还很不完善,存在不少影响社会和谐的问题。

    At present , there are still many problems in CES that might influence the harmonious society building .

  6. 劳务用工,是国家提倡的一种新的用工模式,是与西方的经济模式相接轨的一种尝试。

    Labor , in the country to promote a new model of employment , with the western economic mode into a try .

  7. 文章认为,万帮与民族社区在劳务用工、农业产业化、环境、文化等方面存在互动关系,企业社会责任的履行促进了民族社区自然生态和人文生态的协调发展。

    Between Wan Bang and ethnic communities , the factors of labor employment , agriculture industrialization , environmental and cultural are interaction , and the fulfillment of corporate social responsibility can promote the development of the national community of natural ecology and human ecology coordinated .

  8. 劳务派遣用工的成本优势与风险防范

    The cost superiority and risk precautions of labor dispatching-recruiting-using service

  9. 对劳务租赁用工制度的法律探讨

    Discussion on Labor Service Hiring from the Viewpoint of Law

  10. 我国劳务派遣用工存在的问题及对策分析

    Problems and Countermeasures of Outside Employment in Our Country

  11. 企业劳务派遣用工优劣势评价及规范对策研究

    Assessment on Merits and Demerits of Labor Dispatch for Enterprises and Associated Norms and Strategies

  12. 劳务派遣用工模式改进初探&以大连港集装箱码头为例

    A tentative study on labor dispatching model improvement & Taking Dalian Port Container Terminal as an example

  13. 通过对劳务派遣用工的形成原因及特点进行分析,提出加强对劳务派遣用工管理的理论依据。

    Labor Dispatch on the causes and characteristics were analyzed by the step labor dispatching management theory .

  14. 第四部分是在对问题分析的基础上,对A银行如何完善其劳务派遣用工状况提出建议。

    The fifth part is proposing some suggestions based onthe analysis of a bank to improve their labor dispatching situation .

  15. 我国劳务派遣用工模式利弊分析及规制完善

    The Research on the Pros and Cons of the Labor Dispatch Pattern and the Perfection of its Regulation in China

  16. 日本禁止如海运业、制造业、建筑业等行业不得使用劳务派遣用工模式。

    In Japan such as the maritime industry , manufacturing , construction and other industries should not use the labor dispatch .

  17. 而这些问题将直接影响用工单位采用劳务派遣用工方式的价值,降低了原本期望的用工弹性。

    These issues will directly affect the value of corporations adopting the labor dispatching , and reduce the original expectations of labor flexibility .

  18. 正是为了解决此类问题,在广电系统产生了新的用人制度&劳务派遣用工制度。

    Precisely in order to solve such problems , in the broadcasting system to produce a new personnel system-to send labor employment system .

  19. 最后,本部分分析了我国劳务派遣用工模式存在的主要问题,并分析了劳务派遣用工今后的发展趋势。

    Finally , this part analyses the main problems of labor dispatching model in China , and shows the development of labor dispatch employee in the .

  20. 该文对劳务派遣用工存在的风险问题进行分析和探讨,并提出了具体可行的风险防范对策。

    In this paper , labor dispatching of the risk had been analyzed and issues had been discussed , putting forward feasible measures of risk prevention .

  21. 接着以表格的形式对劳务派遣用工和传统用工进行了比较,分析出了企业采用劳务派遣用工模式的优势所在。

    Then , in the form of a table the labor dispatch and traditional labor dispatch are compared , it analyses the advantage of enterprise with labor dispatching model .

  22. 笔者结合所供职企业的劳务派遣用工实际写成本文,以期通过对这一群体的研究给采用技术型劳务派遣用工的企业以参考与借鉴。

    The author completes the thesis with provided actual labor dispatch of company so as to give those companies who use this kind of technology-based dispatch employee a reference to this study .

  23. 本研究成果也可为其他企业提高劳务派遣用工管理水平,改善派遣制员工就业质量,缓解劳资矛盾,促进企业在人力资源管理方面的健康可持续发展提供参考借鉴。

    The research result can also be used by other enterprises for reference to enhance the management level of labour dispatch recruitment , improve employment quality of dispatched labourer , and promote the healthy and sustainable development of human resource management of the company .

  24. 第二,本文提出劳务派遣员工用工身份的转变,改变传统企业用工方式。

    Second , this paper proposes changes of the dispatch staff employment status , and changes the traditional business and employment .

  25. 第三,通过将劳务派遣员工用工身份的转变设计为激励因素,加强劳务派遣员工对企业的向心力和凝聚力,在一定程度上促进了社会的和谐稳定,符合国家建立和谐社会的主旋律。

    Third , by strengthening the labor dispatch solidarity and cohesion , promote social harmony and stability to a certain extent .

  26. 而目前我国就业形式的严峻使得一些失业的劳动者为了得到一个工作岗位,即使在合法权益受到侵害的情况下也会选择劳务派遣这种用工形式。

    But at present our country employment form serious that some unemployed workers in order to get a job , even in the case of legitimate rights and interests have been infringed may also choose the form of labor dispatch .

  27. 劳务派遣单位和用工单位遵守劳务派遣有关规定的情况;

    The abidance by relevant regulations concerning labor dispatch by labor dispatch service providers and the accepting entities ;

  28. 劳务派遣单位和用工单位不得向被派遣劳动者收取费用。

    Dispatching units and the units to which laborers are dispatched may not charge fees to dispatched laborers .

  29. 给被派遣劳动者造成损害的,劳务派遣单位与用工单位承担连带赔偿责任。

    If harm is caused to the dispatched workers , the labor-dispatching unit and the labor-receiving unit shall bear joint and several liability for compensation .

  30. 劳务派遣单位或者用工单位与劳动者发生劳动争议的,劳务派遣单位和用工单位为共同当事人。

    Where a dispute arises between a labor dispatch entity or employer and an employee , the labor dispatch entity and employer shall be the joint party .