
  1. 加强与完善劳动保障监察制度的重要法律工具&写在《劳动保障监察条例》颁布之际

    Legal Instruments on Strenthening and Improving Labor Assurance Supervision System

  2. 试论我国劳动保障法律制度之完善

    On Improvement of China 's Labor Assurance Law

  3. 建立劳动保障监察制度

    Setting Up a Labor Security Supervision System

  4. 自1993年以来,中国逐步建立了劳动保障监察制度。

    In 1993 , China embarked on the establishment of a supervision system for labor security .

  5. 第二部分主要写目前我国劳动保障监察制度存在的问题、造成的危害及其原因进行了分析。

    The second part mainly analyses the problems of labor security supervision system , harms and formation reasons .

  6. 对此,日本采取了改进和完善女性劳动权保障制度和修改《雇佣保险法》和《男女雇佣机会均等法》等举措。

    Therefore , Japan has improved labor assurance system and revised Labor Insurance System Law and Law of Equal Rights for Men and Women .

  7. 第五部分建立适合我国国情的罪犯劳动权保障制度之构想,分析了在目前国情条件下保障罪犯劳动权应当遵循的原则和需要达到的目标。

    The fifth part is the Principles and Targets to Protect Criminals ' Labor Right in the Current National Conditions and How to Establish Suitable System to Protect Criminals ' Labor Right in our Country .

  8. 劳动保障监察制度作为劳动法基础理论研究以及劳动保障监察部门执法实践中的主要内容,是新时代各个国家依照法律授权对劳动关系进行法律规制与调整的重要方式。

    As the key component in basic theoretical research of Labor Law and law enforcement practice of labor security supervision department , labor security supervision system is a major means to carry regulation and adjustment of law towards labor relation authorized by law in each modern country .

  9. 加入WTO对中国劳动和社会保障制度的影响是全方位且是深远的。

    The impact of entry on WTO to China 's labor and social security systems is comprehensive and profound .

  10. 劳动权保障与制度重构&以农民工为视角

    Safeguarding Labor Right and Restructuring the Relevant Regime : in Perspective of Migrants

  11. 当前劳动和社会保障制度改革面临的主要问题与对策

    Reform of the Labor and Social Security System : Main Problems and Countermeasures

  12. 经过多年的探索和努力,与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的劳动和社会保障制度已初步建立。

    After years of trial and effort , a labor and social security system corresponding to the socialist market economy system is now basically in place .

  13. 针对当前和今后一段时期劳动和社会保障制度改革面临的主要问题,必须采取综合治理的应对措施,继续推进劳动和社会保障制度的稳健改革。

    As far as the main problems in the reform of the Labor and Social Security system are concerned , countermeasures of comprehensive treatment should be taken to keep it steadily on .

  14. 在我国现行的商业秘密保护背景下劳动权保障的制度存在缺陷,在实践中无法找到平衡点,因此笔者提出了的制度上的构想和理论上的建议。

    Nowadays , Chinese business secret protection and the labor rights protection system has defects , and can not find the equilibrium point in practice . Under that background , the author puts forward her own opinions about the systems and theoretical suggestions .

  15. 规划管理体制的革新和法律法规体系的构建,规划设计市场公平竞争机制的形成,社会福利和劳动保障等配套制度的建立,都是改革的重要前提。

    In addition , reforms must be built on the ideas of renovation of designing management and constructions of the system of law and regulations , formation of fair competition for the designing markets and the establishment of systems of social welfare and labor security .

  16. 劳动保障和社会保险制度建设进一步加强。

    The labor security and social insurance systems have been further strengthened .

  17. 具备人力资源管理知识,掌握劳动法规,社会保障制度。

    Be familiar with human resource management knowledge , labor law and insurance system regulation .

  18. 笔者认为,首先要对劳动关系与社会保障制度自身进行完善。

    First , we should take some methods to perfect labor relations and social security system themselves .

  19. 安置未聘人员,加强劳动就业与社会保障制度的配套建设;

    We should posit unemployees , strengen the supporting system construction of laborers , employment and social security .

  20. 政策建议部分(第五章),提出如何构建优化劳动供给的社会保障制度的对策和建议。

    The political advice part ( Chapter 5 ) gives some plan and advice on how to design a better social security system to optimize labor supply .

  21. 但由于中国土地制度、劳动制度、社会保障制度等制约,城乡二元结构不会轻易被打破。

    However , owing to the constraints of land system , labor system , the social security system , urban and rural structure will not to be broken so easily .

  22. 第一节就是关于对劳动权保障公益诉讼制度面临障碍的分析,三个方面的,立法缺失、制度的缺陷以及观念的偏颇。

    The first section analyzes the three obstacles to establishing Public Interest Litigation system , they are , lack of legislation basis , faults of current system and misunderstanding of opinions .

  23. 劳动关系与社会保障制度涉及公平与效率、初次分配与再分配等重要经济社会关系,对国民经济和社会发展产生很大影响。

    Labor relations and social security system relate to such important economic society relations as fairness and efficiency , primary assignment and redistribution . They have important influence on the national economy and the social development .

  24. 其次要完善相关配套机制,创造条件综合协调劳动关系与社会保障制度,包括加强教育和培训、加快培育完善劳动力市场、完善税收制度等。

    Secondly we should improve relevant related mechanisms , create the condition and synthesize to coordinate labor relations and social security system , including strengthening educating and training , fostering and improving labor market , improving the tax system etc.

  25. 按照《劳动和社会保障部办公厅关于推进企业劳动保障诚信制度的指导意见》,我国劳动保障诚信制度仅仅是劳动保障诚信评价和分类监管机制。

    According to " the Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security on Promoting the Enterprises Labor and Social Security Credit System ", the System is merely a credit evaluation , rating and supervision system regarding labor and social security .

  26. 美国、日本和欧盟在妇女劳动权益保障方面所采取的措施对我国妇女劳动权益保障制度的完善具有很好的启示作用。

    The measures adopted by US , Japan and European Union in the protection of women 's labor rights and interests are an enlightenment in completing women 's labor rights and interests protection system of China .

  27. 转型中的当代中国劳动监察体制:基于治理视角的一项整体性研究建立劳动保障监察制度

    Labor Inspection Regime in Transition in Contemporary China : An Integrated Research from the Perspective of Governance Setting Up a Labor Security Supervision System

  28. 本文从劳动者劳动权的保障、劳动报酬权的保障、劳动安全卫生保护权的保障等主干层面对我国劳动保障法律制度之完善进行探索。

    This paper mainly focuses the discussion on the improvement of the assurance from the respects of labor right , payment right , and sanitation and security .

  29. 要依法维护农民工劳动权益权益,必须改善我国现行户籍制度,并从立法、执法和法律援助等方面入手,完善农民工劳动权保障制度,重组农民工劳动权益保障架构。

    We should change the household registration system , the legislation and the executing the law , in order to improve security system , the reorganization of labor rights of rural migrant workers protection framework .