
  1. 收费[公用事业]劳务项目包括:投资收入、旅游、金融费用和运费。

    Service account includes investment income , tourism , financial charges , and transportation expenses .

  2. 目前,黑龙江省与俄罗斯的经贸合作主要体现在劳务、贸易、投资、科技四个方面。

    At present , the economic and trade cooperation between Heilongjiang province and Russia are reflected in four aspects that are labor , trade , investment , science and technology .

  3. 本文综述了烟台外经贸发展的历程及特点,包括进出口贸易、利用外资、对外工程承包、劳务合作及境外投资几个方面。

    This thesis summarize the course characteristic of foreign economic development in Yantai , including import-export trade , using foreign capital , foreign project contract , work cooperation abroad investment ect .