
  • 网络labor environment
  1. 铝熔铸生产的劳动环境及保护

    Environmental Protection and Labor Environment about Aluminium Alloy Melting and Casting

  2. 在法律范畴内按市场规律规范企业的行为,增强劳动关系的稳定性,创建公平合法的劳动环境。

    Act the behaviors of enterprise following the market regulation in law category , strengthen the stability of labor relation and create a fair and legal labor environment .

  3. 欧洲工人的劳动环境公认是最好的。

    The workforce is generally accepted to have the best conditions in Europe .

  4. SA8000标准是一种以保护劳动环境和劳工权利为核心内容的管理标准体系。

    SA8000 is a management system standard , the core of which is to protect the environment and labour rights .

  5. 接着我们将这些原理在劳动环境中验证。

    We then tested these principles by applying them to labor conditions .

  6. 2004年北京市大兴区工矿企业劳动环境检测结果分析

    Data Analysis of Environmental Monitoring in 2004 among Industrial and Mining Enterprises of Daxing Distract

  7. 设备操作方便,劳动环境好,材料未见叫显腐蚀。

    The device operated in a simple and environmentally friendly way and without any obvious corrosion of material .

  8. 不仅处理的工件质量稳定、表面光洁而且生产率高,改善了劳动环境。

    Work-pieces treated are with stable quality , bright surface . This line has high productivity and good working condition .

  9. 第三,构建劳动环境满意度的多元回归模型。

    Third , create the Multiple Variable Regression model according to factor of incoming and satisfaction degree of working environment .

  10. 根据煤矿生产实际,应用灰色系统理论建立了井下劳动环境聚类指标体系。

    On the basis of coal practice , grey system theory is used and classified index system is set up .

  11. 现代管理者必须正确认识人才和人才的智力潜力,提高自身素质修养,理解并遵循知识管理的基本原则,致力于建立良好的智力劳动环境,开创管理工作新局面。

    Learn and conform to the knowledge management principle , establish a fine intelligently working condition and open a new managerial situation .

  12. 该设备的自动化程度高,操作简单,维护方便,可改善工人的劳动环境。

    It has characteristics of excellent efficiency of rust removal , high automatization , easy operation and maintenance and the improvement of working condition etc.

  13. 自动控制技术的研究有利于将人类从复杂、危险、繁琐的劳动环境中解放出来并大大提高控制的效率。

    The studying of automatic control technology will help human out of complicated , dangerous and cumbersome working environment , and improve the control efficiency .

  14. 对矿用硬质合金的热处理和时效处理,通常采用喷砂工艺,为改善劳动环境,提出球磨处理技术取代喷砂,取得了明显的技术经济效。

    In order to improve working environment of hard alloy for mine , replacement of sand blasting by ball milling handling technology is put forward .

  15. 数控切割技术的使用可以大幅度的提高板材利用率,改进产品质量,改善工人的劳动环境,进一步的提高劳动效率。

    The use of CNC cutting technology can greatly improve the utilization ratio of plate , product quality , the working environment , work efficiency .

  16. 在石墨加工除尘系统的基础上,为适应塞棒加工,改造其除尘装置,以改善工人的劳动环境。

    On the basis of reform on the dusting system of graphite machining , using inserting pole processing , the work circumstance of workers are improved .

  17. 社会责任标准是一种以保护劳动环境和条件、劳工权利等为主要内容的新兴的管理标准体系。

    Social Accountability 8000 is a new management standard system which includes the protection of the working conditions , environment , the rights of labor workers , etc.

  18. 有人以为全天下有千切切万的孩子在烟草场做全职,他们袒露在年夜量的有毒的尼古丁下,在备受诅咒的劳动环境中遭刻磨折。

    Hundreds of thousands of children worldwide are thought to be working full-time on tobacco farms , suffering from toxic levels of nicotine exposure and abusive labor conditions .

  19. 为此,采用新材料取代石英砂作陶瓷磨具烧成垫砂,改善工人劳动环境,已是急需解决的课题。

    For these reasons , the new materials of replacement quartz sands as vitrified abrasives setting sands to improve working environment are badly in need for being discovered .

  20. 油田野外作业中比较常见的职业紧张因素是工作时间长、工间休息过短或缺少、不良的劳动环境和不合理的劳动制度以及社会环境矛盾。

    The common stressors are long working houres , short of working rest or even none of rest , bad labor environments , irrational labor institution and contradictory of social circumstances .

  21. 传统的以水降尘的方式降尘效果不理想,特别是对呼吸性粉尘降尘效率低,而且用水量大,恶化了工作面的劳动环境。

    But the traditional dust falling method , which depending on water , has bad effect , especially for breathing dust . Moreover , it is easy to deteriorate working environment .

  22. 结论工伤事故是由多种因素造成的,包括生产设备和防护设备本身的缺陷、劳动环境因素、劳动组织的不合理及劳动者个人因素等等。

    Conclusion Occupational injuries were caused by multiple factors including defects of equipment and protective device , work environmental factors , unreasonable organization of work , personal factors , and so on .

  23. 通过对纺织机械进行色彩规划,增强了产品的市场竞争力,并为纺织工人创造了舒适的劳动环境,提高了工作效率。

    By means of color programming for textile machinery , the market competitive power of products are raised , which creates a comfortable labouring environment for textile workers and enhances work efficiency .

  24. 而在我国,特别是一些中小企业,劳动环境很差,工人仍处在高浓度铅的暴露中,其健康危害是不容忽视的。

    But in China , especially for small enterprises , the working condition is terrible , so the healthy risk caused by exposed to high - concentration lead can 't be ignored at all .

  25. 职业教育是以培养符合职业或劳动环境所需要的技能型人才为目标的一种教育类型。

    Vocational education , as the name indicates , is a type of education which focuses its teaching on technical skills and practical arts that are compatible with the needs of the labor market .

  26. 蓝色贸易壁垒是继技术贸易壁垒和绿色贸易壁垒等非关税贸易壁垒的一种新型的贸易壁垒,它是以保护劳动者生存权利和劳动环境为借口采取的一种贸易保护措施。

    The blue trade barrier is one of the various forms of new non-tariff trade barriers , it is a trade measure which is taken on the pretext of protecting the labor right and work environment .

  27. 城市垃圾的卫生消纳和城市环境综合整治矛盾日益尘锐.成为影响城市整体功能正常发挥和城市居民生活、劳动环境的重要因素。

    The sharp contradiction between urban refuse treatment and the comprehensive renovation of urban environment has become an important factor which affects the normal development of urban overall function and inhabitants 's life and labour environment .

  28. 结论预防眼外伤的重点是:加强法制宣传,规范行为方式,增强安全生产意识,改善工作和劳动环境,加强劳动保护,穿戴劳保用品。

    Conclusion Main preventive measures against eye injuries are concluded to be giving wide publicity to the workers , regulating working behavior , intensifying safety consciousness , improving working environment and emphasizing labor protection and wearing suitable appliance .

  29. 目前,国内水轮机转轮叶片修复仍采用手工补焊、人工打磨等检修手段,工人劳动环境恶劣,劳动强度大,且检修效率低,质量差。

    At present , the means for repairing hydraulic turbine blades in our country are still manual weld and manual polish . The working condition is bad and labour intensity great for workers and overhaul efficiency low and inferior .

  30. 日前,香港一家非营利组织批评称,快时尚零售商优衣库的两家中国工厂环境危险,且工时过长。作为回应,优衣库母公司承诺,将采取措施,改善两家工厂的劳动环境。

    The parent company of fast-fashion retailer Uniqlo has vowed to take steps to improve working conditions at two Chinese factories , responding to criticism levied by a Hong Kong-based nonprofit that alleged unsafe working conditions and excessive long hours .