
  • 网络labor arbitration;Labour arbitration;labor dispute arbitration
  1. 第一部分为劳动仲裁制度概述。

    The first part is labor arbitration system is summarized .

  2. 论劳动仲裁与仲裁制度的统一

    On the Unity of Labor Arbitration and the Arbitral System

  3. 一个由3名法官组成的审判小组正在审理优步和GMB工会之间的一起劳动仲裁案件。

    This week , a panel of three men will meet in London to decide the outcome of an employment tribunal case between Uber and the GMB union .

  4. 浅议劳动仲裁与司法监督

    A Brief Discussion on Labor Arbitration and Judicial Supervision

  5. 劳动仲裁时效制度若干问题思考

    Thoughts on the Problems of Limitation of Labour Arbitration

  6. 第二,劳动仲裁的申诉和诉讼时效均是60天。

    The validity of labor arbitration is 60 days both for rebuke and lawsuit .

  7. 他建议李文迪向劳动仲裁委员会寻求帮助。

    He suggested that Li turn to a labor dispute arbitration committee for help .

  8. 论劳动仲裁时效的几个问题

    Several Points about the Prescription of Labor Arbitration

  9. 第三部分为我国劳动仲裁制度存在的问题分析。

    The third part is the our country labor arbitration problems in the system analysis .

  10. 完善劳动仲裁时效制度的构想

    Consideration for perfecting labor arbitration

  11. 今年5月,还将有一部法规生效,劳动仲裁届时将会免费,提请也更加简便。

    In May , another rule will take effect that makes labor arbitration free and even easier to initiate .

  12. 第二部分为不同国家和地区劳动仲裁制度及对我国的借鉴价值。

    The second part is different countries and regions of our country labor arbitration system and the reference value .

  13. 劳动仲裁制度只有在公正、公平、效率的价值指引之下才能有效为人民群众服务。

    The labor arbitration system can work efficiently for our people under the ethic of equality , fairness , efficiency .

  14. 劳动仲裁时效是督促权利人及时行使权利的一种法律制度。

    The limitation of labour arbitration is a kind of law system that is expected to urge obligee to exercise their rights .

  15. 不少工伤者因“已超过仲裁时效”而被拒绝在劳动仲裁大门之外,甚至工伤补偿金在裁决生效后仍然得不到执行。

    Many victims of industrial accidents are kept out of the door of labor arbitration because they are beyond the prescription of arbitration .

  16. 若协商、调解无效,可向当地人事或劳动仲裁机构申请仲裁。

    If no agreement is made , the two parties can appeal to the local personnel or labor dispute arbitration institution for arbitration ;

  17. 广东省公布,去年前11个月,劳动仲裁案件增加了160%。

    Guangdong Province reported a 160 per cent increase in the number of labour arbitration cases over the first 11 months of last year .

  18. 第二部分阐述了域外劳动仲裁法律制度与仲裁体系的建设及其对我国相关法律制度构建的启示。

    The second part describes the rule and construction of foreign labor arbitration system and its inspiration for the construction of relative law and system in China .

  19. 本文认为,完善劳动仲裁时效制度应考虑设立时效制度的意义、劳动法的立法目的、劳动争议解决体制等因素。

    Perfecting the term of labor arbitration should think about the significance of building arbitration term , legislation purpose of labor law and the system of solution for labor argument .

  20. 案件还在处理之中,劳动仲裁委员会的工作人员支持罗女士的行为。他们说,妇女因怀孕而丢失工作者有权利对当事人公司进行起诉。

    The case continues and workers at the mediation committee support Luo , saying a woman losing her job due to pregnancy has the right to bring the company to court .

  21. 在我国,劳动仲裁制度作为劳动争议机制的重要组成部分,是劳动争议处理程序中的关键环节。

    In China , labor arbitration system is one of the important parts of the labor dispute handling system and labor arbitration is the key procedure of during handling labor disputes .

  22. 我国劳动仲裁和诉讼制度并没有对缔约型集体合同争议进行规定,这表明我国集体合同争议的调整仍有进一步完善的空间。

    The labor arbitration and litigation system have not provided the dispute of concluding collective contract , which indicates that the adjustment of the collective contract dispute still needs to be improved .

  23. 因此,法律应当明确规定劳动仲裁前置原则不适用于国内船员劳务合同纠纷。

    In conclusion , the law should definitely provide that the case of dispute on domestic crew 's labor contract shall be excluded to apply to the Rule of labor arbitration be first lodged .

  24. 二是扩大劳动仲裁和民事诉讼的受案范围,对劳动者与用人单位之间产生的社会保险争议都应纳入劳动仲裁和民事诉讼的受理范围。

    Second , it need to expand scope of accepting case of labor arbitration and civil . Labor dispute committee and people court should accept all the dispute between laborer and unit about social security .

  25. 笔者做为一名当地的商事仲裁员,也曾受邀任人事仲裁员(当时叫听证员),并多次代理案件参加劳动仲裁。

    The author is a local trading arbitrator , and is also once the human affairs arbitrator received invites , ( at that time were called hearing ), and acts the case to participate in the work arbitration many times .

  26. 劳动争议仲裁委员会应当将其解聘。

    A labor dispute arbitration commission shall dismiss such an arbitrator .

  27. 劳动争议仲裁委员会无管辖权的;

    The labor-dispute arbitration commission has no jurisdiction over the dispute ;

  28. 劳动人事仲裁立法若干问题探讨

    Discussion of Some Problems on Labor and Personnel Arbitration Legislation

  29. 第二,劳动争议仲裁机构的独立问题。

    Secondly , the question is the independence of labor dispute arbitration .

  30. 劳动争议仲裁是解决劳动争议的一条重要途径。

    Labour dispute arbitration is an effective way to solve labour disputes .